F-35 Joint Strike Fighter


F-35 Joint Strike Fighter

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102003

Holandjani posli nazad...

Citat:Dutch F35's just arrived at the East coast of the US. Safe trip back home to Edwards

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  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102003

Lockheed Goes on the Offensive in Canada’s F-35 Debate

Arrow http://www.defensenews.com/story/defense/2016/06/1...../85946166/

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102003

Izraelci stizu sledeceg meseca na obuku
Israeli Fighter Pilots Head to US for F-35 Training

Arrow http://www.defensenews.com/story/defense/training-...../85973202/

  • Pridružio: 04 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 516

djox ::^^Evo i slika koje sam dobio sa te manifestacije Very Happy
Leeuwarden Air Show-2016

Air show u cast dolaska novih aviona izveden je i iznad centra Rotterdama. Jedan F-35 u pratnji jednog F-16 se provozao iznad strogog centra grada. Ono sto me je iznenadilo je to da se ta dva aviona nisu uopste cula a leteli su na visini od 400 metara. Prodje me nostalgija pa se pitam kad ce iznad Beograda da se sepuri nova eskadrila MIG-ova. Gradjanima su to nekoliko dana na TV-u najavljivali ali nisu bili uopste zainteresovani sem par amerikanaca koji su sa divljenjem posmatrali let sa setalista pored reke Mass.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102003

Prvi za izraelce za neki dan
As 10-year war anniversary nears, Israel to receive new stealth fighter jets
Citat:On Wednesday, the IAF will move a step closer to deploying the F-35 Lightning II, one of the world’s most advanced stealth fighter jets, when the first of its fifth-generation warplanes is officially rolled out by manufacturer Lockheed Martin.
Arrow http://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/The-F-35-is-about.....ies-457186

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31311

Novi 3I softver radi bez problema na testiranju, blizi se proglasenje IOC za F-35A

F-35 Software Runs Smoothly During Mountain Home Deployment

Citat:The program office implemented a fix the following month, and pilots and maintainers who operated the plane during the June deployment at Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho, said software bugs no longer seemed to be an issue.

"We cleared 88 of 88 sorties, and we were on time for 100 percent of those sorties for the large force exercises,” Maj. Brad Matherne, an F-35A pilot from the 34th Fighter Squadron, told reporters during a June 21 conference call. “We had zero losses due to any software stability issues that were previously out there.”

Seven F-35As and a total of 160 pilots, maintainers and other personnel from Hill Air Force Base, Utah, were sent to Mountain Home ahead of the F-35A’s initial operational capability, which could come as early as August. The deployment, which took place June 6-17, proved that the aircraft could successfully operate away from its home base against a variety of threats, said Col. David Lyons, commander 388th Fighter Wing and an F-35A pilot.

For the deployment, jets were outfitted with the latest version of the software, 3ib6.21, Matherne said. He said that no shutdowns occurred on the ground or in flight due to software glitches.

"To my knowledge, we did not have any degradations due to software instability,” he said. “From a mission systems and tactical employment, we met all of our tactical objectives, which would have been very difficult if that software was an issue, which it was not."

Spare F-35s were used twice due to minor hardware problems that kept jets grounded during takeoff, said Capt. Richard Palz, officer in charge of the 34th Aircraft Maintenance Unit. In one incident, an internal battery failed and had to be removed and replaced. During the second event, the plane’s initial navigation system failed, necessitating maintenance.

“We were able to make on-time takeoffs to be a part of the mission and do what we needed to do,” he said. "Those are minor problems that you experience with any sort of aviation operation, and I was very, very impressed with the airplane from a reliability and stability perspective,” he said.

Col. David Smith, commander of 419th Fighter Wing and currently an F-16 pilot, noted the two F-35 ground aborts are actually an improvement when compared to the failure rates of the F-16 and other 4th-generation aircraft.


  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102003

Predstavljen prvi za izraelce
Lockheed Martin and Israel Celebrate Rollout of Israel’s First F-35 ‘Adir’
Arrow https://www.f35.com/news/detail/lockheed-martin-an.....-f-35-adir
Arrow https://theaviationist.com/2016/06/22/lockheed-mar.....irst-f-35/

Arrow https://twitter.com/iafsite
Arrow http://defence-blog.com/news/lockheed-martin-prese.....ghter.html

  • Toni  Male
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  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31311

Nastavak na moju prethodnu poruku

F-35 Passes Deployment Test

Citat:The commander of the first combat F-35A unit said Tuesday the jet did well at its “graduation” deployment test, and that he’ll be able to recommend declaring it ready for initial operational capability “very soon.” Col. David Lyons, commander of the 388th Fighter Wing at Hill AFB, Utah, said a June 6-17 deployment of seven F-35As to Mountain Home AFB, Idaho, “proved” the fighter can deploy, operate, and fight. During the evaluation, the Autonomic Logistics and Information System (ALIS), “performed the way it was supposed to,” and he reported “zero” problems with the jet’s 3i software, with no need to reboot it. “We flew 88 of 88 scheduled sorties,” Lyons said, flying both alongside and against F-16s and F-15Es in a variety of scenarios against a representative heavy air defense system. The F-35s flew close air support, suppression and destruction of enemy air defenses, and overall scored hits with 39 of 40 GBU-12 and GBU-31 inert bombs—one miss was due to a hardware problem with the bomb—while achieving a 92.3 percent mission capable rate. Lyons said he sees no problem with declaring IOC “on time,” even though there are still a few blocks yet to check, such as an eight-ship generation and some pilot certification. “Then we’ll be ready to make the recommendation,” Lyons said, although declaring IOC is the purview of Air Combat Command chief Gen. Hawk Carlisle, and Lyons said there may be “programmatic” considerations that could affect the timing. Asked if he thinks the jet is ready for combat, Lyons said, “yes"


  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102003

Izraelci hoce jos 17 F-35
More F-35 orders remain on horizon for Israel
Citat:The Israeli Air Force’s chief of staff has recommended the purchase of an additional 17 F-35 Joint Strike Fighter aircraft, but that decision is pending authorisation from the Israeli government.
Arrow https://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/more-f-.....el-426609/

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