Pogledajte koliko su oni zakomplikovali čuvanje podvesnih rezervoara za F-22. Znači bukvalno potrošna stvar koja pritom nije ni stealth. Zamisli pravi rat gde ti treba ovakva skalamerija samo za čuvanje podvesnih tankova? Ovo stvarno kao da su gledali kako da izvuku maksimum love iz vojnog budžeta.
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U snimku su tankovi za F-15 a moze da se vidi kolika su to cuda i sta ljudi kazu koliko ovo stedi vremena, plus je unutra a ne napolju na snegu.
Citat:Where traditionally drop tanks have been stored mainly outdoors laid or stacked on the ground in cradles, or in shed-like structures, bringing them indoors and hanging them vertically on an automated rack saves space, improves the condition and longevity of the tanks, makes them more accessible in any weather conditions, and above all else, it saves time and lowers the amount of airman you need to handle them. When it comes to Langley's Raptor force, which could be called to deploy at a moment's notice, this is clearly beneficial, but other fighter bases have also received this system, as well.
A tank nije potrosna stvar, sem kad se odbaci u ratnoj misiji jer situacija zahteva, a to je tako otkad postoje, nema veze sa F-22.
Mogli su da imaju jednostavne police na kojima bi ih držali isto tako unutra da ne kisnu. Ovde je pitanje šta se desi kad treba prebazirati avione? Prenosiš ovu skalameriju pa montiraš od nule? Jednostavno nije praktično. Da je u pitanju strateški bombarder pa i da razumem.
Citat:Israel may acquire 5th-gen American fighters, the F-22 Raptor.
Haaretz, citing senior sources, reports that Israel has returned to issue of buying the F-22 after signing an agreement with the US to maintain military superiority in ME and approving the sale of F-35 to Emirates.
Trump approves selling F-22 Raptor to Israel — Saudi report Citat:US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper told Israeli officials during a visit to Israel this week that the Trump administration has approved selling F-22 stealth fighters to the Jewish state, according to a Friday report in a Saudi-owned newspaper.
US President Donald Trump okayed the sale of the F-22 Raptor and precision-guided bombs to Israel, the London-based Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper reported, citing senior sources in Tel Aviv.
Ne moze se pokrenuti proizvodnja , LM stavio tacku na to , isto bi kostalo miliarde dolara , a ako ne gresim mjesto gde su bili prozivodni pogoni za F22 sada su F35.. Cak i da odluce da pokrene prozivodnju to se ne bi moglo uraditi pre 2025te