Citat:Britanski nosači (bez)aviona
Britanski ministar odbrane Lijam Foks prizano je da bi dva nova nosača aviona, koja će Britanija graditi uprkos smanjenim izdvajanjima za odbranu, mogla jedno vreme da budu bez palubne avijacije.
Ovo priznanje usledilo je na početku sedmice tokom koje će vlada u Londonu izložiti novu bezbednosnu strategiju zemlje i obnarodovati veliko smanjenje javne potrošnje koje će, pored ostalog, obuhvatiti i duboke rezove u vojnom budžetu.
Ministar Foks je objasnio da će borbeni avioni koji su trenutno u upotrebi biti povučeni iz sastava oružanih snaga pre nego što letelice koje bi trebalo da ih zamene u sastavu mornaričke avijacije, uđu u operativnu upotrebu.
Britanski ministar finansija Džordž Ozborn je nešto ranije rekao da bi odustajanje od gradnje nosača aviona Kraljica Elizabeta i Princ od Velsa bilo skuplje nego od nastavka njihove gradnje.
Američki državni sekretar Hilari Klinton je u petak izrazila zabrinutost zbog smanjenja britanskog izdvajanja za odbranu.
ista informaciju da će se specijalci 'omrsiti'
Citat:'Who the hell has ever heard of an aircraft carrier with no jets?': Defence chiefs' reaction as the iconic Harrier is axed
Two new aircraft carriers will be deployed without jet fighters after the iconic Harrier
jump jet is axed in defence cuts this week.
The ships, due to enter service in 2014 and 2016, will operate with no jets until 2018, leaving a gaping hole in Britain’s military firepower and potentially putting the Falkland Islands at the mercy of a fresh Argentinian invasion.
Instead the Royal Navy will be forced to use helicopters on the £2.5 billion super-carriers, HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales.
The decision has caused anger among defence chiefs. ‘It will make us an international laughing stock,’ said one. ‘Who the hell has ever heard of an aircraft carrier with no jets?’
Former First Sea Lord Admiral Lord West said last night it would be ‘nonsensical’ to scrap the Harriers before their replacements, US-built Joint Strike Fighters, were delivered.
Lord West said: ‘If, God forbid, the Argentinians invade the Falklands, it would be totally impossible for this country, even if we had an Army of ten million, to do anything about it.’
The Harriers, the only jet fighters capable of vertical take-off and landing, played a vital part in retaking the Falklands in 1982.
The Ministry of Defence denied that scrapping them would render the new carriers useless.
An official said it was ‘not viable’ for the RAF to maintain four jet fighters – Harriers, Tornados, Typhoons and the Joint Strike Fighter.
The decision will be announced by David Cameron on Tuesday as part of the Government’s Strategic Defence and Security Review. It will come as a major blow to RAF Cottesmore in Leicestershire and RAF Wittering in Cambridgeshire, where the fleet of 72 Harriers is based.
The cuts follow bitter wrangling between Defence Secretary Dr Liam Fox and Chancellor George Osborne, who wanted the £37 billion defence budget slashed by up to ten per cent.
'Laughing stock': A computer-generated image of Britain's super-carrier - but there will be no jet fighters on deck after its launch
Dr Fox argued for a four per cent cut. Mr Cameron was forced to intervene, and they agreed on a cut of around seven per cent.
At one point, Dr Fox feared he would be forced to scrap one of the two super-carriers. He saved them both, but the Navy will lose a large part of its surface fleet, with a reduction in the number of bigger ships, such as frigates, from 24 to 16.
And when the Joint Strike Fighters finally arrive in 2018, there will be far fewer of them. The initial order for 138 has been cut to just 40.
Cuts in Army troop numbers have been scaled back after a personal plea to Mr Cameron by the head of the Army, General Sir Peter Wall. Now 5,000 will go by 2015 and a further 15,000 before 2020, leaving five brigades of 6,000 troops each.
Mr Cameron has vowed to maintain Britain’s Trident nuclear deterrent. But he has not ruled out reducing the Trident submarine fleet from four to three, which would mean Britain could no longer have one submarine at sea on alert at all times.
A National Security Review, to be published tomorrow, says the greatest threat to the UK is not war with another country but terrorist attacks and cyber attacks on computer networks.
Britain’s Special Forces have emerged as winners of the Strategic Defence and Security Review.
A senior source has revealed that the Special Air Service and the Special Boat Service will be given tens of millions of pounds to spend on high-tech gear currently being tested by their US counterparts.
Hundreds of technical support troops will be recruited to operate the state-of-the art equipment. The new kit is understood to include a classified US weapon system fitted to rifles, which uses satellites to pinpoint enemy snipers in mountainous terrain such as that in Afghanistan.
The so-called No-miss Sniper system is so accurate that it can almost guarantee a ‘kill’.
Another innovation is a lightweight medical pack, which diagnoses and automatically delivers medication to soldiers if they are shot. It not only measures the dose of the relevant drug, but also injects it.
There will also be upgraded laser ‘target acquisition’ systems, which pinpoint enemy troops for advancing ground forces or help aircraft with precision bombing.
The SAS is also expected to use more Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to track insurgents. Some UAVs take photographs and film footage, while others drop bombs.
A senior source said last night: ‘Our Special Forces will be getting a significant uplift in spending.
The extra money and additional manpower is on a scale that can only have been dreamed of previously.’
The boost to UK Special Forces was described in Whitehall last night as a ‘step change’ in the level of support given to Britain’s most elite soldiers.