Poslao: 01 Feb 2019 11:11
- dragon986
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 02 Jun 2013
- Poruke: 3904
Ne bih rekoa da je cena odigrala glavnu ulogu već lobi Airbusa. I ostali činioci. Posedovanje već iste letelice, logistika već postoji, jednostavnija preobuka pilota itd.
Osim ako nas sve ne iznenade pa izaberu Horneta, mada za to po meni šanse su 1 posto.
Poslao: 01 Feb 2019 11:29
- djox
- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 102160
Britanci vagaju,nema para
Лондон может отказаться от покупки истребителей F-35 из-за нехватки средств
Citat:Великобритания может отказаться от планов по закупке истребителей F-35 Lightning II американского производства из-за дефицита финансирования в размере 7 млрд фунтов старлингов ($9,2 млрд), который в течение следующих 10 лет может увеличиться в два раза. Речь идет о программе, согласно которой в течение ближайшего десятилетия в Великобританию должны быть поставлены 138 таких самолетов.
Poslao: 01 Feb 2019 12:21
- Cigi
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 05 Jan 2011
- Poruke: 2880
- Gde živiš: Novo mesto
Bad data in F-35 logistics system resulting in lost missions
Citat:And during deployments on ships or in austere locations, this complexity makes it difficult to set up ALIS and begin flying.
“Often, the timeframe to start flight operation is longer than that with legacy aircraft,” the report notes.
This plays into a third problem: a lack of confidence in ALIS that leads those who work with the system to develop other ways of managing data that ALIS was developed to track.
Troubles with the ALIS system have been documented extensively by DOT&E and other sources in previous years.
During a May 2018 visit to Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, S.C., which has some of the lowest mission capable rates across the F-35 enterprise, one maintainer told Defense News that ALIS sometimes reports that certain F-35 parts will take several years to arrive. Then, it’s up to maintainers to make the phone calls needed to see whether that can be expedited.
Ponekad ALIS da podatak, da će poneki deo dobiti godinama....
Citat:Durability testing shows that early versions of the Marine Corps’ F-35B short takeoff and vertical landing jet may last as little as 2,100 flight hours — about a quarter of the expected service life of 8,000 hours. This means that certain B models could end up being retired as early as 2026—only about a decade after the jet was declared initially operational. This issue, first reported by Bloomberg, was also detailed at length by The War Zone.
• DOT&E considers the accuracy of the F-35A’s internal gun to be unacceptable and not in line with contract specifications.
Rane verzije F-25, će izdržat četvrtinu, t.j. oko 2.100 sati. I idu van 2026 godine.
Top još ne radi.
Poslao: 01 Feb 2019 14:37
- zdrebac
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 13 Jan 2012
- Poruke: 2837
dragon986 ::Ne bih rekoa da je cena odigrala glavnu ulogu već lobi Airbusa. I ostali činioci. Posedovanje već iste letelice, logistika već postoji, jednostavnija preobuka pilota itd.
Osim ako nas sve ne iznenade pa izaberu Horneta, mada za to po meni šanse su 1 posto.
kad su nemci prvi put poceli da pominju F35 pocetkom prosle godine, citao sam u nekim novinama da su politicari rekli onom generalu sto im vodi avijaciju (Karl Mullner) da ako jos jednom pomene F35 dobice otkaz bez pardona jer se ne razume u finansije i politiku.
Poslao: 01 Feb 2019 14:39
- dragon986
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 02 Jun 2013
- Poruke: 3904
Pa verovatno bi isto bilo i da je neki amerikanac pomenuo EF-2000 kao alternativu za neki novi avion. To je normalno što stvar nacionalnog prestiža lobija politike pa i finansija.