F-35 on track to hit 80% mission capability rate by September 2019
Citat:Combat units of the Lockheed Martin F-35 stealth fighter fleet within the three US military services and eight international programme partners are on track to reach an 80% mission capability rate by September 2019.
And, the entire F-35 Lightning II fleet should reach an 80% mission capability rate by September 2020, says Vice Admiral Mathias Winter, executive officer of the Joint Programme Office (JPO) in prepared testimony before the US House Armed Services Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee on 4 April. Early models of the F-35 and training aircraft have posted lower availability rates, but after enough combat-unit aircraft are repaired the JPO believes those aircraft too will be capable of greater reliability.
Reaching an 80% mission capability rate was mandated by former Department of Defense secretary James Mattis for key combat aircraft, including the F-35, Lockheed Martin F-22, Lockheed Martin F-16 and Boeing F/A-18.
Kengurima stigla jos dva
Australia Welcomes Next Two F-35A Joint Strike Fighter Aircraft Citat:Minister for Defence, the Hon Christopher Pyne MP, together with Minister for Defence Industry, Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC, announced the arrival of the next two F-35A Joint Strike Fighter aircraft into Australia.
“I’m pleased to welcome our newest F-35As, A35-011 and A35-012, bringing the total number of aircraft in Australia to four,” Minister Pyne said.
“After completing various validation and verification activities in the United States, these aircraft have now arrived at RAAF Base Williamtown and will be assigned to Number 3 Squadron.”
https://www.pyneonline.com.au/media-centre/media-r.....0005757279 https://twitter.com/LockheedMartin/status/1115080942517936129
^ Dokle je več stigla tehnologija. Nema više fizičkih prekidaća. Samo govorne komande ili "touch screen". Pilotima će biti mnogo lakše i mogu biti više osredotoćeni na borbu. To i je u biti glavna prednost tog aviona prema ostalim uz napredne senzore.
jazbar ::^ Dokle je več stigla tehnologija. Nema više fizičkih prekidaća. Samo govorne komande ili "touch screen". Pilotima će biti mnogo lakše i mogu biti više osredotoćeni na borbu. To i je u biti glavna prednost tog aviona prema ostalim uz napredne senzore.
To je pojednostavljena verzija kokpita zarad prikazivanja pre svega mogucnosti ekrana i fuzije senzora. Kokpit naravno da ima fizicke prekidace samo mnogo manje nego u odnosu na druge avione:
[*] Markoni29 ::RJ
А шта ако нестане струје?
Ima mala "dugme" baterija od 3 Volta unutar panela za u slučaju da izbije osigurač. Taman da izdrzi dok ne sleti 🙂