Poslao: 26 Apr 2016 13:43
- Toni
- SuperModerator
- Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
- Poruke: 31311
The 61st Fighter Squadron became the second F-35A squadron at Luke Air Force Base to drop bombs when three aircraft delivered six GBU-12s at the Barry M. Goldwater Range on Apr. 25.
U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Ridge Shan
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 27 Apr 2016 14:27
- Toni
- SuperModerator
- Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
- Poruke: 31311
^^^ Tom Mekejnu ce vojska rado da vidi ledja, nema oko kojeg projekta i budzeta ne smara...
Kao sto je vec receno
Israel’s F-35 App
Israel has announced it will equip the F-35s it starts receiving this December with its own command, control, communications and computing (C4) system. The software, produced by Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), is an upgrade of an existing C4 system the Israeli air force flies on its F-15 and F-16s.
Poslao: 28 Apr 2016 11:49
- djox
- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 102003
Timeline Set For F-35I “Adir” Arrival In Israel
Citat:FighterSweep Fans, Israel has set the timeline for the first two of its Joint Strike Fighters to arrive. The pair of Lockheed Martin F-35I “Adir” fighters are currently scheduled to appear in the sky over Israel on 12 December. The next six of the aircraft will arrive in 2017.
The arrival ceremony at Nevatim Air Base near Be’er Shiva is going to be a pretty big deal. Initial plans include the presence of Israel’s national leadership and senior IDF leadership. Once the jets are parked and shut down, maintainers will apply the insignia for the first F-35I unit, known as the Golden Eagle Squadron. Then, according to the timeline, the first aircraft will be towed into a hangar to have Israel’s own command, control, communications, and computers (C4) system installed.
Poslao: 28 Apr 2016 17:33
- Toni
- SuperModerator
- Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
- Poruke: 31311
Napisano: 28 Apr 2016 17:43
Marinci hvale ALIS
Citat:“Compared to how it was originally, it’s night and day,” said another when asked about updates to the system. “The transition has been good. Every upgrade they do is easy to get ahold of, get your head around. It’s been pretty consistent as far as maintainability.”
All four men also agreed that they would recommend ALIS, or some equivalent system, for future aircraft, although they noted that logistically it would be almost impossible to retrofit such a system to existing aircraft like the F-18.
Part of the benefit of the system, the maintainers said, was the support Lockheed provides. Because ALIS is tied into Lockheed’s system, and because Lockheed contractors are integrated into the maintenance teams at Beaufort, needed parts can come quickly.
“There is a benefit to F-35 when you have a parts availability issue we can talk directly to Lockheed Martin and tell them this jet is non mission capable because of this part and they’re going to work as hard as they can to get us that part as quickly as possible,” the first maintainer said. “We can get that part in a matter of days as opposed to months.”
Another Marine compared that to the F-18, where sometimes one jet need to be “cannibalized” in order to come up with a needed part for another.
Overall, maintenance on the F-35 is “ten times easier” than on an F-18, said the first maintainer. He acknowledged that the low-observable capabilities “can slow you down at times, but it’s obviously a needed weapon system so worth the pace we have to stall on.”
Concluded a third Marine, “I am more than satisfied with it and seeing it grow and seeing it change. There’s not as much troubleshooting anymore so maintenance times are definitely up.”
Dopuna: 28 Apr 2016 18:33
Lokidova publikacija iz 2013. O Odrzavanju i prednostima nad postojecim avionima
Poslao: 29 Apr 2016 14:13
- jazbar
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 28 Dec 2009
- Poruke: 16142
- Gde živiš: Lublana
Toni ::Napisano: 28 Apr 2016 17:43
Marinci hvale ALIS
+ ++Citat:“Compared to how it was originally, it’s night and day,” said another when asked about updates to the system. “The transition has been good. Every upgrade they do is easy to get ahold of, get your head around. It’s been pretty consistent as far as maintainability.”
All four men also agreed that they would recommend ALIS, or some equivalent system, for future aircraft, although they noted that logistically it would be almost impossible to retrofit such a system to existing aircraft like the F-18.
Part of the benefit of the system, the maintainers said, was the support Lockheed provides. Because ALIS is tied into Lockheed’s system, and because Lockheed contractors are integrated into the maintenance teams at Beaufort, needed parts can come quickly.
“There is a benefit to F-35 when you have a parts availability issue we can talk directly to Lockheed Martin and tell them this jet is non mission capable because of this part and they’re going to work as hard as they can to get us that part as quickly as possible,” the first maintainer said. “We can get that part in a matter of days as opposed to months.”
Another Marine compared that to the F-18, where sometimes one jet need to be “cannibalized” in order to come up with a needed part for another.
Overall, maintenance on the F-35 is “ten times easier” than on an F-18, said the first maintainer. He acknowledged that the low-observable capabilities “can slow you down at times, but it’s obviously a needed weapon system so worth the pace we have to stall on.”
Concluded a third Marine, “I am more than satisfied with it and seeing it grow and seeing it change. There’s not as much troubleshooting anymore so maintenance times are definitely up.”
Dopuna: 28 Apr 2016 18:33
Lokidova publikacija iz 2013. O Odrzavanju i prednostima nad postojecim avionima
Mnogo je lakše snabdevanje delovima modela aviona koji je u punoj produkciji nego aviona koji nije.
Poslao: 30 Apr 2016 19:10
- Pridružio: 26 Okt 2011
- Poruke: 1232
Oce li biti Ford prvi opremljeni nosac sa F35 ili planiraju da ga uvedu prije na Nimitz klasu..?
Poslao: 02 Maj 2016 23:10
- 4channer
- Počasni građanin
- Pridružio: 14 Jan 2012
- Poruke: 858
Нови проблем, пет ловаца Ф-35 није успело да полети
понедељак, 02. мај 2016, 13:37 -> 13:41 Извор: РТС, Флајтглобал
Само један од ексадриле од шест ловаца Ф-35 успео је да се вине на небо током последњих вежби. Најновији проблем је софтверске природе.
Најсофистициранији и најскупљи ратни авион у историји, чини се да је уклет проблемима, од механичких и електронских до софтверских. На последњој вежби само један од шест Ф-35 успео је да се одвоји од писте, пренео је Флајтглобал.
Детаље неуспеле вежбе, која је требало да буде изведена изнад базе Маунтин хоум у Ајдаху, Конгресу је представио Мајкл Гилмор, главни испитивач оружаних система у Пентагону.
Упркос софтверским проблемима, америчка ваздухопловна команда прогласиће Ф-35 крајем године борбено спремним.
Гилмор је истакао да су проблеми настали током „покретања система који је захтевао потпуно гашење и ресетовање електронике у авиону“. То је, према његовим речима, симптом софтверског проблема.
Након 15 година развоја и милијарди уложених долара, софтверски, али и други проблеми, и даље муче Ф-35.