Jedan stariji tekst o AMX-u, iz knjige International Directory of Military Aircrafts 1996 - 1997
Avion ima neka rešenja koja ga čine savremenijim od Orla, ali ne vidim da bi bilo racionalno razmišljati o njemu kao nasledniku. Subjektivno, lep avion. Italijani!
International Directory of Military Aircrafts 1996 - 1997 ::
Countries of origin: Italy and Brazil
Type: Light attack aircraft
Powerplant: One 49.1kN (11,030lb) Rolls-Royce Spey Mk 807 non
afterburning turbofan built under licence in Italy by Fiat, Piaggio and
Alfa Romeo Avio, in cooperation with CELMA in Brazil.
Performance: Max speed 915km/h (493kt) at 36,000ft. Max initial
rate of climb 10,250ft/min. Service ceiling 42,650ft. Combat radius at
max takeoff weight with 2720kg (6000lb) of external payload lo-lo-lo
528km (285nm), hi-lo-hi 925km (500nm); combat radius at typical
mission TO weight with 910kg (2000lb) of external stores lo-lo-lo
555km (500nm), hi-lo-hi 890km (480nm).
weights: Operating empty 6700kg (14,770lb), max takeoff 13,000kg
Dimensions: Wing span 8.87m (29ft 2in), length 13.58m (44ft 7in),
height 4.58m (15ft Oin). Wing area 21.0m2 (226.1 sq ft).
Accommodation: Pilot only, seating for two in tandem in trainer.
Armament: Internal armament of a 20mm six barrel General Electric
M61A1 Vulcan cannon in Italian aircraft, two 30mm DEFA cannons in
Brazilian aircraft. External armament of up to 3800kg (8375lb) on four
underwing, one centreline and two wingtip stations. Armaments include
wingtip mounted AIM-9 Sidewinder or MAA-1 Piranha AAMs,
unguided bombs, rockets and cluster munitions.
Operators: Brazil, Italy.
History: The AMX consortium resulted from similar air force specifications
for a replacement for the G91 and F-104 (in ground attack roles) in
Italian service, and the AT-26 Xavante (MB-326) in Brazilian service.
In the late 1970s Aermacchi was working with Embraer on the A-X,
an Xavante replacement, while the Italian Air Force issued a formal
requirement for a G91 replacement in 1977. Initial work on the AMX
began in 1978 when Aeritalia (now Alenia) teamed with Aermacchi.
Thus the involvement of Embraer, who joined the program in 1980
and who had been working with Aermacchi, was a logical development.
With an initial agreement for 266 production aircraft (79 for Brazil,
187 for Italy) reached in 1981, development of the AMX gathered
pace and the first development prototype flew for the first time on
May 15 1984. Construction of the first batch of 30 production aircraft
and the design of a two seat AMX-T trainer began in mid 1986, while
the first production aircraft, for Italy, first flew in May 1988.
Design of the AMX is fairly conservative, with power supplied by
the proven Spey turbofan. Design features include NOTAS controls
and HUD, multi function displays, INS navigation and ECM, with provision
in the nose for FLIR or radar (Aermacchi has flown an AMX-T
fitted with a GRIFO radar). In addition, three different Aeroelectronica
of Brazil developed reconnaissance pallets can be fitted in the forward
fuselage, while recce pods can be fitted on the external hardpoints. The
AMX-T could also be adopted for ECR and anti shipping.
The workshare arrangements of AMX has Alenia as program leader
with a 46.7% share of production, Aermacchi with a 23.6% share and
Embraer with 29.7%. Component manufacture is not duplicated,
however there are separate final assembly lines in Italy and Brazil. An
export order from Thailand was subsequetly cancelled.
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