I dalje nema nista zvanicno sem ovakvih i slicnih objava po mrezama
Citat:The Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan had requested a sale of the following items:
Twelve (12) JF-17 Thunder Block III fighters, including eight ( 8 ) single-seat JF-17C Block III mutirole fighters and four (4) dual-seat JF-17D Block III LIFT/conversion training and specialised mission units.
Miscellaneous associated equipment, training and operational conversion systems, sensor suits’ hardware and integrations software, ground support equipment, and assorted weapons systems that are including, but are not limited to, beyond visual range and long range air to air missiles, infrared-guided HOBS-capable air to air missiles, precision guided air to ground weaponry of various types, booster and unboosted precision guided standoff range glide bombs, self-protection-jammer pods, anti-runway munitions, laser-guided air to ground bombs, and various other offensive weapon systems and equipment as well as their training systems and digital combat manoeuvring instrumented systems plus simulation/training rounds of all deployable weapon stores, a number of unspecified-type afterburning turbofan propulsive units and spares, associated and system-wide repair parts, consumables, accessories, secure communications systems,
precision navigation and guidance systems, cryptographic equipment, munitions support and testing and integration equipment, classified and unclassified software delivery and support, classified and unclassified publications and technical documentation, personnel training and training equipment, transportation support, engineering technical and logistics support services; and other related elements of logistics and program support.
The sale is for an approximate cost estimated to 1 billion USD.