Citat:Boundary layer control system (BLC) and drag chute
R-802G Communication radio
ARK-10 Automatic radio compass (ARC)
MRP-56P marker beacon reoeiver and SOD-57 aircrart distance transponder
Pitot-static tubes: type PVD-18-5M (main) and type PVD-7 (emergency)
VDI-30 pressure altimeter and low-level RV-UM radio altimeter
DA-200 combined instrument consisting of a vertical speed indioator, turn indicator and slip indicator
GSh-23L 23mm calibre built-in gun
Optical sight ASP-PFD fitted with an additional fixed reticle and transparent range scale
Almaz A-23B Radar (RP-22SMA)
ARU-3VM automatic pitch channel transmission ratio controller vhich improves the aircraft maneuvering characteristics and controllability at transonic and supersonic airspeeds and reduces stick forces
UUA-1 angle-of-attack indicator and SUA-1 limit angle-of-attack warning unit
SPO-10 radar illumination warning system
SAU-23ESN automatic flight control system (APCS)
POLYOT-01 short-range radio navigation and landing system
SORC-1 centralized dangerous conditions warning system
SRD-99 system of JATO units and an automatic device for their switching-on
SRZO-2 airborne IFF interrogator/transponder, intended for identification of aircraft (whether friend or foe).
zixo ::
Sta mislis jel Moma ima kapaciteta da remontuje nase L-17 i 9 irackih? A gde su ostali tipovi?
Jedan prijatelj Nemac, inace bio mehos na MiG-21 u Istocnoj Nemackoj, prilikom posete remontnom zavodu u Ukrajini 2007-me dobio je info da oni prakticno mogu da remontuju i produzuju resurse do besvesti!
Evo ga egipatski MiG-21RF remontovan u tom zavodu, a avion je proizveden jos negde oko 1969-te. Izasao je kao nov.
Kolega zixo je još davno napisao ovo o zavodu u Odesi.
Evo prenosim s nove snimka remonta Hrvatskih Migova u Odesi.