MIG-25 Foxbat


MIG-25 Foxbat

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208

U prici oko zadataka strateskog izvidjanja posebno je bila zanimljiva Bugarska jedina clanica VU ( pored SSSR ) koja je u svojim BVVS imala MiG-25 i to izv. verziju RBT ( T-Tangazh ) 3 kom i jednog dvosedog RU .Mozemo samo da predpostavimo i zamislimo koje su sve zadatke obavljali Bugari na svojim neuhvatljivim 25-ma a verovatno leteci i izvidjajuci u ili pored VaP Juge,Grcke,Turske ,mozda i Italije( prostor tzv juznog krila NATO ) i to sistemom zvanim `Tangazh` . Kompleks sa oznakom SRS-13 `Tangazh` je bio namenjen za RTI na daljinama do cak 900km ( po 450km sa strane ) a imao je u svom sastavu i radar bocnog osmatranja tzv. SLAR maks dometa do 200km .

Citat:Вслед за МиГ-25РБ на вооружение поступила следующая модификации - МиГ-25РБТ (изд. 02Т) с несколько измененным бортовым оборудованием (в том числе аппаратурой РЭБ СПС-141 ). Отличался этот ваpиант тем, что вместо станции "Виpаж" yстановили более надежную и более легкую станцию общей pадиотехнической pазведки "Тангаж". Дpyгих отличий относительно "РБВ" не было. Самолет прошел государственные испытания в 1979 г. Самолеты МиГ-25РБТ строились серийно на заводе в Гоpьком в 1980-1982 гг . Назначением серии самолетов этого типа является радиотехническая разведка, при этом модель РБ сохраняет ограниченные ударные возможности. Носовая обшивка самолета - из диэлектрика, справа на ней находится радар бокового обзора с радиусом действия более 200 км.

Arrow http://airwar.ru/enc/spy/mig25rbt.html

Citat:...the Virazh ELINT suite was replaced by the SRS-13 Tangazh complex. This new suite had an even wider radar detection spectrum and the transmitters localization was improved to 10 - 30 km. The area coverage remained of 900 km and the data were always recorded on magnetic tape for analysis on the ground.The RBT version was equipped with the Parol IFF system, the Sirena-3M (Mermaid) radar warning receiver - that was later replaced by the SPO-15 Bereza (Birch ) in 1980 - and the SPS-141 Siren' deception system. Moreover, the MiG-25RBT were normally retrofitted with the Peleng-2 navigation complex.
The MiG-25RBT, like other "Foxbat-B" variants, was equipped with two separate compartments that could accomodate a maximum of five high-resolution cameras located behind optically flat circular glass panels. The main camera bay (up to four cameras) could be reconfigured depending on the mission. But, in fact, the aircraft came from the factory with their compartment already adapted to one of these three specific tasks:
#1: Standard reconnaissance (VFR conditions with light cloud cover) - four oblique 70mm A-70M cameras housed in the main removable compartment and a 130mm A-Ye/10 camera for topographical work, positioned just under the cockpit. The latter covered a corridor up to 10 to 15 km wide directly under the aircraft, and the A-70M expanded the coverage up to 100 km. In any configuration, the Peleng navigation complex automatically triggered the cameras at the programmed coordinates and a FK-5 camera took pictures of the coordinates where the different shots were taken. A SU5 exposure meter also was part of the standard equipment. This was the most common configuration. Such an aircraft had the standard nose with a porthole under the cockpit (A-Ye/10 camera) and four portholes (two obliques offset on each side of the nose and two more offset under the nose) for as many A-70M cameras. During daylight, high quality photographs could be obtained from an altitude of up to 22,000 meters.
#2: Detailed reconnaissances: two 150mm A-72 cameras in the main compartment (probably sometimes with only two portholes) and one A/Ye-10 camera, plus a FK-5 camera and a SU5 exposure meter.
#3: Night (and day) reconnaissance: two NAFA-MK-75 (NA-75) cameras under the nose that in this case would sometimes have only two portholes and a FK-5 camera. A 15 km wide strip of land could be photographed under VFR conditions. Flare bombs were dropped by the MiG-25 to illuminate the ground when taking pictures (maximum speed was restricted to Mach 2.2 with flare bombs - up to eight FOTAB-100-140). A MiG-25RBN version for night reconnaissance sometimes has been mentioned; however, former VVS personnel categorically refute this information. The technical documentation of aircraft bort number 55 of the 931.OGRAP that was equipped with a night photo reconnaissance suite (according to its nose configuration and its construction number) indicated that it was a MiG-25RBV variant.

Arrow https://www.16va.be/3.4_la_reco_part4_eng.html

Mikoyan-Gurevitch MiG-25 Foxbat
Another interesting type which was operated by the BVVS albeit in a very modest number was the MiG-25 Foxbat. Three reconnaissance MiG-25RBT and one MiG-25RU were delivered in 1982. The first half of the 90's saw the first signs of inevitable cutbacks. The first victims of these cutbacks were the MiG-25 Foxbats. In 1991 operations with the MiG-25's ceased and the aircraft were exchanged with Russia with five MiG-23MLD Flogger-G's in 1992.

Serial c/no. Prev. Identity Delivered Fate/Notes
731 red 02020731 1981 MiG-25RBT
736 red 02020736 1981 MiG-25RBT, w/o 12 April 1984.
754 red 02020754 1981 MiG-25RBT
51 red 39018801 1981 MiG-25RU

Citat:В 1982 году началась подготовка болгарских пилотов и авиатехников для МиГ-25, в ноябре 1982 года ВВС Болгарии получили три самолёта-разведчика МиГ-25РБТ и один учебный двухместный МиГ-25РУ, из которых было сформировано звено оперативной разведки 26-го разведывательного авиаполка на авиабазе "Толбухин". С начала 1983 года началась их эксплуатация.Александр Младенов. МиГ-25РБТ в небе Болгарии // "Авиация и космонавтика", № 11, 2017. стр.32-39 .

Zanimljiv podatak vezan za bugarske 23ke vs 25ce

Citat:During Warsaw Pact's major scale maneuvers in the 1980s, Bulgarian MiG-23s were even able to intercept Soviet MiG-25 reconnaissance aircraft entering Bulgarian airspace from Romania and flying at speeds of Mach=2.5+ and altitudes of 20000+ meters.

Arrow http://www.forgottenairfields.com/bulgaria/sofia/d.....s1380.html

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102188

Jos dve iz Libije

Citat:Libyan MiG-25R(B) '485' at Mitiga in 2007 and 2017.

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208

Kolega `Futurama` je napisao dobar komentar na temi Su-57 ...

Arrow https://www.mycity-military.com/Avioni/Su-57-novi-ruski-lovac_851.html#p2043672

Pomenuo i radar P-15 ...

Arrow http://www.radartutorial.eu/19.kartei/11.ancient/karte048.en.html

Za poredjenje ,grdosija od pola tone zvana RP-25 `Smerch-A` maks izlazne snage 600kW.

Citat: This improved Smerch design was used as the basis of the MiG-25’s RP-25 radar. It weighed 500kg. The Smerch-A1 as fitted to the MiG-25 prototypes introduced a second, secret operating wavelength of 2cm in addition to the standard 3cm to ensure the radar would function even in a heavy ECM environment.The radar had a power of 600kW which allowed it to cancel, by simple power, the electronic countermeasures (ECM) of the moment. The Smerch-A1 lacked the downward scan, so low-flying aircraft or missiles would be difficult to detect, as well as lacking Doppler pulses. Later improvements were made to the Smerch-A1 reaching the A2 model and later the A3, which still lacked certain capabilities.
This model was so powerful that it was able to burn the RWR systems of enemy planes, and even had to keep it off in the takeoff and landing phases because the radiation generated killed the rabbits that lived in the vicinity of the bases.

Arrow http://toad-design.com/migalley/index.php/jet-aircraft/mig25/mig25-smerch-radar/

Arrow https://www.taringa.net/posts/info/5716026/Megapost-MiG-25-Foxbat.html

Po NATO klasifikaciji pripada J-pojasu

Citat:NATO J- band Frequency range 10 – 20 GHz, Wavelength range 3 – 1.5 cm

Citat:The NATO J band is the obsolete designation given to the radio frequencies from 10 to 20 GHz (equivalent to wavelengths between 3 and 1.5 cm) during the cold war period. Since 1992 frequency allocations, allotment and assignments are in line to NATO Joint Civil/Military Frequency Agreement (NJFA).[1] However, in order to identify military radio spectrum requirements, e.g. for crises management planning, training, Electronic warfare activities, or in military operations, this system is still in use.

Naravno neko se nekad davno nasalio ovo za zeceve ,poznato je da se avionski radari ukljucuju na zracenje tek nakon poletanja ,recimo ogromni radar `Bumbar` sa letece radarske stanice A-50 se ukljucuje na zracenje tek na visinama iznad 3 km ,to su veoma velika zracenja ,vidimo kod Smercha/Safira do 600kW ,kod Shmelja 1-2MW .
Ovo za ometanje je verovatno tacno ,niko mu nista nije mogao ,niti ga zaslepiti ,ni obmanuti .

Citat:По видимому, в СССР только мало отстает в разработках совокупностей СВЧ диапазона. Помехозащищенность кроме того таковой старой радиолокационной станции как установленный на МиГ-25 радар Fox Fire (РП-25 Смерч-А) поразила западных аналитиков; импульсно-доплеровская РЛС последних модификаций истребителя МиГ-23 непременно более идеальная с технической точки зрения.

Arrow http://stroimsamolet.ru/vzgljad-s-zapada-na-vozdushnuju-moshh-sssr-nachala-2/

Na slici gromadni RP-25 `Smerch-A` sa `Kasegrenovim ogledalom`- reflektornom antenom i `zracecom lampom` tj el.- vakuumskom zracecom cevi ( cev sa putujucim talasom - po ruski LBV / na engl.TWT traveling-wave tube ) , sluzi kao generator sondirajucih signala impulsa .

Citat:Лампа бегущей волны (ЛБВ) — электровакуумный прибор, в котором для генерирования и/или усиления электромагнитных колебаний СВЧ используется взаимодействие бегущей электромагнитной волны и электронного потока, движущихся в одном направлении (в отличие от лампы обратной волны (ЛОВ)).

Arrow http://bastion-opk.ru/mig-25p/

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208

Prica najavljena na temi MiG-29 ...

Citat:The downing of Speicher F/A-18: Iraqi perspective Jan 1991

To American public the first Air to Air victory achieved in Operation Desert Storm was either that of Cap. Steve Tate F-15C from 71TFS/1TFW on a Mirage F.1EQ ( pilot Lt.col. Sabah Mutlag 89 Squadron - ejected safely ). Or Lt.Col.Jon Kilk F-15C from 58TFS/33TFW on MiG-29 ( Iraqis never admitted this loss ) .

In fact the first Air to Air Victory in that war was achieved by Iraqi Air Force Lt. Zuhair Dawood MiG-25PD from 96 Squadron on USN F/A-18C ( Pilot LCDR Scott Speicher VFA-81from USS Saratoga CV-60 ).

While the story has been covered very well by American media ( with the details of the loss and confusion to what cause the loss or the fate of the pilot )... No one had ever get the story from the Iraqi perspective ... The perspective of the Pilot him self .... The following is the story of the engagement as the Pilot at that time Lt. Zuhair Dawood reported it to his command :

Jan 17 1991
On the night of Jan 16/17 , I was on standby alert along with other 3 pilots of 96 squadron in the main aircraft shelter of Alqadisiya base ( Ain Alasad base ) and other 4 pilots in the other shelter ( Note 1 ) ... In fact I was wearing my flight suit.
On 0238 hr the Air Defence telephone ring and I answered the call and there was a guy screaming at the other end of the line : MiG-25 IMMEDIATE TAKE OFF !! ( Note 2 ) ... So I hurried to the aircraft MiG-25PD ( Note 3 ) ... In Fact the technicians were ready for this moment and the aircraft was ready ... So the take off was exceptionally fast ( 3 minutes since I received the call ) ...

After take off I switched to safe frequency and established contact with GCI of the Air Defence Sector... Sky was clear with very good visibility .... The GCI started to give me directions of group of aircrafts that penetrated the Iraqi air space to the south of the base ...

My radar was still warming and I was 90Km ( 50nm ) from the target formation when an enemy aircraft locked me with Radar ... So I performed a hard maneuver and the lock broke .... I reported what happened to the GCI and he told me to return to the same direction and you have targets at 38Km ( 20nm ) .. Mean while my Radar became ready ... I locked a target 38Km ( 20nm ) from me and at 29Km ( 15nm ) I fired R-40RD missile from my under Rt. wing .... I kept the target locked with my radar till I witnessed I huge explosion in front of me ... I kept looking to the aircraft going down spirally to the ground with fire engulfing it ... This happened at almost 180Km from base ( less than 100nm ) .

At that time as I understood later , Enemy aircrafts were attacking the base as they hit the old runway while others attacked with cluster bombs both the runway and taxiways and as a result my squadron mates took shelter in the underground bunkers and closed the hardened hangers doors .

Meanwhile .... I locked another target from behind ( Note 4 ) at 40Km ( 22nm ) and I asked the GCI for permission to fire but the GCI refused and asked me to confirm the target visually so I approached it and I couldn't believe he still unaware of me till I reached 8Km ( 4.5nm) and prepared R-40TD heat seeking fire and forget missile and asked the GCI again for permission to fire but he denied my request again and I asked him why ? ... He told me there was a MiG-29 ( Note 5 ) took off 10 minutes after me and he lost track with it and he fears I might engaging it ... I told him this slow moving target is impossible to be MiG-29 but he insisted I disengage and return to base .... So I moved passed the target aircraft and I can still remember the cockpit lights of that aircraft .....

I asked the GCI for directions to base because there was a malfunction in the Navigation instruments in my aircraft and he told me that he lost Radar contact with me !! but told me to take 340 barring from my last location ... I asked him where was my last location in relation to base ? .... But the connection was suddenly lost ... I tried to contact him again but to No use .... I feeling of despair as fuel is becoming low and the navigation instruments is down as I mentioned and as It was dark I could see nothing of ground features as electricity is lost all over the place ....the only thing could see is AAA and SAM fire .... But suddenly I noticed that Haditha train station having electrical power and since I know its location 35Km ( 19nm ) north of base ... I turned around toward the base and connection with GCI re-established but with very poor quality and he told me to switch to base frequency and I did it but no one was responding but anyway I started approaching the base and I switched the wing lights of the aircraft so they would know its friendly airplane and the runway lights were switched on for me ( I later knew that they were tracking me visually ) ... But suddenly and with connection is very poor and breaking up voice the landing officer was screaming to me : DO NOT LAND AT THE MAIN RUNWAY !!! ... So I made a turn and landed in the secondary runway ( later I understood that the main runway was crated by bombing in its last 1/3 ) .... No one was there when I landed .. All inside shelters ... So I taxied the aircraft to the gate of one of the shelters and while doing that I noticed the amount of destruction to the base with concrete chunks and metal objects ( bomb fragments ) all over the place ... I increased the thrust so they can hear the sound of the engine inside the shelter and let me in ... And it worked and they let me and the aircraft to go to the shelter..
End of Story

Lt. Zuhair Dawood and a Soviet technician at late 80s or 90 ... Faces were not shown for privacy

Arrow http://www.f-16.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=27861

Kakva su samo iskustva i situacije imali piloti 25ca sa ovim OZN ,bas kao i nasi piloti 1999g tokom NATO agresije na SRJ .

  • Pridružio: 17 Nov 2008
  • Poruke: 243

Svaka cast Ray, ovo opisuje koliko je MiG-25 mocna masina, u sustini da ga OZN nije prekinuo mogao je da skine minimum jos jednog kauboja. Navodno Davud ne zivi u Iraku vise.

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208


Hvala drugar,kad se sve ovo poredi sa pricama kod pilota 29tki ,posebno ovo vezano za jaka el. ometanja ,mislim da to nije bilo moguce kod `Smerch-A2` irackih 25-ca , bilo u osmatrackom bilo u nisanskom rezimu .Neki izvori su ranije navodili da je ovaj nesrecnik u Hornetu zapravo pogodjen sa R-40TD tj verzijom sa TGS,medjutim evo Zuhair licno navodi da je to bila R-40RD .Dakle Majkl u Hornetu nista nije mogao da uradi kad je dobio indikaciju da je zahvacen ,ono sto je vazno napomenuti s obzirom da imamo podatak o daljini lansiranja je da R-40RD/TD leti brzinom 5-6M zavisno od brzine lansiranja .

Ima tu jos nesto vredno paznje ,Zuhair navodi lansiranje samo jedne rakete ,cini mi se da je ranije bilo komentara u vezi toga ,pilotima MiG-25P i kasnije PD/PDS je bilo preporuceno da se uvek lansiraju 2 rakete u plotunu zbog moguceg narusavanja stabilizacije aviona ?

Ima o tome u ovom dokumentarcu ,od 14te min ...

MIG-25 Foxbat The Legend in Cold War (Documentary)

  • Kubovac  Male
  • Stručni saradnik foruma
  • Pridružio: 12 Jul 2016
  • Poruke: 5882

@ Ray ban11

Svaka čast na ovim informacijama! Uvek sam voleo da pročitam o nekim konkretnim ratnim iskustvima pre svega avijacije i sistema PVO....Manje me interesuje kako je "SU-57 odličan avion i ima ove ili one karakteristike"...Nekako čekam da mu dam ocenu kada poput MiG-25 ukrsti koplja sa svojim parnjacima sa zapada, ili čak sa naprednijom avijacijom pa ćemo videti. Ali ovaj avion mi je uvek zaokupljao pažnju i žao mi je što ga i mi nismo imali da leti našim nebom..... Smile

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208


Hvala kolega Smile Evo jos malo detalja o tom cuvenom obaranju Horneta sa jednog sajta ,pazimo ovo iskustvo ,vec prve noci su imali presretanja kolege Zuhaira Davuda ,lansirali rakete na F-15C koji su ih izbegli a onda su ih ovi gonili i gadjali sa cak 10 raketa AIM-7M,verovatno nema sta drugo .Naredni zadatak jos zanimljiviji , jedan jedini MiG-25PDS ulece medju 8 Orlova i napada ometaca EF-111 sa tri rakete .

Citat:Two engagements from these first days of the conflict are particularly interesting. In the first case, two IQAF MiG-25 interceptors were vectored onto a pair of USAF F-15 fighters. It was a successful interception and the Iraqis fired their missiles, though without effect. The two F-15s successfully evaded the attack and then turned to pursue. The high speed MiG-25s quickly outdistanced the trailing F-15s, who between them fired a total of ten air-to-air missiles at the Iraqis — also without success.

In a second case, a single Iraqi MiG-25 pilot near Tikrit managed to penetrate a defensive screen of two flights of four F-15 fighter planes each (a total of eight USAF fighter aircraft!) and then fire three missiles at an EF-111A Raven aircraft that was supporting an inbound strike package. The EF-111A Raven pilots were able to evade the missiles but had to break off their mission, which left the strike package without electronics countermeasures coverage for its mission. As with the other pair of MiG-25s, this third Iraqi MiG also outran the F-15s and recovered successfully to their base.

iz teksta sa naslovom


Arrow http://fly.historicwings.com/2013/01/first-lost-last-found/

Po ovim opisanim dogadjajima vidimo da 25cu nije nimalo lako uhvatiti i unistiti kako se misli, naravno i druga strana je dala sve od sebe da izbegne plotune raketa .Cini se da su Iracani mnogo bolje upotrebili presretace od Sirijaca npr upravo protiv Orlova .Doduse Iracani su na svojim PDSG imali aktivne ometace tipa `Geranj` sto je velika tehnicka prednost jer vidimo na primeru pilota 29tki koji su imali one francuske `Remore` da su lako izbegavali zahvat i raketiranje tih ratnih dana na nebu Iraka .

Inace pilot Zuhair Davud je u svom izlaganju izneo podatak da je on tokom svog zadatka prvo bio ozracen i zahvacen sa daljine 90km ,zatim izveo ostar protiv -raketni manevar pa se vratio na taj isti kurs i onda zahvatio svoj cilj sa nekih 40 km daljine .

Ovaj zahvat sa daljine 90 km su neki povezali upravo sa pokojnim Majklom .Ovo moze biti veoma realno tj istinito jer MiG-25 svakako ima veliki frontalni radarski odraz ,makar 30m2 jer je sav celicni a celik je poznat po velikoj refleksiji radarskih talasa ( inace MiG-31 ima ceonu RERP 20-25m2 po iskazima pilota koji lete Lokomotivu a jos ima potpuno skrivene lopatice ventilatora ) .

Citat:As I said, the American airplanes they advertise most, with APG radar long range and without independent AWACS can still operational, although the rival aircraft are large RCS

MiG-25 is a less maneuverable aircraft and large RCS, I think the radar APG having a problem that is calculate their speed, can they detect them in the range of advertising, but tracking them it is another matte.

In the case of MiG-25 and F / A-18, I think the F / A-18 was able to detect the MiG-25 at the 148km range, but because the MiG-25 at Mach 2.5 in practice flight, radar APG-65 therefore can only track it in the range of 90 km....The problem here, range detection, tracking range and attack range , the 3 different concepts

F/A-18C can detected MiG-25 from 148 km
But F/A-18C just can tracking MiG-25 from 90km
And F/A-18C just can engaged MiG-25 from 75 km (AIM-120B specs, head-on engagement)

Ovde je unesena zabuna kod TTK radara AN/APG-65(V) ,taj radar po specifikacijama ima osmatracki domet do 60nm ili oko 110 km maks .Isto tako raketa AIM-120A/B znamo nije bilo tokom pustinjske oluje vec AIM-7M ali je rekoh moguce da je ogromni MiG zahvacen sa tih 90km .Radar AN/APG-65 pa i 68 sa F-16 jesu u rangu radara N019 `Rubin` od 29tke

Arrow https://www.forecastinternational.com/archive/disp_pdf.cfm?DACH_RECNO=325

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102188

The Last MiG-25 Foxbats of the Syrian Arab Air Force
Arrow https://theaviationist.com/?p=51412

  • Pridružio: 30 Jun 2007
  • Poruke: 6287
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad, severoistočna Srbija

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