F-35 Joint Strike Fighter


F-35 Joint Strike Fighter

  • 13892 
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 15 Jun 2009
  • Poruke: 1483

miodrag2 ::
Sto se tice F-22, ne mislim da su problemi kod njega reseni. Kao i kod F-18, doslo je do promene u obuci pilota. Smanjenje broja prikazanih ciljeva, i ostavljanje elektronici da odredjuje prioritetne umesto samih pilota, dovodi pilota u situaciju da ne moze da bira kakve ce takticke postupke primeniti. Umesto prednosti, tehnika postaje slabost.

Tačno je da elektronika vrši izbor ciljeva ali je isto tako tačno da pilot može ako se ne slaže sa priloženom listom da je izmeni. Uzgred i kod novijih ruskih aviona kompjuter donosi pojedine odluke umesto pilota pa ne vidim da se ljudi previse žale na to. Deo iz teksta koji opisuje kako je automatsko upravljanje rešeno kod Rusa:

У пракси то значи да улога пилота постаје неприметнија, тј. компјутер одлучује којом брзином и у којим режимима ће се авион приближавати циљу и у ком тренутку ће дозволити пилоту да примени оружје. Човек не може да донесе ниједну погрешну одлуку, јер му компјутер једноставно онемогућава управљање и указује му где је погрешио. Део сложених акробатских режима обавља искључиво компјутер. Он води рачуна и о томе како се пилот осећа. Ако пилот из било ког разлога није способан да управља летелицом, компјутер ће га аутоматски катапултирати.

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Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2007
  • Poruke: 13918

miodrag2 ::Radar i informacije prikazane sa njega je tu jos najmanji problem.

Zivi bili pa videli, meni se cini da je ruski pristup ovde prakticniji, i efikasniji.

Efikasnije je po njihov budžet i u pogledu nadogradnje i izmena obuke pilota. Amerikanci će potrošiti više para. Uostalom imaju bogatije klijente i veći budžet. Kad se nešto pokaže kao kvalitet, sami Rusi će to usvojiti.

Svojevremeno je problem bila digitalizacija i uvek su nove generacije nekako nakrivo nasađenje po merama starih. Samo što se te nove generacije ne rađaju da bi služile u vremnu prošlom, već aktuelnom itd.

Sve će se to dovesti u red s vremenom, na bazi iskustva i rada.

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31428

Citat:David “Chip” Berke, a retired US Marine Corps Lt. Col. who flew F-18s off aircraft carriers, the F-22 Raptor, and became an F-35 squadron commander who helped write the book on F-35 tactics, said the new pilots represent the first batch of true fifth-generation fighters.

“Guys like me and everyone who’s ever transitioned” from flying a legacy airplane like an F-16, F-15, or F-18, are “always going to bring forward some habits,” from the old jet, said Berke. “A lot of those habits are going to be wrong.”

Berke often likens the gap between an F-18 and an F-35 to the gap between a wall phone and an iPhone, in that the F-35 represents such a game change that it takes some figuring out just how to use the fundamentally different set of capabilities.

Just as an aging generation is struggling with adapting to iPhones and giving up old habits, legacy pilots also carry outdated habits with them to the F-35, severely limiting their performance, according to Berke.

“They’re going to be the best, most effective tacticians,” Berke said of the new generation of pilots. Legacy pilots are “never going to be as good as them,” said Berke.

For once, the F-35 will get an objective viewing by pilots not biased towards old school fighter jets.

“Every single thing everyone has ever said that’s a limitation of the F-35 has been wrong,” said Berke, who explained “they don’t understand the airplane.”

“They take this template they used in the past” to judge the F-35, Berke said. This leads to heated debates about thrust-to-weight ratios, wing loading, and other complicated metrics used to judge fighter performance.

But according to Berke, people who try to judge the F-35 by say, an F-14’s standards, are “wrong all the time.”

“The biggest limitation for the F-35 is that pilots are not familiar with how to fly it. They try to fly the F-35 like their old airplane,” Berke said.

With a new generation of pilots who bring a fresh, unencumbered look to the F-35, it looks as though the students are set to become the teachers.

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  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31428

Ugovor za poseban Block 3F+ za Izrael

Citat:The USD147.96 million contract modification was announced by the US Department of Defense (DoD) on 2 February, and is set to run through to December 2021.

“The contract provides for the procurement of Israel-unique weapons certification, modification kits, and electronic warfare analysis in support of the F-35 Israel system design and development (SDD) to provide [Block] 3F+ fleet capability for the government of Israel under the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) programme,” the DoD notification said.

While the contract does not note the specific nature of the Israeli-unique systems to be delivered for the F-35 (named Adir in national service), according to Jane’s All the World’s Aircraft: In Development and Production the aircraft will feature a plug-and-play feature added to the main computer that facilitates use of Israeli-designed electronic equipment and weaponry. This will permit Israel to employ its own external jamming pod and also allow internal carriage of indigenous air-to-air missiles and guided munitions.

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  • Pridružio: 23 Sep 2009
  • Poruke: 889

Toni ::Citat:David “Chip” Berke, a retired US Marine Corps Lt. Col. who flew F-18s off aircraft carriers, the F-22 Raptor, and became an F-35 squadron commander who helped write the book on F-35 tactics, said the new pilots represent the first batch of true fifth-generation fighters.

“Guys like me and everyone who’s ever transitioned” from flying a legacy airplane like an F-16, F-15, or F-18, are “always going to bring forward some habits,” from the old jet, said Berke. “A lot of those habits are going to be wrong.”

Berke often likens the gap between an F-18 and an F-35 to the gap between a wall phone and an iPhone, in that the F-35 represents such a game change that it takes some figuring out just how to use the fundamentally different set of capabilities.

Just as an aging generation is struggling with adapting to iPhones and giving up old habits, legacy pilots also carry outdated habits with them to the F-35, severely limiting their performance, according to Berke.

“They’re going to be the best, most effective tacticians,” Berke said of the new generation of pilots. Legacy pilots are “never going to be as good as them,” said Berke.

For once, the F-35 will get an objective viewing by pilots not biased towards old school fighter jets.

“Every single thing everyone has ever said that’s a limitation of the F-35 has been wrong,” said Berke, who explained “they don’t understand the airplane.”

“They take this template they used in the past” to judge the F-35, Berke said. This leads to heated debates about thrust-to-weight ratios, wing loading, and other complicated metrics used to judge fighter performance.

But according to Berke, people who try to judge the F-35 by say, an F-14’s standards, are “wrong all the time.”

“The biggest limitation for the F-35 is that pilots are not familiar with how to fly it. They try to fly the F-35 like their old airplane,” Berke said.

With a new generation of pilots who bring a fresh, unencumbered look to the F-35, it looks as though the students are set to become the teachers.

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Pricali su mnogo toga oni i ranije, vrlo slicno ovome, za neke druge generacije aviona koje su uvodili. Pa su cak to i probali da sprovedu u delo. Pa su se posle toga opet vracali nazad, vracali topove na pojedine avione, i pravili nove skole za obuku pilota u vestinama koje su zbog prevelikog poverenja u tehniku izgubili. Jer su shvatili da ih indijanci sa zastarelim avionima mlate kao praznu slamu.

Da je revolucija u bilo cemu dobra, i priorda bi tako funkcionisala, ne bi u njoj bila prirodna evolucija.

Zivi bili pa videli, mozda ce stvarno ti novi piloti napisati nova pravila ratovanja. Mada, sve sto sam ja do sada video je uglavnom bilo prezvakjavanje starog, odnosno prepakovanje istog za upotrebu u novom vremenu sa novom tehnologijom.

Recimo, meni je nekako u glavi da ce borbeni helikopter u nekom trenutku dobiti ulogu koju je imao tenk u WWII. Problem (u stvari sreca) je sto nema rata dovoljno velikih razmera da tu moju tezu i dokaze. I taktika ce ponovo biti ista, promenice se dimenzija u kojojk je primenjena.

  • član biblioteke
  • Pridružio: 18 Jul 2007
  • Poruke: 28836
  • Gde živiš: iznad smoga Beograda

Toni :: In Development and Production the aircraft will feature a plug-and-play feature added to the main computer that facilitates use of Israeli-designed electronic equipment and weaponry. This will permit Israel to employ its own external jamming pod and also allow internal carriage of indigenous air-to-air missiles and guided munitions.
Znači isterali svoje. Kauboji su morali da naprave veliki ustupak.

  • Pridružio: 29 Jun 2009
  • Poruke: 3520

Па наравно да је ф-35 квантни скок у електроници...али па електроника је уопште квантно скочила...па јбт какви су само телефони били кад су прављени ф-16 и ф15...а сад мој само питам нешто и излистами шта хоћу...додуше погледају на улици да ли сам луд мало и то ј то Mr. Green

Не видим поенту толко самобустовања код њих..па наравно да је све то и за очекивати јер је толка технолошка разлика...али исто је толико скочила и остала електроника...укључујући и ону у дефанзиви Wink
И све што може напад може и одбрана и интеграцију и све остало...па и да омета све и гпс и њихове линкове...

Код мене је поента само...дал за четвр милијарде добијеш адекватну ствар...или су се превеслали покушавајући све то да накарабуџе и зипују Mr. Green у мало паковање...

  • Pridružio: 06 Maj 2013
  • Poruke: 745

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31428


Airman 1st Class Landon Overshiner, 33rd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron crew chief, cleans the top of an F-35A Lightning II, Jan. 8, 2018, at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Peter Thompson)

  • RJ 
  • SuperModerator
  • Gavrilo Milentijević
  • Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 36097
  • Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet

Grčko-Jermenski lobi u SAD izvršiće pritisak na američke senatore kako bi sprečili prodaju F-35 turskoj i Erdoganovom režimu

Greek and Armenian Americans press U.S. Senators to block F-35 sale to Turkey

The Hellenic American Leadership Council (HALC) and the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) have launched a national advocacy campaign encouraging U.S. Senators to block a planned sale of U.S. F-35 stealth fighters to Turkey’s increasingly erratic and anti-American Erdogan regime.

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