Mozda im treba deo titanijuma da preusmere na komercijalu. Evo ovako:
Citat:Titanium alloys are widely used in JSF joint attack aircraft, and most of the main load-bearing components are constructed of titanium alloys. Therefore, JSF joint attack aircraft have considerable demand for titanium alloys. If Russia imposes restrictions on the export of titanium alloys, the construction of Lockheed Martin's JSF joint attack aircraft will suffer. When the United States imposes sanctions on Russia, it will not impose sanctions on Russian titanium alloy-related companies. The United States is very aware of the stakes, because it accidentally screwed up its aviation industry, so it will exempt the Russian titanium alloy industry
Now the United States is pressing Russia step by step, and Russia will completely ban the export of titanium alloys, which will seriously impact the American aviation industry. Russia not only exports titanium alloys to the United States, but also exports titanium alloys to Europe. Russia is an important part of the world aviation industry chain, so if Russia restricts the export of titanium alloys, the European and American aviation industries will be hit. Sanctions are a double-edged sword. When the United States wields sanctions weapons, it will inevitably hurt itself. Russia's ban on the export of RD-180 rocket engines is just the beginning. If the export of titanium alloys is prohibited, the F-35 fighter will be stuck. , the impact on the United States will be huge.
Ako ameri nisu iz straha uveli zabranu uvoza titanijuma iz Rusije, mozda su Rusi poceli da smanjuju izvoz. Sta mislite?
Ko nije, neka odslusa jako zanimljiv intervju sa Ateom, pilotom Rafala...
Intervju pocinje od 10:36, stavio sam ovde, jer se pominje bas F-35, da bi mogao
biti pionir za neke automatizovane stvari, uzivajte u odlicnom razgovoru, i malo
drugacijem pogledu na celu pricu oko automatizacije i bespilotnih letelica, od
nas obicnih entuzijasta i ljubitelja ovih prelepih metalnih ptica danasnjice.
Citat:“Let me start with the most important point, which is, Greece will be part of the F-35 programme. I think that's clearly understood by the government, by the Hellenic Air Force, but also by the US government. You've heard expressions to that effect not just from me but from senior officials of the State Department,” Ambassador Pyatt said.
“We will have a team from the US Air Force, from the F-35 programme office, coming to Athens next month precisely to provide the Greek government with informational briefings on the requirements for moving forward with the F-35 programme,” he added.
Leonardo ::salesam ::Ko nije, neka odslusa jako zanimljiv intervju sa Ateom, pilotom Rafala....
Ne samo da smo ovo kacili u virtuelnom fajtu. Nego brate kako u ovoj temi?!
Leo, izvini ne idem toliko vise na forum, tacnije udjem povremeno, pogledam neke diskusije i nove slike, ali ne ucestvujem u njima vise, kao nekad (posto se iste vise svode na to ko koju stranu vise voli, i ciju tehnologiju i avione preferira, nego sto ima veze sa nekom realnoscu, sto se jasno vidi i po broju postova na temama). Stavio sam ovde jer se bas F-35 pominje kao moguci pionir za napredniju automatizaciju u nekoj bliskoj buducnosti, sto se tice samostalne bliske borbe. Iskreno, nisam ni znao da Virtuelni fajt jos uvek postoji kao tema, preciznije da je jos uvek aktivna (stavio bi tamo da sam znao da je tema jos uvek ziva). Prebaci je tamo ako zelis, realnije je, a ako je bilo, izbrisi. Poz.