F-35 Joint Strike Fighter


F-35 Joint Strike Fighter

  • Pridružio: 26 Okt 2011
  • Poruke: 1232

Napisano: 13 Feb 2018 16:48

45 F35A su predvidjeni FY19.

Dopuna: 13 Feb 2018 16:59

Manje brojke nego sto je predvidjeno Obaminom planom ali treba uzeti u obzir da narucuju 110 novih F18SuperHorneta koji im kostaju oko 19M dolara

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  • Aleksandar
  • Pridružio: 30 Okt 2012
  • Poruke: 898
  • Gde živiš: Kraljevo

Ja bih samo da prokomentarisem fotografije pada izraelskog f-16..
meni nesto to ne lici na ostatke tog aviona, da to nije slucajno ova nova ptica

necu da paranoisem, ali razmislite i prodetaljisite te fotke, na kojima je avion istopljen, e sad ne znam kako gori kompozit na f-35 ali znam da aluminijum sa f16 tako ne gori...
mislite o tome ?

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31428

Mislimo, i vidimo da je to F-16 Sufa, lepo se vidi nos

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102902

Capability jump: IAF looks to buy fifth-generation F-35 fighter
Citat:It is learnt the IAF wants to procure 126 of the variant called F-35A - the air force version of the fighter that incorporates "conventional take-off and landing"
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  • Pridružio: 26 Okt 2011
  • Poruke: 1232

djox ::Indijci
Capability jump: IAF looks to buy fifth-generation F-35 fighter
Citat:It is learnt the IAF wants to procure 126 of the variant called F-35A - the air force version of the fighter that incorporates "conventional take-off and landing"
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Dok Ameri i Rusi pokusaju da drze što manji broj tipa letelica zarad logistike ovi kontra sve.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102902

Kadena AB

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  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31428

Citat:A U.S. Air Force F-35A Lightning II assigned to the 34th Fighter Squadron, Hill Air Force Base, Utah, sits on the flightline at Yokota Air Base, Japan, Feb. 9, 2018, in support of the vice president's visit to Japan. The F-35A is deployed under the U.S. Pacific Command’s Theater Security Package program, which has been in operation since 2004. This long-planned deployment demonstrates the continuing U.S. commitment to stability and security in the region. (U.S. Air Force photo by Yasuo Osakabe)

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31428

Sve tri verzije na testiranju na Aljasci

Citat:Due to its location, Eielson will be one of the harshest environments in which the aircraft will be stationed. It also makes it an ideal location for testing the F-35 in a cold weather environment for this pre-Initial Operational Testing & Evaluation (IOT&E) test event. The F-35 IOT&E, which is scheduled to formally start in the fall of 2018, will inform the warfighter and Congress on the aircraft’s overall effectiveness to conduct designed missions and the suitability of the weapon system. Additional pre-IOT&E test events will be permitted in coming months, before all necessary test readiness entrance criteria for the formal start of IOT&E are met in the fall of 2018. These additional events include mission scenarios for strike coordination and reconnaissance, aerial reconnaissance and close air support, along with weapons testing.

“We’re here at Eielson to prove the capability of the aircraft to operate under extreme conditions of cold weather,” said Behler, a former experimental test pilot who flew more than 65 aircraft types. “Being here and showing the aircraft’s ability to operate in this environment will tell a lot of people we have a credible weapon system.”

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  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102902

15-ti za RAF
First flight of 15th British F-35B takes place
Citat:The 15th F-35B for the UK, ZM149, has flown from Lockheed Martin’s Fort Worth facility for a test flight.
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  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31428

Norveski, unikatni, sa kocecim padorbanom.

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