Citat:"HQ AMC/A3V FCIF 21-01-01. This FCIF is approved for release by Maj Gen Joel. D Jackson and applies to all KC-135 units. Retain until rescinded... KC-135s are approved to conduct air refueling operations with the F-117. With no current Standard Related Documents (SRD) guidance available, previous air refueling procedures and the existing F-117 TCA are to this FCIF... Block 45 equipped KC-135s will not refuel with the autopilot engaged... KC-135 crews will review the attached documents prior to flying operations and be familiar with all general information, notes, cautions, and warnings applicable to air refueling F-117s..."
Gledam TV "show" "What on earth" sezona 2. epizoda 2.
U epizodi raspravljaju o f117 snimljenom sa satelita u Kini i zaključak je pošto mu fali prvi dio kokpit/nos da je najvjerovatnije to onaj iz Buđanovaca te da su ga Kinezi kupili od Srbije i sklopili tu na krugu te tvornice. Navodno je i satelit prelazio preko njega i zračio ga i ima vrlo mali odraz te su i tu došli do zaključka da nije maketa već prava stvar.
Ovdje malo niže ima slika i koordinate.
F-117s Make Surprise Appearance At Fresno Airport To Train Against Local F-15s
Citat:This is where the F-117, officially retired 13 years ago and just celebrated its 40th 'birthday,' really shines as a dissimilar aggressor. Most pilots have never flown against anything like it before and its reduced infrared and radar signature will give them very advanced training on what it is like to intercept such a hard to detect and unfamiliar target.
This is the first in likely many more F-117 'road tours' we will see in the future as the type, and the "Black Knights" who fly and maintain them, step out of the shadows. So far they have been to Marine Corps Air Station Miramar in California on a short deployment and the type was seen operating out of Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada once again, the latter of which not far from the Nighthawks' clandestine home at Tonopah Test Range Airport. There was also some chatter that they may have gone to Eglin or Tyndall Air Force Bases in Florida for a recent exercise, as well, although that deployment remains unconfirmed. Now that they can refuel from any USAF KC-135, they can expand their reach with ease.
Pa treba testirati najcesce korisceni radar na F-15 kako ce se ponasati u susretu sa steltom i tako dalje, a poznato je da nisu svi piloti USAF prosli obuku za presretanje aviona smanjenog odraza. Zapravo, nisu svima ni dostupni, niti su prosli obuku i za neke naprednije opcije aviona u borbi...