Poslao: 10 Dec 2021 17:22
- ILGromovnik
- Elitni građanin
- Pridružio: 13 Jun 2007
- Poruke: 2451
- Gde živiš: South of Heaven
Хладноћа на великим висинама је слична свугде, а верујем да се климатизовани хангари подразумевају за 5-у генерацију авиона (од тога одступају само луди Руси, али видећемо и за њих, кад буду серијски примерци почели да се појављују)...
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 11 Dec 2021 02:44
- poljoprivreda
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 26 Jun 2019
- Poruke: 3154
Evo kako Finci obrazlazu razloge za kupovinu bas F-35, a ne nekog konkurenta:
Zvanicno saopstenje finskog RV:
Citat: Affordability
The F-35 solution fitted to the allocated funding frame was the most cost-effective. The F-35 had the lowest procurement cost when considering all aspects of the offer. The operating and sustainment costs of the system will fall below the 254 million euro yearly budget. F-35 operations and lifespan development will be feasible with the Defence Forces’ resources.
No offer was significantly less expensive than others in operating and sustainment costs.
Ispade avion V generacije jeftiniji od svih konkurenata IV generacije, dugorocno gledano.
Poslao: 15 Dec 2021 08:24
- janezek67
- Počasni građanin
- Pridružio: 27 Dec 2007
- Poruke: 783
Nisu ovi arabi iz UAE toliko glupi, pa da plate sve, što jim amerikanci nude.
Poslao: 15 Dec 2021 14:08
- Pridružio: 04 Jan 2012
- Poruke: 1399
Generakno da, mada mislim da pare nisu problem, već jedan od izgovora. Veći problem za arape su "operational reatrictions" kao što napisano...
Poslao: 15 Dec 2021 16:03
- djox
- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 101664
US Congress Wants New F-35 Engines
Citat:The US Congress wants new engines for the current and future fleet of the F-35 Air Force Magazine reported, citing the latest draft of the 2022 National Defense Authorization (NDA) Act.
According to the act, the secretary of the air force and the undersecretary of defense for acquisition and sustainment will submit a plan detailing how to equip current and future conventional takeoff and landing F-35A fighters with new Adaptive Engine Transition Program (AETP) power plants, beginning from 2027.
To power the short takeoff and vertical landing F-35B and the carrier-based C models, the draft NDA asks the secretary of the navy to prepare a separate plan for adding an “advanced propulsion system” to the aircraft. The outlet reported that the system could be either the “AETP derivatives or Pratt & Whitney’s proposed enhanced F135.”
The F135 powers the current fleet of F-35s while the 14-year-old AETP program has two engines — GE Aviation’s XA100 and Whitney’s XA101— in the testing phase.
Poslao: 15 Dec 2021 17:00
- Pridružio: 03 Dec 2015
- Poruke: 182
dragon986 ::Napisano: 10 Dec 2021 13:50
Kao da smk i očekivali nešto drugo, jedino da licitiramo koliko su dobili u ofset poslovima.
Dopuna: 10 Dec 2021 15:28
Neki detalji ugovora iz finskih izvora…
+ ...
Citat:Procurement Costs
The acquisition equals approximately 8.378 billion euros. The cost of multi-role fighters is 4.703 billion euros and air-to-air missiles AMRAAM and Sidewinder 754,6 million euros. Service equipment, spare and exchange parts, training and sustainment solutions, other related systems as well as sustainment and maintenance services until the end of 2030 cost 2,920 billion euros.
+ ...Operational facilities, aircraft hangars and storages as well as runway structures and infrastructure for the procured system will be constructed in Finland. This is based on national and international safety and security requirements. Construction costs, costs of industrial participation, personnel costs and other project costs amount to 777 million euros.
Additionally 823,8 million euros is reserved for the final optimised weapons package and to control future contract amendments. Part of the weaponry will be obtained at a later date as per the aircraft delivery schedule.
Citat:Procurement Package
The procurement object is 64 F-35A multi-role fighters in the newest, Block 4 -configuration. The procurement encompasses multi-role fighter weaponry. The offered F-35 package includes the following weapon types: AMRAAM, Sidewinder, SDB I and II, JDAM-family weaponry, JSM and JASSM-ER. The weaponry is to be procured within the programme funding availability by the end of the year 2035. The weapons package will be optimised during the procurement process, taking into account availability of the newest weapon types and changes in the operating environment. With optimised weapons procurement, the system's capability will be maximised in the Finnish operating environment and the F-35 system's life-cycle guaranteed for the longest feasible time.
A remarkable number of additional products and services to be acquired concurrently are related to the procurement of the fighter system and its use. These comprise the sustainment system including test equipment, tools, replaceable assembly and spare part services, as well as information systems, training systems and services, mission support systems and related services as well as the US Government Foreign Military Sales (FMS) procurement process related administrative services to be used. The procurement package also includes the fleet sustainment costs for the years 2025-2030.
Citat:Industrial Participation
The F-35 industrial participation offer met the requirements in quality and content. The main focus of the offered industrial participation is in direct industrial cooperation that will create significant independent maintenance capabilities. The industrial participation solution will develop credible knowhow in the domestic industry from the security of supply perspective and become significant in the national economy.
The key industrial participation projects include large-scale production of the F-35 front fuselage in Finland also for other users, production of structural components as well as equipment testing and maintenance capability. In addition, Finland has been offered an engine final assembly pro-ject for the Air Force aircraft.
The industrial participation's domestic employment impact will be 4500 and indirect impact 1500 person-workyears.
The industrial participation contract will be signed by the Ministry of Defence as well as Lockheed Martin and the engine manufacturer Pratt & Whitney.
Navedene cifre nesto ne stimaju... Ovo je bukvalno duplo jeftinije po avionu (bez naoruzanja i svega ostalog - 4.703 mlrdEUR / 64 kom) od onoga sto su Svajcarci ugovorili pre 6 meseci...