F-35 Joint Strike Fighter


F-35 Joint Strike Fighter

  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2007
  • Poruke: 13918

Ne dovodim u pitanje F-35 kao bombarder. Premašiće F-16 po svemu.

Kad završe softver i postane operativan, pored manje raspoloživosti i više sati održavanja, krenuće hvalospevi čim prvi pilot sam u realnom vremenu eliminišeneku pretnju. Onda će krenuti poređenja tipa koliko im je naleta i sati trebalo nekad da eliminišu neke pretnje, a koliko sa F-35. Mogli su imati i jare i pare.

Naravno da je primenjen "lifting body" koncept. Jači potisak mu može dati veći dolet, efikasniju potrošnju itd. Samo se sila gravitacije ne da baš tako pobediti sa stanovišta supermanevarbilnosti (ako valja prevod), jer to nije raketa. Very Happy

Karlo mi je prvi put ispao subjektivan kad je Tajfun i Rafal proglasio limunima.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 02 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 290

Lunar Module ::Ha vidi, meni za F-35A, 50% fuel, A2A prema tablici ispada 1,078 za 43.000 lb thrust koji se češće spominje (ne znam zašto). Također analiza sa 0 lit. goriva je naravno samo teorijska...

Možemo tako rezati dlaku do sutra no poanta je da u T:W F-35A sasvim dobar, tim više što on može u toj konfiguraciji i letjeti dok F-16 je u praksi nezamisliv bez barem podtrupnog spremnika goriva.

I naravno da je to samo T:W dok ubrzanja u pojedinom profilu leta ne znamo a to je bitno. Za vjerovati je da do 0,8 Mach F-35 ide razmjerno dinamično, za prelaz kroz transonično znamo da ima problema, itd...

Ovo me podseća na onu situaciju kada sin dobije tri plus ili 4 minus na kontrolnom a otac mu kaže "Bravo! Super si!".
Nije super. U najboljem slučaju prosečno za avion koji treba da dugo nadživi F-16C i da se poredi sa avionima tipa EF-2000 i Su-35.

Ali pošto ja volim da teram mak na konac evo i detaljnije analize.
Zahvaljujući braći Grcima imamo ovaj manual za F-16C:

Od strane A1-3 imamo sledeće informacije:

F-16C 20168 - avion potpuno opremljen sa uljem, gorivom koje nije potrošeno, pilotom itd.
Ammo 20mm 287
LANTRIN pylon 42
LAU129 + adapter 113 x 2
LAU129 + 10 x 2 masa aviona je sa lanserima za Aim-9 pa sam samo dodao po 10lb na to za LAU129
AIM-120C 335 x 4

Fuel 7116 / 2

Sve u lb što kada saberemo daje 26194 lb ili 11881,4 kg

Za F100-PW-229 imamo F100-PW-229 29,160 pounds (129.7 kN)

Ovo daje 10.916 N/kg ili ako podelimo sa 9.81 N/kg T/W od 1.113

Isti račun za F-35A

F-35 29300
AIM-120C 335 x 4
nosač za rakete 87 x 2 potreban za onaj nosač predvidjen za bombe.
Ammo 287

Fuel 18250 / 2

Total 40226 x 0,4536 = 18246,5 kg

F135-100 ima max potisak od 43000lbs 191.3kN

10.484 N/kg T/W 1.069

E sad treba obratiti pažnju na to šta znači prazan avion po šturoj specifikaciji proizvođača. Za F-16C se svugde po netu pominje cifra od 18900lb za prazan ali u praksi kada se dodaju ulje zaostalo gorivo, pilot itd. ta masa dostiže 20168lb dakle oko 1250lb više.
Ako tu masu dodamo na ukupnu masu F-35 dobijamo T/W od 1.036
Ne kažem da je to slučaj ali lako može da se desi da jeste.

Otpor F-35 sa oružijem u spremniku jeste manji ali dogfight se ne vodi sa Aim-120 nego sa Aim-9X koje moraju da budu napolju.
Što se doleta tiče on kod F-16 jeste manji ali onda je besmisleno porediti i F-16 i F-15 ili treba porediti F-35A sa F-15E npr. gde bi rezultati bili takodje porazni.

I brza računica za EF-2000

Prazan 11000+800 kg da bude opremljen
Gorivo 2500 kg
Aim-120 610kg+100 na lansere mada je to kod njega ugradjeno
Municija za top 150kg

Total 15160kg

EJ-200 2 x 90kN

Lagano T/W od 1.21

@ mean
Što se tiče povećanja potiska kod F135... pa srećno sa tim sa onim malim usnicima. To se baš lepo vidi u poredjenju sa F-18SH na slici koju si okačio.

Zar GE F136 motor za F-35 nije definitivno ubijen još odavno?

  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 12617

Futurama ::

@ mean
Što se tiče povećanja potiska kod F135... pa srećno sa tim sa onim malim usnicima. To se baš lepo vidi u poredjenju sa F-18SH na slici koju si okačio.

Zar GE F136 motor za F-35 nije definitivno ubijen još odavno?

Usisnici su projektovani za nesto veci potisak, npr unapredjeni F135 ce imati 7% veci potisak i to zbog novog ventilatora.

Znatno veci potisak se moze ostvariti jedino novim tipom motora koji GE razvija, F136 je bio klasican turbovent motor, nadali su se da USAF nece dozvoliti monopol pa ce da ulozi pare u F136 koji bi mozda bio nesto bolji od F135. I izduvali su.

E onda su obrisali prasinu sa projekta YF120 i krenuli da rade uvecanu varijantu tog motora. I imaju ozbiljnu prednost nad P&W jer P&W ne moze da izvuce znatno vise od 7% iz F135 zbog usisnika, dok taj problem novi GE motor nema.

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31488

Trial by Flag' for new F-35A pilots

Citat:“Going from F-35 training a little over a month ago to a large force exercise with dozens of aircraft in the sky is pretty crazy,” Moores said. “For the initial part of the first mission, I was just kind of sitting there listening. I was nervous. I was excited. Then the training kicked in.”

Red Flag is the Air Force’s premier combat training exercise where units from across the Department of Defense join with allied nations in a “blue force” to combat a “red force” in a variety of challenging scenarios over three weeks.

“For us, the biggest difference between this Red Flag and our first with the F-35A two years ago is that we have a lot of pilots on their first assignment,” said Lt. Col. Yosef Morris, 4th FS commander. “Putting them alongside more experienced wingmen is what Red Flag was designed for.”

Combat training has changed dramatically over the years, Morris said.

“When I was a young pilot in the F-16, I had a couple of responsibilities in the cockpit. One, don’t lose sight of my flight lead. Two, keep track of a bunch of green blips on a small screen in front of me, and correlate the blips to what someone is telling me on the radio,” Morris said. “Now, we’re flying miles apart and interpreting and sharing information the jets gather, building a threat and target picture. We’re asking way more of young wingmen, but we’re able to do that because of their training and the capabilities of the jet.”

Capt. James Rosenau flew the A-10 in four previous Red Flags, but he’s brand new to flying the F-35. He graduated from the transition course in December 2018.

“I loved the A-10 and its mission. It’s like a flying tank. Like Chewbacca with chainsaw arms. A very raw flying experience,” Rosenau said. “Obviously the F-35 is completely different. It’s more like a precision tool. After seeing the F-35 go up against the near-peer threats replicated here at Nellis (AFB), I’m a big believer.”

The two aircraft are similar in one way. They do very specific things other aircraft aren’t asked to do.

“In the A-10, I liked being the guy who was called upon to directly support troops on the ground. To bring that fight to the enemy,” Rosenau said. “Now I like being the guy who can support legacy fighters when they may be struggling to get into a target area because of the threat level. We have more freedom to operate. We have this big radar that can sniff out threats. We can gather all of that and pass it along or potentially take out those threats ourselves.”

The threat level is high at Red Flag. From the skill and size of the aggressor forces in the air to the complexity and diversity of the surface to air threats, there is a real sense of the ‘fog and friction’ of war. The adversary force also uses space and cyber warfare to take out or limit technology that modern warfighters rely on. Cutting through the clutter is a strength of the F-35A.

“One of the jet’s greatest assets is to see things that others can’t, take all the information it’s gathering from the sensors and present them to the pilot,” Moores said. “One of our biggest jobs is learning how to process and prioritize that. For the more experienced pilots it seems like it is second nature. … If we don’t, it’s not like we’re getting killed (in the F-35), but we could be doing more killing.”

The pilots say seeing the F-35A’s capabilities being put to use as part of a larger force has been invaluable.

“When we mission plan with other units, it’s not always about kicking down the door,” Rosenau said. “It may be about looking at what the enemy is presenting and ‘thinking skinny.’ With the F-35, we can think through a mission and choose how we want to attack it to make everyone more survivable.”

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  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31488

Pregovori za Lot 15, 16, 17

Citat:The US Department of Defense with the F-35 Joint Program Office (JPO) is starting negotiations with aircraft manufacturer Lockheed Martin concerning multiple contracts in which 485 F-35 Lightning IIs are involved.

The US DoD announced this in a notice on 13 February 2019. A bargain for building Lot 15, 16 and 17 aircraft started that must lead to a contract in Q3 of 2021. It is expected that the US DoD will pay less than USD 80 million for one F-35A by 2020 (current Lot 11 aircraft - built in 2019 - cost USD 89,2 million). The three Lots include:

Lot 15 - 169 aircraft:
116x F-35A, 29x F-35B, and 24x F-35C

Lot 16 - 157 aircraft:
101x F-35A, 32x F-35B, and 24x F-35C

Lot 17 - 159 aircraft:
98x F-35A, 37x F-35B, and 24 F-35C

The US DoD notice did not itemized the individual customers, but the JPO gave a broad summary of the possible order. The US Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps would together acquire 295 aircraft; development partners would acquire 143x F-35A/Bs; and foreign military sales would account for the remaining 47x F-35A/Bs. In this expected upcoming order, no new F-35 customers are included.

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  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 12617

Au bre u jednom lotu sto se tice F-35A vise nego sto Rusi imaju Su-35.

  • Pridružio: 26 Okt 2011
  • Poruke: 1232

mean_machine ::Au bre u jednom lotu sto se tice F-35A vise nego sto Rusi imaju Su-35.

Ako odluce da kupe F15X e to je pandan Suskoj i to kakav.

A sto se tice proizvodnih pogona Lockheed tu vjerovatno ima mogucnost da stanca godisnje vise nego Sukoi i Mig zajedno.

Mada da ne prizivamo djava i da pokrenemo koju raspravu bolje da sutimo.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 103338

Prvo tankanje sa KC-46

Citat:KC-46 refuels the F-35 for the first time
The KC-46 has refueled the F-35 in mid-air for the first time on Jan. 22. The tanker was assigned to the 418th Flight Test Squadron.

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  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 103338

Ucestvovanje na Red Flag 19-1
The First Reports Of How The F-35 Strutted Its Stuff In Dogfights Against Aggressors At Red Flag Are Starting To Emerge
Citat:According to the airmen of the 388th FW, during the first week of RF 19-1, the F-35 pilots flew in a larger force of Blue Air in a counter-air mission. More than 60 aggressor aircraft were flying against them, blinding many of the fourth-generation aircraft with “robust” electronic attack capabilities.

Here’s how Col. Joshua Wood recalled the mission, providing a few details about the performance of the stealth aircraft in the latest exercise (that saw the participation of thirteen pilots in the squadron who had never flown the F-35 in Red Flag, including four who had just graduated pilot training):

“I’ve never seen anything like it before. This is not a mission you want a young pilot flying in. My wingman was a brand new F-35A pilot, seven or eight flights out of training. He gets on the radio and tells an experienced, 3,000-hour pilot in a very capable fourth-generation aircraft. ‘Hey bud, you need to turn around. You’re about to die. There’s a threat off your nose.’”

The young pilot then “killed” the enemy aircraft and had three more kills in the hour-long mission.

“Even in this extremely challenging environment, the F-35 didn’t have many difficulties doing its job, that’s a testament to the pilot’s training and the capabilities of the jet.”

Therefore, Wood did not provide specific details about the type’s overall kill ratio against the Red Air, but at least we know a young pilot, with just a few missions in the Lightning II, achieved four (simulated) kills in a RF mission: whatever the ROE (Rules Of Engagement) and the role of other aircraft teaming with the F-35s, it’s an interesting result, suggesting the aircraft can be lethal even in the hands of recently graduated pilots.

“With stealth, the F-35 can get closer to threats than many other aircraft can. Combined with the performance of the fused sensors on the F-35, we can significantly contribute to the majority of the missions. As this aircraft matures, we continue to see it be a significant force-multiplier in a threat-dense environment. Red Flag was a success for us and has made our younger pilots more lethal and more confident,” 1st Lt. Landon Morris, a new F-35A pilot said.

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  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 103338

UAE ne bi mogli da dobiju F-35 pre 2026.godine
ОАЭ смогут получить F-35 не раньше 2026 года
Citat:Поставки американских истребителей пятого поколения F-35 Lightning II в Объединенные Арабские Эмираты могут начаться не ранее 2026 года в случае подписания соответствующего контракта. Производственные мощности компании-разработчика самолета Lockheed Martin сейчас направлены на реализацию текущих контрактов.
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