F-35 Joint Strike Fighter


F-35 Joint Strike Fighter

  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2007
  • Poruke: 13918

Evo Besotted ako oces da das neku doanciju kako bi ostali neutralni Very Happy
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F-35 ce biti odlicna masina za ono za sta je namenjena. Ne vidim nista problematicno u tekstu koje je napiso Karlo.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 12609

lacko ::
Da je abortus aerodinamike i da ne vredi te pare isto tako Ziveli

F-35 nije spektakularan u odnosu na Suhoje jer njih neces videti sa dodatnim tankovima, ali u odnosu na ostale aviona "cista" aerodinamika F-35 ima solidnih prednosti Wink

  • Pridružio: 26 Mar 2009
  • Poruke: 4974
  • Gde živiš: Šid

za sada meni f-35 nit smrdi nit mirise..
mada moze svasta ispasti od tog aviona..
malo je ruzan..
ali to sad nema veze..
bitno je da samo f-35 ne zavrsi kao f-22..
mislim na prestanak proizvodnje

  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2007
  • Poruke: 13918

Jos jedan tekst o F-35. Citiracu zanimljiv deo.
Citat:Britain originally planned to buy 150 of the short take-off vertical land (STOVL) version of the JSF aircraft, but last night announced it will now only take about 12 regular JSF. Canada has slashed its requirement while Italy is still nominally on 131 but has no money to buy them.

Our air defence depends on the same joint strike fighter, which is eight years late and has had a huge cost overrun.

These international cutbacks mean that the cost of producing an individual JSF will keep rising. The likelihood is that the situation will get worse. Turkey has ordered 100 aircraft but the Turks know that the Russian fighter is better than the JSF so they are talking to the Russians.

The STOVL cancellation by the UK was an ironic blow. The British military and the American Marines convinced the JSF planners to adapt the base aircraft design so it could have a short take-off version for aircraft carriers. Many observers believe that this requirement reduces the performance of the aircraft we will be buying.

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Dopuna: 22 Okt 2010 0:51

F-35 ce verovatno zaziveti. Svakako da Italija i Turska nece odustati od kupovine, ali ostaje da se vidi koliko ce ih naruciti. Pri cemu ukoliko Turska naruci T-50. To bi znacilo, kada govorimo o stelt avionima, ne samo da bi brojcano prevazisli ono cime ce raspolagati Izrael vec i po mogucnostima. Mogao bi da usledi domino efekat u tom delu sveta. Tu je i Grcka koja ce birati najbolji odgovor na ono cime raspolazu Turci, Egipat, Libija, Alzir...

Sve i da se ponovo pokrene proizvodnja F-22 skoro siguno se ne bi ni jedna od pomenutih zemalja nasla na listi kupaca.

  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 12609


Citat:LONDON - Britain may drop plans to purchase the short-takeoff, vertical-landing (STOVL) version of the Lockheed Martin F-35 strike aircraft and replace it with the conventional carrier variant of the Lightning II.

Citat:The sources said the Cameron/Clegg statement indicated not only that the two 65,000-ton warships will be built but that at least one of the vessels will likely be fitted with the catapult and arresting gear required to allow conventional fighters to operate from its deck.

A ja se pitao sto uopste kupuju B verziju Mr. Green

Eto opametili su se.

  • Pridružio: 26 Maj 2009
  • Poruke: 2985
  • Gde živiš: Sremski Karlovci, Srbija

Canadian Official Defends F-35 Purchase Arrow [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2007
  • Poruke: 13918

Englezi smanjuju broj porucenih F-35. Kako ce to uticati na cenu posto ce se R&D deliti na nesto manji broj aviona?
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BEA se priprema za proizvodnju:
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Koliko su F-22 i F-35 kompatibilni?
Citat:The disconnect extends deep beneath the titanium and steel skin. Major subsystems for both aircraft are based on different computing architectures. So improving hardware or software on the F-35 yields no benefit for the F-22, and vice versa.

No decisions have been made, but Lockheed officials at the F-22 factory are asking if that should change, only 16 months before the production line is shut.

The concept involves installing the F-35 computing architecture and certain hardware in the F-22. Even Lockheed acknowledges the idea would require "significant initial investment", but could yield "some cost savings" in the long-term. Discussions with the US Air Force are underway.

Citat:The US Congress has criticised the US Air Force over the high cost of integrating MADL on the F-22, even after making a similar heavy investment for the F-35. The USAF has recently withdrawn MADL from the Increment 3.2 upgrade programme for F-22, delaying the start of integration until fiscal year 2014, Babione says.
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Nova odlaganja. Na A i C verzije ce se cekati barem godinu dana duze. Dok ce B verzija kasniti do tri godine.
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Dopuna: 07 Nov 2010 2:15

Jedan intervju:
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  • jazbar 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Dec 2009
  • Poruke: 16158
  • Gde živiš: Lublana

Jako zanimljiv video o F-35, pogotovo simulacija kako se vrši bombardovanje ciljeva. Surprised
Nego nije mi jasno zašto treba izbacivati gorivo kod vertikalnog sletanja, zar je vektorski potisak nedovoljan kada je avion krcat gorivom?

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31424

Japan bi pre da uzme F-35 odma nego da proizvedu jos svojih Mitsubishi F-2 koji su trebali da popune "rupu" do nabavke novih aviona.

Citat:The Defense Ministry has set its sights on procuring the F-35 fighter as Japan’s main next-generation fighter aircraft for the Air Self-Defense Force, giving up on an earlier plan to buy more F-2 fighters, ministry and Self-Defense Forces sources said Sunday.The ministry plans to seek procurement costs for the F-35 in its budget request for fiscal 2012 and is slated to begin full-fledged arrangements for the procurement plan early next year through a selection committee to prepare for the budget request deadline next summer, the sources said.The ministry was planning to retool its current main F-15 fighters and buy more F-2 jets as a stopgap measure, given the delay in the development of the fifth-generation F-35 stealth fighter capable of flying at supersonic speeds as well as its price increase.But the ministry has determined that procuring the less functional F-2 aircraft additionally would not be expedient from the standpoint of deterrence and cost, the sources said.

Itd Arrow [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

  • Pridružio: 26 Maj 2009
  • Poruke: 2985
  • Gde živiš: Sremski Karlovci, Srbija

Ispitivanja prvog F-35C.

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