Japanci ce obustaviti potragu za srusenim F-35
A vratice ih letenju
Tokyo to end search for crashed F-35A Citat:okyo will end its search for the Lockheed Martin F-35A that crashed into the Pacific Ocean off the northeast coast of Japan on 9 April.
Japan's Kyodo news agency has quoted defence minister Takeshi Iwaya as saying that the search will be called off.
The report also quotes an unammed defence source as saying that the Japan Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF) will soon recommence flights with the aircraft, which was grounded after the disaster.
Some parts of the lost jet have been recovered, including a heavily damaged portion of the flight data recorder, but the pilot and most of the aircraft are unaccounted for. The US Navy was also involved in the search after the crash.
Prvi nosac operativan sa F35C bit ce USS Carl Vinson 2021.
Inace svi nosaci zakljucni sa CVN-80 morat ce proci kroz modifikaciju da bi mogli biti borbeno operativni. U kakvoj
modifikaciji je rijec jos nema novosti.
Citat:The modifications required to make each aircraft carrier class able to deploy with F-35Cs don’t require a fundamental redesign of either class. Hernandez described the modifications as involving work to support the long-term deployment of F-35Cs, such as adding classified spaces to the carriers and installing more robust jet blast deflectors.
Jedino trenutni nosač koji je operativan za F-35 jeste Abraham Lincoln.
US Stops Accepting Turkish Pilots for F-35 Training Citat:The United States has decided to stop accepting any additional Turkish pilots who planned to come to the United States to train on F-35 fighter jets, U.S. officials say, in a clear sign of the escalating dispute over Ankara’s plans to purchase Russian air defenses.
Pentagon Chief to Suspend Turkey’s F-35 Pilot Training Citat:Acting U.S. Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan is taking significant steps toward cutting Turkey out of the F-35 fighter jet program over concerns about Ankara’s plans to purchase a Russian missile system, telling his Turkish counterpart that pilots currently training in the United States must leave the country by July 31 and halting training for new students.
https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/06/07/pentagon-chie.....-training/ Citat:Beyond suspensions, requires students to leave the US and bars TR access to F-35 program office.
Dezorijentisanost pilota uzrok pada japanskog F-35
Citat:The Japan Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF) has published a statement on Jun. 10 regarding the loss of a F-35A on Apr. 9. The report says the pilot was likely to be disoriented before he crash the aircraft.
The aircraft was at FL310 and was descending to avoid a U.S. military aircraft higher up. It was during the descend that the mishap happened.
Investigators say the chance of hypoxia and G-LOC is low.
Proveo sam 10 minuta u prevodjenju čitavog teksta i onda je stranica odlučila da se osveži (sama) i izgubio sam sav napredak tako da ako nekoga interesuje prevod neka napiše i naknadno ću prevesti.
The worldwide F-35 fleet is connected to at least two secure networks designed to maximize efficiency. The first is the Autonomic Logistics Information System, or ALIS, which keeps track of individual aircraft issues and the location of spare parts and equipment worldwide
Every F-35 squadron, no matter the country, has a 13-server ALIS package that is connected to the worldwide ALIS network. Individual jets send logistical data back to their nation’s Central Point of Entry, which then passes it on to Lockheed's central server hub in Fort Worth, Texas. In fact, ALIS sends back so much data that some countries are worried it could give away too much information about their F-35 operations.
In an interview with Defense News, Brig. Gen. Stephen Jost, director of the Air Force F-35 Integration Office, says there are “a lot of nodes of vulnerability that we’re trying to shore up.” Not only is the worldwide networking system vulnerable, wireless systems used to support the F-35 could also be points of entry for hackers.
Prosto neverovatno da F-35 nema "Automated Ground Collision Avoidance Software". Lepo rece ltcolonel avionce je daleko od spremnog ako gledamo sta moderni lovci imaju.
Su-35 (keypublish forum) ima izgleda i automazovan sistem sletanja ako je pista kratka, i naravno svoj automatizovan sistem izbegavanja sudara sa tlom.
Avion F-35 je dobio "academic book" ili što bi mi rekli knjigu pisanu naučnom metodologijom. Reč je o knjizi: Bert Chapman - Global Defense Procurement and the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, Springer International Publishing, Palgrave Macmillan (2019). Izdavač je takođe specijalizovan za naučne publikacije. U knjizi je data izvanredno precizna hronologija razrade aviona, koliko ja znam daleko najpreciznija. Autor se ne bavi mnogo letnim karakteristikama i uopšte borbenim mogućnostima aviona. Više obrađuje proceduru oko nabavke od postavljanja taktičko tehničkih zahteva pa do "uvođenja u naoružanje kao operativnog aviona". Osnovna ideja cele knjige je da se od početka krenulo sa pogrešnim premisama počev od prvobitno postavljenih taktičko tehničkih zahteva koji su kasnije drastično prošireni. Avion je bio zamišljen za potpunu drugu i strategijsku i operativnu i taktičku situaciju u odnosu na onu koja je danas. Po autoru inžinjeri u stvari pokušavaju da isprave greške onih koji su postavili potpuno pogrešne taktičko tehničke zahteve koji su naknadno menjani (neki od prvobitnih zahteva su promenjeni praktično za 180 stepeni). Avion u startu uopšte nije bio zamišljen kao višenamenski borbeni avion kao što su F-16 ili F-15. Osnovni i gotovo jedini zadatak je trebalo da bude izolacija bojišta i za te zadatke je on sasvim sigurno izvanredan. Onda je delimično otkazan F-22 i F-35 je "ničim izazvan" naprasno postao i avion za prevlast u vazduhu što mu uopšte nije bila prvobitna namena. Na kraju kad je postalo jasno da su se pojavili ozbiljni igrači sa jakim kopnenim jedinicama jadnik je naprasno postao i avion za neposrednu podršku trupa na zemlji zašta ne zadovoljava ni osnovne kriterijume. Koga zanima knjiga u pdf formatu neka mi se javi na pp.