MIG-21 "Fishbed"


MIG-21 "Fishbed"

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24212

Napisano: 19 Feb 2012 17:14

Jos jedno zanimljivo resenje kod finskih

Citat:Rocket launchers 1967. In the 1960s, the Finnish Air Force had MIG-21 rockets in stock which had a limited lifetime. To use this stock for training purposes the idea of rocket launchers for Fouga Magister jet trainers was born. I got the contract to design the launchers as a private venture, and together with Aulis Eerola built 4-tube units covered with fiberglass skin. In test firings the launchers proved to be accurate but had an unfortunate end. On one of the test flights the pilot accidentally pressed the emergency release button and the units were lost deep in a bog and were never found.

Arrow http://www.icon.fi/~jtki/airplane.html

I jedan staticki exponat

Dopuna: 19 Feb 2012 17:20

Pocelo je sa F-13

a zavrsilo se sa BIS

Citat:The last MiG-21BIS flight took place in Rissala AB on Saturday the 7th of March 1998. This marked the end of over thirty years of MiG operations in Finland.

Capt Yrjö "Ylli" Rantamäki taxies for the last MiG-21BIS flight in Finland.

Arrow http://www.sci.fi/~fta/mig-last.htm

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Jerzy
  • retired soldier Polish AF
  • Pridružio: 28 Nov 2011
  • Poruke: 954
  • Gde živiš: Polska

Citat::Rocket launchers 1967. In the 1960s, the Finnish Air Force had MIG-21 rockets in stock which had a limited lifetime. To use this stock for training purposes the idea of rocket launchers for Fouga Magister jet trainers was born. I got the contract to design the launchers as a private venture, and together with Aulis Eerola built 4-tube units covered with fiberglass skin. In test firings the launchers proved to be accurate but had an unfortunate end. On one of the test flights the pilot accidentally pressed the emergency release button and the units were lost deep in a bog and were never found.
I mi smo odgovor na pitanje kolegi Taran. Što je "Аварийный сброс" ?Very Happy
Druga zagonetka. Finski 21F-13 [F-12]. Ali što to imaju pod okriljem ?

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24212

Napisano: 19 Feb 2012 17:40


Tako je Very Happy ,eto i to se desava pilotima

MiG-21F13's Finnish Air Force SRD-5MK range-finding radar:

Citat: Finnland was the only non-socialist country of Europe which used the MiG-21. The countries policy of neutrality during the cold war manifested itself among others in the obtaining of both western and Soviet weapon systems. De Havilland Vampires and the Folland Gnats were followed by first generation MiG-21s. After the MiG-21 the Saab 35 Draken was put into service then followed by the MiG-21bis.

Coming from the Soviet Union the first MiG-21F-13s arrived at Kuopio Rissala in 1963, further ones until November of the same year. Some went to the Luonetjärvi wing where they remained until the introduction of the Saab 35 in 1972. Some aircraft were transferred to the Tikkakoski based air reconnaissance squadron in 1980. There they flew until 1986. For education purposes U-400 twin-seaters were obtained which arrived in Rissala in 1965. Their service ended in 1981. To reinforce the training capacities the Ilmavoimat (Finnish Air Force) purchased further trainers of the then state-of-the-art version UM in 1974.

From 1978 on the MiG-21bis replaced the F-13 at the HavLLv (fighter wing) 31 in Rissala. While the first aircraft arrived on September, 21st of the same year the first larger delivery took place only in 1980. The procurement was completed with a last batch of MiG-21bis reaching Finland in 1985 and 1986. These should belong to the last MiG-21s which were delivered at all. Some MiG-21bis were retrofitted to reconnaissance planes MiG-21bisT, externally recognizable by their wing tip containers similar to those of the MiG-21R.

Together with the MiG-21bis further MiG-21UM were bought in 1981, differing from the first batch in being fitted with the R-13 engine. The first batch aircraft was retrofitted with this engine later.

Finnish pilots and technicians should have belonged to the best ones in the MiG-21 community. The author had the chance to convince himself of the high skills of the pilots as well of the excellent maintenance state of the planes. The complete maintenance was carried out in the country by VALMET. Spare parts are said to have been obtained from the GDR.

The decision to buy the F-18 Hornet in 1992 was the beginning of the end of the Finnish MiG-21s. Their final retirement was celebrated with a large-scale farewell party at Kuopio Rissala base on March 7, 1998. According to Finnish officials all planes had reached the end of their service life and were scrapped except for some exhibition samples.

Dopuna: 19 Feb 2012 17:58

babcia131 ::Citat::Rocket launchers 1967. In the 1960s, the Finnish Air Force had MIG-21 rockets in stock which had a limited lifetime. To use this stock for training purposes the idea of rocket launchers for Fouga Magister jet trainers was born. I got the contract to design the launchers as a private venture, and together with Aulis Eerola built 4-tube units covered with fiberglass skin. In test firings the launchers proved to be accurate but had an unfortunate end. On one of the test flights the pilot accidentally pressed the emergency release button and the units were lost deep in a bog and were never found.
I mi smo odgovor na pitanje kolegi Taran. Što je "Аварийный сброс" ?Very Happy
Druga zagonetka. Finski 21F-13 [F-12]. Ali što to imaju pod okriljem ?

Ta bomba pod krilom je mozda zapadne prozivodnje ?

Finci su stvarno dosta experimentisali sa F-13 pa i na ovaj nacin Smile

F-13 MG-127 sa preklapajucim krilima

Arrow http://www.geolocation.ws/v/P/26012347/mig-21-f-13-modified/en

Arrow http://www.panoramio.com/photo/37221157

Dopuna: 19 Feb 2012 18:04

MG-127 iz drugog ugla

Arrow http://www.panoramio.com/photo/35467267

  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 267

MIG-21 oboren od strane mirage 3.

  • Jerzy
  • retired soldier Polish AF
  • Pridružio: 28 Nov 2011
  • Poruke: 954
  • Gde živiš: Polska

Citat:ray ban11
Druga zagonetka. Finski 21F-13 [F-12]. Ali što to imaju pod okriljem ?

Citat:Ta bomba pod krilom je mozda zapadne prozivodnje ?

Finci su stvarno dosta experimentisali sa F-13 pa i na ovaj nacin Smile

To je vjerojatno ne bombe.
Isto tako gleda na kontejnerskom identifikaciju ?

No, kontejneri VINTEN i VALMET izgledati drugačije

Citat:F-13 MG-127 sa preklapajucim krilima

: MG-127 iz drugog ugla

F-13 MG-127 sa preklapajucim krilima
Oni su korišteni kao pseudo-a ciljevi za neprijatelja. Dobra ideja.
Kako ja to znam? Very Happy Ziveli

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24212

Citat:Six of the new arrivals were modified in Finland for reconnaissance missions, using a Vintén external camera pod on the centreline pylon, and unofficially given the local desig­nation MIG-bisT (for tiedusteluversio, short- coded MGBT). They served with the TiedLLv at Jyvâskylà-Luonetjàrvi. These aircraft had Italian Electrónica SpA radar warning receivers fitted in 1987, with small MiG-21 R-style wingtip fairings added as a recognition feature. The centreline pylon could also be used for carrying a Philips 9CM120X chaff dispenser pod or a Selenia SUALQ-234 active jammer pod viihen the aircraft acted as an electronic warfare ‘aggressor’ during exercises. All MiG-21 bisT aircraft were trans­ferred to HavLLv 31 in 1995 to replace attrition losses of fighters.

Arrow http://www.aviatia.net/military-aircraft/finland-mig-21/

Arhivske iz 1987g

Citat:Mikoyan MiG-21F-13 Fighterjet Memorial at Kuopio airport. Finnish airforce has 22 variants of F-13 and total 54 different types of MiG-21 from year 1963 to 1998.

Arrow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfZRcop_bW4

  • Jerzy
  • retired soldier Polish AF
  • Pridružio: 28 Nov 2011
  • Poruke: 954
  • Gde živiš: Polska

Citat:unofficially given the local desig­nation MIG-bisT (for tiedusteluversio, short- coded MGBT)
Imamo još jednu verziju MiG-21- i kod MGBT Very Happy

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24212


Da, kad bi se sve te zvanicne i nezvanicne oznake pobrojale bilo bi ih jedno 50-tak. Smile

  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 267


  • Pridružio: 03 Maj 2011
  • Poruke: 2380

Napisano: 17 Feb 2012 18:24

ART610 ::Kupovina aviona u ovom trenutku je cista ludost, kad bolje razmislim neznam ni koji ce nam k...c!

Вероватно такав однос имате и према возном парку Владе, разних министарствава и Агенција? Исто и према иницијативи, да се за Владу купи нови авион?
Шта ће и нови блиндирани аутомобил за Председника?

Надам се да не спадате у групу, која тврди да горе наведено треба, а да нови борбени авион нетреба?
Таквих теоретичара смо се нагледали деведесетих, када су ауди, бос одело и мобилни телефон били веома важни за државу, а за одбрану не треба ништа?!

Dopuna: 17 Feb 2012 18:53

Mercury ::@djordje, i ja bih zamolio za malo detaljnije pojasnjenje...prema tome sto ste rekli znaci da svaki komandant ViPVO mora da bude isklucivo pilot lovac(plus da ima i borbena dezurstvau dezurnoj lovackoj pari)?
uostalom kakve veze ima komandant sa zastitom VAP-a, pa nije on uveo tu kontrolu... Question

Па које снаге колега врше контролу ваздушног простора? Војска! У свакој земљи на овој планети!
Вид војске који непосредно врши контролу ваздушног простора је ваздухопловство.
Унутар ваздухопловства постоји јединствен подсистем, такозвани ПВО. Тај подсистем чине, ловачка авијација, радарске јединице и ракетне јединице.
Од пилота, само се пилот ловац сретао и активно учествовао и командовао у овом подсистему.
Не мора комадант бити пилот ловац, но онда његов "заменик" то мора, да би се командовало на стратешко-оперативном нивоу са ПВО територије.

Па би било логично, да на НАТО скуп у Загребу, у вези контроле ваздушног простора оде неко из српског ваздухопловства који је експерт из те области. На жалост наш комадант ваздухопловства нема те референце и није се у својој каријери бавио иједном функцијом из система ПВО.
А о начину и намени употребе ловачке авијације такођер наш комадант нема практичних референци, осим теоретски стечених знања из редовног школовања.

Овим не желим ничим умањивати способности комаданта српског ваздухопловства, но када је у питању контрола ваздушног простора за такве састанке постоје у Србији мериторнији стручњаци. А стучност никако несме да замени чин!

Dopuna: 19 Feb 2012 21:43

Било некад? Како је данас у ХРЗ-у?

Шта се дешава и имали новога око "опстанка" борбене компоненте ХРЗ-а?

Дуго нам се нису јављали колеге форумаши из Хрватске? Вероватно, немају шта новога да нам пренесу?

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