Iljušin Il-20/22


Iljušin Il-20/22

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101555

Spisak poginulih
Citat:19 сентября 2018 г., AEX.RU – Телеканал РЕН ТВ со ссылкой на свои источники опубликовал список погибших в катастрофе российского самолета-разведчика Ил-20 в Сирии.

1. Сергей Гаврютин
2. Константин Назаров
3. Александр Вечернин
4. Тимофей Баранов
5. Павел Ткаченко
6. Александр Бурлака
7. Григорий Зиновьев
8. Денис Гордов
9. Роман Долматов
10. Виктор Квасенков
11. Алексей Седунов
12. Владимир Яковлев
13. Алексей Арзуманов
14. Андрей Сергеенков

Напомним, ранее Минобороны РФ сообщило, что 17 сентября около 23 часов по московскому времени пропала связь с российским Ил-20, который возвращался на авиабазу в Хмеймим.

Воздушное судно находилось над Средиземным морем в 35 километрах от сирийского побережья. В ведомстве сообщили, что приблизительно в это же время 4 истребителя F-16 ВВС Израиля атаковали сирийские объекты в Латакии. По информации российского оборонного ведомства, прикрываясь Ил-20, израильские летчики подставили его под удар сирийских средств ПВО. Российский самолет был сбит ракетой комплекса С-200. В результате катастрофы самолета погибли 15 российских военнослужащих.


Citat:Фотография сирийского экипажа Ил-20 ВКС РФ,авиабаза Хмеймим.
Опубликована близкими родственниками Константина Назарова,который являлся вторым пилотом и погиб выполняя боевую задачу,в Сирийской Арабской Республике.
Родом из Волгоградской области. Проживал с семьёй в Наро-Фоминске. Выпускник Краснодарского ВВАУЛ им. Серова.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • zixo  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 27 Sep 2006
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  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Колико знам Ил-20 није авион за ЕИ и ПЕД, дакле нема систем за ометање. То је авион за радио-техничко извиђање и прикупљање обавештајних података помоћу електронских сигнала (ELINT).

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101555

Самолеты-разведчики Ил-20 могут переоборудовать новейшими комплексами РЭБ
Citat:Концерн "Радиоэлектронные технологии" (КРЭТ) готов переоснастить парк российских самолетов-разведчиков Ил-20 на новейшие комплексы радиоэлектронной борьбы после трагедии с Ил-20 в Сирии, заявил РИА Новости в пятницу советник первого заместителя гендиректора КРЭТ Владимир Михеев.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101555

Citat:21 марта 1968 года – первый полет Ил-20
Созданный на базе легендарного пассажирского самолета Ил-18, он стал настоящим прорывом в области воздушной разведки. Сведения об этих машинах охранялись даже более тщательно, чем информация о новых боевых самолетах.

  • vampire and philosopher, po©smt, rhd©t
  • Pridružio: 13 Dec 2013
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  • Gde živiš: Esgaroth

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31265

Jedan je ostecen 3. aprila (dan kada su oborili Su-35), uspeli su da ga spuste. Prva raketa je eksplodirala sa strane, doslo je do gubitka pritiska i manjeg pozara, a druga kod repa. Leteli su treci dan u istom reonu, preko linije, sto je vec bilo ocekivano i cekali su ih.


Citat:On this day, the crew of the Il-22 aircraft under the command of Volodin received an order: "to work behind the ribbon" (this is how combat pilots call the line of demarcation).

IL-22 is an air control post that provides control and communication with command posts, ground units, reconnaissance, and aviation. And he also negotiates with army helicopters - they "go" so low to the ground that other communications sometimes do not reach them. The transfer of coordinates, if God forbid where someone was knocked out and urgent help is needed, also goes through it. IL-22 is one of the main combat units, without which it is difficult to coordinate the battle.

Ukrainian air defense is constantly hunting for these aircraft. Acts smart. Their air defense works without radar tracking, so that the positions of anti-aircraft systems cannot be detected. Radars turn on only when the target is already visually visible. They direct the rocket, launch - and then turn off again.

... In the indicated square, Major Volodin's plane had been flying for the previous two days. Apparently, the third was already expected. When the pilots occupied the desired zone and the height of 7600 meters, at the third hour of the flight, the crew of the Il-22 suddenly heard a loud bang. It resounded very close to the side. The pilots did not immediately realize that the Ukrainian air defense had worked. As it turned out later - a rocket of the Buk complex.

The cockpit immediately turned into a sieve. Air began to escape from the holes, making a deafening whistle - the cabin "hissed". The pilots felt the pressure drop. Normally, it is maintained as it is at an altitude of 1000-1500 meters. And then the crew suddenly found itself in a rarefied "highlands" - an altitude of 7600 meters. It feels like such an explosive depressurization is akin to a shell shock: everything floats before your eyes, the brain turns off ...

A thought flashed through Victor's mind: maybe a second rocket launch - an anti-missile maneuver is needed!

This maneuver is taught to all military pilots, when with a large roll and vertical speed you change the flight path as steeply as possible so that the rocket does not catch up with the aircraft. But a maneuverable fighter is one thing, and the Il-22, a “heavenly slug”, created on the basis of the passenger Il-18, the former flagship of Aeroflot, is quite another. This is a reliable, stable machine for civil transport. The plane is not even a jet, but a propeller. What's the maneuver? But Volodin took a chance.

It will later be written in the objective control log that the actions to maintain the combat survivability of the aircraft were carried out competently, in cold blood and in a timely manner. But then he didn't think about it. I was just in a hurry to take the car with people away from the next blow. There were five crew members on board and four more - combat crew, command post specialists.

And then suddenly the flight engineer shouted: “We are on fire!” The damage caused the oxygen system to burst into flames. The flames crept onto the hull. Volodin ordered: "Run to extinguish!" The flight engineer and radio operator grabbed portable fire extinguishers and rushed to put out the flames.

At that moment, another pop sounded. The second rocket has already touched only the tail. If it had hit the engines, everything could have ended right there. Volodin realized that the anti-missile maneuver worked - by a large roll and descent, he managed to quickly change the flight path and get away from the missile. Now all that remained was to land this "leaky" plane.

On the rest of the fuel

IL-22 went down. Having released the landing gear and preparing for an emergency landing, he walked towards Rostov-on-Don. And then again the flight engineer's cry: "There, kerosene is pouring from all the (zabranjeno)s!". This was already clear from the fuel gauges. Their indicators quickly descended lower and lower: the car was rapidly losing fuel.

Since the engines were still running, the plane was flying, and the fire on board was extinguished, the crew decided to still try to land on their airfield, and not in an open field. Although the situation was very dangerous. It is not clear how she could develop further. Kerosene was gushing from the fuel tanks, engines were working nearby, which could flare up at any moment ...

In the air, the plane burns quickly, like a match. Major Volodin ordered everyone to put on parachutes and, just in case, be ready to leave the board. He pulled his "Il" to the airfield and mentally thanked God for the fact that there were fields around and no big hills. I tried to avoid settlements as far as possible, keeping an eye on potential landing sites at the same time. He understood: if the car catches fire, it cannot happen near the village: there are people there. If anything, you need to sit down somewhere in the field ...

The entire flight from the impact of the second missile to landing took only 10 minutes. And it seemed like an eternity. The pilots knew that guys and command were waiting for them in Rostov-on-Don, and besides, it would be easier to land on the emergency board in a familiar lane. At the military airfield, they were indeed given priority landing. Fire trucks rolled out, prepared rescuers, doctors ...

Il-22 went to the strip by the shortest path at an angle of 90 degrees. He leveled course before landing. They sat down clearly, as if written, turning off the engines and leaving only one, which was the least damaged. They rolled on it.

Everything was done so quickly that there was even a little fuel left in the tanks. Already on the ground, the guys from the crew silently looked at each other and understood that almost a miracle had happened: they not only survived themselves, but also managed to save the plane stuffed with top-secret equipment. If this board "squatted" or fell somewhere on the territory of Ukraine, and the enemy got the equipment, the losses from the point of view of state secrets would be enormous.


Remonti zavod, avgust.

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31265

Izgleda kao An-24/26. Oboren u Voronjeskoj oblati od strane Vagnera.


FB je napisao Il-18 ali ne vidim 4 motora...

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31265

^^^Ipak je Il-22(Il-18 ) kako su rekli.



  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101555


  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101555

Citat:Russian source associated with Russian military aviation published photo of as claimed damaged Russian Il-22M after emergency landing in Anapa

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