Citat:Northrop Grumman Corporation announced the successful testing of a unique electron-optical system (EOS) with a distributed aperture AN/AAQ-37 (DAS) for the fighter 5 th generation F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter. The system, installed on the aircraft stand, successfully detected start and escorting two-stage missile at a distance of over 1200 km. Support missiles lasted 9 minutes - from start-up burnout.
These figures are unbelievable, and yet, company representatives say that this is only part of a future aircraft. AES DAS F-35 will be capable of 360-degree view from a high frame refresh rate, high resolution and sensitivity, all of which will be projected on Helmet display pilot.
The system consists of several optical sensors placed at different points in the fuselage. The computer connects their images into a single seamless picture of the environment. DAS detects and maintains targets in full passive mode (without backlighting radar or laser), and requires no intervention by the pilot. Should the enemy appear on the battlefield - DAS instantly capture the target (ground, air, missile, including air defense and air-to-air missiles) and will continuously monitor it, excluding the possibility of care in the blind zone. In this case the pilot can fire into the rear hemisphere, and to perform any maneuvers.
Also, this system allows the pilot with his helmet display literally see through the aircraft structure in different wavelengths - the computer calculates that the pilot would see if an opaque plastic or metal was not, and transmits a synthesized image on the display. At night, under bright sun, in the fog and rain pilot F-35 sees a clear detailed realistic world. Not one person had not received such abilities of perception, not by chance that this system is called "God's Eye.
At the fighter F-35 also establishes omnidirectional infrared CCD-TV camera high resolution (EOTS), designed for surveillance and target acquisition. It provides capture and maintenance of any land, surface and air targets. Completely passive, it can detect and maintain goals in automatic mode and at a great distance, as well as to report on laser irradiation of the aircraft. To reduce the size and unmasking symptoms designers abandoned the spherical dome and closed cell faceted sapphire glass.
The complex of such equipment allows secretive perform a very wide range of applications: missile defense, intelligence, support in an irregular conflict, etc.
Ovaj sistem je opaka stvarčica. Mogućnost ispunjavanja misija u pritajenom modu rada i u kombinaciji sa naprednim steltom čine ovaj "leteći kontejner" protivnikom kojeg ne treba nimalo potcenjivati. Ovaj sistem omogućava pilotu ogromnu taktičku prednost u borbenim uslovima, jer mu omogućava first look i informacije o neprijatelju i onda kada ne postoje nikakvi uslovi za detekciju protivnika.
Black, a i drugi koliko se podatak moze smatrati tacnim jer deluje neverovatno? Za kontenjer verovatno aludiras na mene ali kao sto sam ranije rekao, to im nece toliko smetati ako bude superioran u elektronici i brojnosti za sta se vec zna da ce biti skoro sigurno slucaj (osim ako ga ne ukinu sto mi deluje nemoguce posle toliko ulozenog novca, vremena i svega drugog). Ne bi voleo da mi se desi ali na kraju mozemo svi pojesti svoje reci, sto smo pljuvali JSF. Ali sreca je da ostaje ono najbitnije da se vidi, a to je praksa, u teoriji oni mogu navesti sta god hoce (malo glupo sam rekao sreca jer da bi to videli morace da dejstvuje negde ali ajde).
brate black venom ,kakva je ovo spodoba na slici? oci da vide na 1200km pa jos ga prozvase `BOZJE OKO` . a gde je u svemu tom zakrivljenost nase nam drage Zemlje? Stvarno previse od Amera.
Rayban, nije navedeno da se može optički pratiti na toj daljini, već da je njihov sistem multispektralni, može da vidi koristeći više različitih opsega talasnih dužina za osmatranje situacije oko sebe. Vidljiva svetlost je samo mali deo znatno šireg elektromagnetnog spektra u kojem imaš podeljene oblasti zračenja
Sve obrađene informacije kompjuter transformiše u sliku i zvučne signale i može da pokaže u tom virtualnom prostoru gde je cilj.
Domet je moguć samo ako je kompjuterski sistem aviona, u realnom vremenu, sposoban da obrađuje informacije koje dobija preko satelita i pretoči ih u vizuelnu formu i jasno pilotu, na viziru šlema, pokaže položaj cilja.
Da avion sam pomoću ugrađenih senzora ovo detektuje i prati, pa to bi bile zvezdane staze.
Možda im prodaja ne ide kako su očekivali pa malo reklama nije na odmet.
Kako EODAS izgleda kroz oči pilota, istina sistem je montiran na helikopter ali je ipak zanimljivo videti kako to izgleda. Nadam se da če to postati standard na svim letjelicama vojnim i civilnim.