"All informations come from reports to US congress made by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) or Lockheed Martin. GAO is known as "the investigative arm of Congress" and "the congressional watchdog" - their job is to keep control on big government projects like the F22.
Google the report-sources given in the video, if you doubt any of the claims, or go to http://www.gao.gov and write the report name in search.
Some of the relevant reports:
2007 - "Assessments of Selected Weapon Programs" - GAO-07-406SP
(read page 87-88 in adope):
(Regardless of the claim in the "2001 report" below, the F22 still fly less than 1 hour between maintaince in 2007, and this 2007 report also confirms the 2 structural failures etc.)
June 20, 2006 - Subject: Tactical Aircraft: DOD Should Present a New F-22A Business Case before Making Further Investments
Read page 5: "In other words, the unit procurement costs increase from $166 million per aircraft to $183 million per aircraft for the proposed multiyear contract."
GAO-04-391 (2004) "F/A-22 Aircraft"
read e.g. page 12. "Current processors are old and obsolete, cannot be supported, and do not have sufficient capacity to meet the increased processing demands required for planned new air-to-ground capabilities beyond Global StrikeEnhanced....."
GAO-01-310 (2001) Tactical Aircraft:
(read e.g. 25-26)
" the Air Force estimates that by the end of development, the F-22 will be able to complete 2 flying hours between maintenance actions; and when the F-22 reaches maturity in 2008, F-22s will be able to complete 3 flying hours between maintenance actions. However, currently the flight-test aircraft are completing 0.6 flying hours between maintenance actions. This means that aircraft are now requiring significantly more maintenance than is expected when the system reaches maturity."
Izgleda da su ipak odlucili da ostave masineriju. E sad, da li ce biti ostavljena zbog buducih nadogradnji ili dodatnih aviona u buducnosti, videcemo...
Ima se, moze se. A nije mi jasno kad i sami znaju da ce iz nekih razloga narucivati dodatne avione ali... Uvek iz nekog razloga zafali, medjutim sto bi od poreskih obveznika uzimali manju cifru kad mogu vecu, pametna politika. Nego mora da su ih ovi nasi malo poducavali na skupovima kako se uvek ali bas uvek i u sve lepo ugraditi. A da bi to postigao uvek uzmes u obzir najskuplju soluciju. Ako Ruje krenu sa Pak-Fa kako najavljuju, ovi ce naruciti jos makar im netrebalo samo da ovi nemaju znatno veci broj. Bilo bi totalno debilno razmontiravanje proizvodnje jer bi je onda ponovo, iznova sklapali, a ubedjen sam da ce ih narucivati - u kom god broju - u buducnosti.