- ray ban11
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
- Poruke: 24208
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Forgotten Jets izdanju i lik koji je naumio eto da skupi podatke i slike i sve ostalo sto ide ( obicno su to podaci o ser./br. ,fabr./br.,Bort/br itd.itd ... tzv registri ) za prakticno sve proizvedene `Keceve` ...
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Mikoyan-Gurevitch MiG-21 Fishbed/Mongol series
Citat:I’ve always wanted to research the MiG-21, but with over 10,000 examples built, it seemed like too big a project. But then I got bored and decided, hey, why the hell not? So here is what I can dig up on the Fishbed (and the trainer Mongol as well), divided up by nations in alphabetical order. I’m going against my usual form and listing these by painted-on serial numbers versus official factory construction numbers, though I have those noted in the rare cases where those are available.
NOTE: I’m NOT going to bother with the Chinese-built versions here (J-7/F-7), but I am going to include the Czech and Indian-built versions. Maybe I’ll add the Chinese copies later (or not).
This page is obviously incomplete, but I am adding to it when I can find new info or photos, so I suspect it will continue to grow over time. As always, help is appreciated.
At the end of this page is a list of people who have graciously offered their help. Thank you all very much!
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Fino on to ... a eto mi mozemo da se pozabavimo nasim tj. onim sto su svoju karijeru poceli u RV- PVO SFRJ ,neki je tu zavrsili a neki opet nastavili kroz novonastale VS-e ( RV-PVO VJ/SCG,V-PVO VS i HRZ ).
Inace slike i podatke nasih je dobio od naseg kolege topalovicdj a neke podatke i informacije ( one osnovne ) imamo na
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svakako poznati materijal kolege zixo nastao povodom 50 god. upotrebe Keceva .
E sad zamislimo samo registar ovih 261 avion ( malo slike ,malo podaci) . Mozda neko vec ima ?
Skinuo sam neke fotke ,ne sve ,onako bolje i u vecoj rez. pa evo ih ovako da makar nesto imamo u jednom postu .... neke se ponavljaju, neke i ne ali je bolje imati ovako nego pojedinacno po stranicama teme .
Stavicu ih po brojcanom redu sluzbenih vojnih oznaka RV i redosledno po ev. br. onako `na prekoske`.
MiG-21F-13 , izd.74 , L-12 (41 avion sa 22501-22541)
MiG-21U-400 , izd.66-400, NL-12 (4 aviona sa 22901-22904)

MiG-21U-600, izd.66-600 , NL-12M (14 aviona sa 22905-22918)

MiG-21PFM , izd.94A, L-14 (36 aviona sa 22701-22736)
MiG-21R , izd.94R , L-14i ( 12 aviona sa 26101-26112)

MiG-21US, izd.68, NL-14 (4 aviona sa 22951-22954)
MiG-21M , izd.96, L-15 (25 aviona sa 22801-22825)
MiG-21MF, izd.96F, L-15M (6 aviona sa 22865-22870)

MiG-21UM, izd.69, NL-14M i NL-16 (28 aviona ukupno ,3 aviona sa 22955-22957 i 25 aviona sa 16151-16160 i 16171-16185)
MiG-21bis-SAU, izd.75B, L-17 (46 aviona sa ,17125-17137,17151-17171)
MiG-21bis-LAZUR ,izd.75A , L-17K (45 aviona sa 17201-17235 i 17401-17410)
Napomena : 3 dvoseda aviona nabavljena avg.1971 nisu US vec UM izd.69 sto dokazuje njihov
Citat:Those three aircraft you referred to are actually UM versions. Yugoslavia received those aircrafts at the and of the August 1971 and at that moment Soviets are able to deliver only UM version, considering that US version were not in production since 1970. Actually, YAF have ordered 7 aircrafts of US version and first 4 US (22951-22953) has been delivered in October 1970. But MiG was not able to deliver all 7 US aircrafts, so the rest of three aircraft delivered were UM version. Upon arrival of those three aircraft to YAF, they were marked as NL-14 (MiG-21US) and assigned in the units with USs. US has been manufactured from 1966-1970 (347 pcs) and UM from 1971-1974 (1133 pcs). Initial versions of UM (including those three YAF aircraft) came with R-11F2S-300 and later with R-13-300.
For first four MiG-21US delivered in October 1970, factory numbers were:
22951 01685149
22952 02685149
22953 03685149
22954 05685149
For last three MiG-21(UM) (designated in YAF as US) delivered at the end of August 1971, factory numbers were:
22955 04695158
22956 05695158
22957 06695158
So as you can see, first four aircrafts were izdelye 68 (US) and last three were izdelye 69 (UM). Moreover, 22955-22957 were equipped with AP 155 autopilot and AoA sensor DUA-3a is integral part of AP 155. Those are the initial production versions of UM and they didn't have the blade antenna. Considering that all later productions UMs were equipped with blade antenna, confusion was created.
On the following photos you can see 22957. As you can see on the second photo, 22957 (second in line) do not have blade antenna.
Ostatak info ,slike i podaci na (mislim da smo ovo svarili sve do sada ...ali da se zna )
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Dakle ti avioni mozda jesu interno oznacavani kao NL-14M (MiG-21US iako su bili UM ) isto kao sto su bis-SAU i bis-LAZUR oznacavani kao bis i bis-K ?