MIG-21 "Fishbed"


MIG-21 "Fishbed"

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208

babcia131 ::Prvi MiG-21F-13 odletio do Poljski 22.09.1961 .Number 74 1217.

Nakon 1989, prodan je do Muzej zrakoplovstva Hermeskeil Njemačke.

To je mudrost generala i političara -glup a gluplji GUZ - Glavom U Zid

babcia131 ::Citat:1961 godine vam isporucen prvi ? Fino ,pa Poljska je onda prvi kupac odnosno strani korisnik MiG-21 ?

Da, svakako u 1961 [dane su dvije različite datume 22.06, 22.09, 1961] Godine 1962 isporučio drugo. Zrakoplovi lete u CSL MODLIN [Aviation Training Center]
Godine 1962, prvi puk je opremljen MiG-21F-13. [ 62 Fghter Regiment POZNAŃ-KRZESINY ]
Je već godine 1963, izgubili smo dva 21F-13 [ 2020 , 2016 ] - sudarili vrijeme slijetanje.

Citat:Polish Air Force Mikoyan Gurevich MiG-21 F-13 1217 (62977)

c/n 741217 was the first MiG-21 that was delivered to the Polish Air Force and the second Fishbed built for export. This is a first generation MiG-21 - four generations were built. This supersonic fighter was introduced in 1959. In some countries the jet is still in service. In total 11,496 aircraft were built which makes the MiG-21 the most-produced supersonic jet in history.

Arrow https://www.flickr.com/photos/thomasbecker/8280903383/

Nesto u vezi sa tim

Citat:Since 1961 and throughout the Cold War, MiG-21 was the main Polish interceptor. The aircraft’s nickname was “pencil," because of its distinctive shape and short wings.

The first “21s” with the Polish Air Force were the MiG-21 F-13 with a single cannon and ability to carry air-to-air guided missiles. Then the PF version came into service, with a better engine and a radar. The RP-21 Sapfir radar allowed the PF to operate in an adverse weather conditions and at night.

Arrow http://www.businessinsider.com/mig-21-fishbeds-pro.....-10#!IHaEN

Steta sto taj avion 1217 nije makar ostao u poljskom muzeju vazduhoplovstva ?

Citat:The MiG-21F-13 production licence was sold to Czechoslovakia and the China, Poland was refused but Poland bought its first MiG-21F-13 in 1961, the next in 1962 and 1963. In total, 25 MiG-21F-13 aircraft were in service with the Polish Air Force until 1973.

Jos nesto zanimljivo sa sajta poljskog muzeja

Citat:In 1960 - 1961, the tests of carrying and dropping the nuclear bomb were carried out.

Arrow http://www.muzeumlotnictwa.pl/zbiory_sz.php?ido=64&w=a

Foto -galerija muzejskih F-13

Arrow http://www.abpic.co.uk/search.php?q=Mikoyan-Gurevi.....p;limit=10

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208

Sto se isporuka F-13 (prva varijanta 21-ce za izvoz ) tice naredni sajt daje neke podatke .

Prvi uopste serijski su bili F i u VVS SSSR su usli u naoruzanje 1959 g

Citat:The first MiG-21F aircraft from series production were delivered to the air force in 1959.

Zatim F-13 ulaze u sastav 32 IAP VVS 1960g

Citat:The 32nd GIAP was the first fighter unit of the Soviet AF to be equipped with the newest MiG-21F-13 planes (NATO code MiG-21 Fishbed-C) in 1960.

The 32nd Guards Air Fighter Regiment in Cuba (1962-1963)

Arrow http://www.airforce.ru/history/cold_war/cuba/index_en.htm

Dalje isporuke drzavama clanicama VU( i van tog pakta ) je isla ovako ...

1.(2). Poljska

Citat:The first MiG-21F-13 arrived in the People's Republic of Poland in the middle of 1961. Previous agreements on a licence production of this version were cancelled by the Soviet government due to raising tensions between Moscow and Warsaw.

The Hungarian Air Force - after the Bulgarian the smallest of the Warsaw Treaty - got the first MiG-21F-13s in 1961. These went to the 47th fighter regiment at Pápa.

Jos nesto interesantno za madjarske

Citat:The MiG-21 aircraft family, the world’s most built supersonic fighter, was launched
in Hungary in 1961 and became the mainstay fighter of Hungarian Air Force squadron
for 39 years. This record can be attributed not only to the six versions built and the total
fleet of 261 aircraft but also to the high number of flight hours and aircrew.

Arrow http://www.konyvtar.zmne.hu/docs/Volume7/Issue4/pdf/17mart.pdf

Nabavili su 21-ca tacno koliko RV-PVO .Ostaje samo pitanje tacnog datuma isporuke i dolaska F-13 .


Citat:In February 1962, a new fighter was added to the inventory, MiG-21, which represented one of the most effective fighters of that time.The first 12 MiG-21F-13 arrived at Timisora-Giarmata base.


Citat:The first MiG-21F-13 arrived in late May 1962 at the Marxwalde based JG-8 (8th fighter wing) and on June 20th the first MiG-21 with the national insignia of the GDR took off.


Citat:After Stalin's dead relations improved and in 1962 the first MiG-21F-13 arrived at Batajnica airfield near Belgrade.Jедноседи ловац-пресретач МиГ-21 у ЈРВ и ПВО уведен 14.9.1962.

itd ..itd ..


Arrow http://www.mig-21.de/english/inservice.htm

  • Pridružio: 19 Avg 2010
  • Poruke: 1361
  • Gde živiš: NIŠ

U pukovskoj vrsti Jagdfliegergeschwaders 7 "Wilhelm Pieck" (JG-7)

puk je nosio naziv "Wilhelm Pieck" - Friedrich Wilhelm Reinhold Pieck (Guben, 3. januar 1876 — Berlin, 7. septembar 1960). Pick je bio nemački političar i komunist. Od 1949. godine bio je prvi predsednik Nemačke Demokratske Republike (11. oktobar 1949 — 7. septembar 1960).

Puk je formiran oktobra 1952. a rasformiran je 25.oktobra 1989.


  • vampire and philosopher, po©smt, rhd©t
  • Pridružio: 13 Dec 2013
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Svaki put kada vidim neku takvu fotografiju nije mi dobro... Sad

Dobra stara vremena Ziveli

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208

ljubasav ::

Ova velika stajanka se nalazi u AB Drewitz

Arrow http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jagdfliegergeschwader_7

Neke arhivske fotke iz te jedinice

Arrow http://home.snafu.de/veith/jg7.htm

  • Pridružio: 19 Avg 2010
  • Poruke: 1361
  • Gde živiš: NIŠ

znam da će neki reći: "ne treba mu kapa pored aviona", ali mene interesuje šta će mu puška o ramenu Very Happy


  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102232

Jos jedna nova sa testiranja...


  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208

Interesantan ruski izvor MiG-21bis je 4 generacija porodice MiG-21 .Varijanta S je prva iz 3 pokolenja

Citat:МиГ-21С стал первым истребителем в третьем поколении 21-х.

Citat:Вариант МиГ-21бис проектировался на основе планера самолета МиГ-21 МФ, но конструкция планера подверглась радикальным изменениям. Для облегчения самолета большинство стальных конструкций заменили титановыми. Полностью был обновлен состав приборного оборудования кабины, выполненной по типу кабины истребителя МиГ-23. На новый вариант поставили усовершенствованный радиоприцел и аппаратуру системы инструментальной посадки РСБН (радиосистема ближней навигации).

МиГ-21. Часть 1

Arrow http://wunderwafe.ru/Magazine/AirWar/114/01.htm

МиГ-21. Часть 2

Arrow http://wunderwafe.ru/Magazine/AirWar/114/02.htm

Detalji o pojedinim varijantama

Семейство истребителей МиГ-21

Arrow http://russianarms.mybb.ru/viewtopic.php?id=1970

Citat:Основной конструкционный материал — алюминиевые сплавы, основной вид соединения — клепка.

Arrow http://flot2017.com/file/show/none/9395

  • Pridružio: 05 Mar 2006
  • Poruke: 658

ljubasav ::

znam da će neki reći: "ne treba mu kapa pored aviona", ali mene interesuje šta će mu puška o ramenu Very Happy


tacno,u RV i PVO vojnici nisu nosili oruzje pored letelica jer je neprakticno.Inace ovo je f13/padobran ispod izduvnika u ventral fin-u/
pozdrav Djordje

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208


Posebno kuciste iznad uzduznog stabilizatora ( ventral fin),vidi se na ovoj slici

Arrow http://www.mycity-military.com/slika.php?slika=139754_349679274_mg31.jpg

te na skicama

pod br 48


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