MIG-25 Foxbat


MIG-25 Foxbat

  • Pridružio: 31 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 20162

Iracani su isto tvrdili gomilu gluposti, broj F-14 koji su tvrdili da je tacan Iran ne bi imao ni 3 F-14 posle rata.
O F-5 da ne pricam.
I o potopljenim brodovima ima isto mega gluposti.

Sto se tice 3 jednim udarcem, tu barem imamo neki trag, samo sto je pitanje da li se bas tako desilo - jer su Iracani, koliko se secam (davno mi je to bilo interesovanje, digao sam ruke kada sam shvatio da su svi masno lagali) tog dana imali jedan izgubljen i dva ostecena MiG-23 iz iste eskadrile.
Tako da u teoriji moze, u praksi... tesko. Pre bih rekao da je bilo vise F-14, a da su onda Iranci sve pripisali jednom pilotu, moguce "politicki podobnom" - jer je poznato da su pobede pripisivali "pouzdanim" pilotima.

Ali sve to je rekla kazala, jer uvid u dokumenta o gubitcima ni jedne strane nemamo.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 01 Dec 2009
  • Poruke: 1998
  • Gde živiš: Borca Sebes gde obicno .......

da to jeste problem tada nije isto ko i danas da uporedimo slike i znamo ko leti a ko neleti od aviona.
A i nema medija koji ce to odma da prenesu, a i pitanje je koliko je oborila avijacija koliko PVO mnogo nejasnih u jednacini, a svi bi titulu asa

  • vampire and philosopher, po©smt, rhd©t
  • Pridružio: 13 Dec 2013
  • Poruke: 6016
  • Gde živiš: Esgaroth

... још индијског искуства...Citat:The MiG-25 Foxbat can be described as a legend shrouded in darkness and secrecy. The MiG-25 serving in the IAF retired from active service in 2006 . This magnificent aircraft was acquired around 1981 with the 102 Trisonics and stationed in Bareilly. The IAF had around eight single seat and two twin seat MiG 25’s in service, and they were the MiG 25 R, the reconnaissance version.

The IAF operated perhaps the smallest squadron of MiG 25 aircraft. The sole purpose of this aircraft was of course ‘Strategic Reconnaissance’...

The MiG 25 aircraft were flown in dismantled condition to their base in Bareilly, in Antonov aircrafts which led western analysts to believe the Antonov as huge acquisition. The base for the MiG25 was located in Bareilly, an other wise not a location one can think for a secret aircraft.

This aircraft got the IAF in the Mach 3 club. It’s pilots had to don a Cumbersome pressure suit and a helmet a bit similar to Russian cosmonaut’s.

The aircraft had 1200mm cameras, so in a way if a Foxbat MiG 25R flew over Punjab or Kashmir , could easily check on Pak or Chinese controlled Tibet.

At high altitude of around a 90,000 feet and at a speed of Mach 3, it made the enemy slow to any response and remained undetected...

One incident to add to this aircrafts legend, in May 1997 , an IAF Mig 25R was on a reconnaissance mission over Pakistan, when the aircraft broke the sound barrier right over Islamabad and the sonic boom was mistaken for a blast down on earth. The Pakistani radars picked up the aircraft signature and scrambled F16’s but could not get to it.

Pakistani ministry in the evening that day made a clarification to clear the fear caused in Islamabad due to this incident saying, the MiG 25 pilot deliberately gave out aircraft signature to show PAF it had no equal in its force.

The details of the mission are classified and it still remains a mystery that why the Indian air force pilot chose to reveal his presence over heavily populated area of Pakistan. Spyflight a website dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance aircraft, has speculated that the MiG-25 pilot wanted to show that the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) was nothing in front of India.

“The aircraft entered Pakistani airspace subsonically (below the speed of sound) at around 65,000 ft and was undetected,” says Spyflight. “Then having overflown and photographed strategic installations near the capital, Islamabad, the aircraft turned back towards India. Perhaps to rub the Pakistanis’ noses in it, the Foxbat pilot decided to accelerate up to Mach 2 and dropped a large sonic boom as he exited Pakistani airspace. A number of Pakistan Air Force (PAF) F-16As were scrambled, but had insufficient time to make an effective intercept.”

Let’s see what experienced IAF fighter pilots say about foxbat, all of them flew Mig 25 in all its glory.

The field of vision from the MiG-25 is 1,100-km and its clarity of perspective remain unsurpassed. These planes have served their utility. We are moving to a higher network-centric warfare capability. — Air Commodore Shankar Mani, Base Commander, AFS Bareilly

The MiG-25s are still in perfect condition. Even at the time of phase out, all systems are working fine. We even made structural changes to the undercarriage all by ourselves.
— Wing Commander Jayapal Patil, Rapiers Sqn Technical Officer

Most in the IAF have not even seen this base or the aircraft. Frankly, we can push our Foxbats for another 2-3 years, but after three life extensions, it’s prudent to retire them now.—
Wing Commander Alok Chauhan, Rapiers Sqn MiG-25 pilot

After 25 years, letting go of the Foxbat is sentimental. It has done what it was inducted to do. My job is to wind up the squadron and raise a new MiG-21 unit.
— Wing Commander Manish Khanna, Commanding Officer, Rapiers Sqn


In 1995, the IAF MiG 25R flew up to the stratosphere to get crystal clear photographs of the solar eclipse, where the sun rays untouched and unscattered by interfering atmospheric molecules.

One of the two pilots who flew that mission is also the seniormost and most experienced Foxbat pilot still in service is Air Vice Marshal Sumit Mukerji himself.

“It was an experiment that worked. Not only did we film the diamond ring of the eclipse, but also the starburst, when the sun’s light filtered through the crevasses and mountains on the moon. It was an amazing image. And from that height and speed, we were able to film the eclipse for a minute and 57 seconds, impossible from the ground,” he said as reported in Indian Express‘s article.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101646


Citat:МиГ-25ПУ ВВС Алжира

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101646

Slike su iz septembra prosle godine

Citat:Фотографии сентября 2018 года.
Самолеты МиГ-25 все еще находятся в боевом составе Алжира, причем ремонтируются и поддерживаются в неплохом состоянии. Считается, что в составе ВВС Алжира имеется 18 МиГ-25 модификаций ПД и РБШ.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101646

55 лет с момента первого полета МиГ-25.
Citat:Сегодня исполняется 55 лет с момента первого полета одного из самых скоростных и высотных серийных истребителей в мире МиГ-25.
Всего в 1966–1985 гг. авиазаводом «Сокол» было выпущено 1186 самолетов МиГ-25 всех модификаций. Часть машин было экспортировано в Алжир, Болгарию, Индию, Ирак, Ливию и Сирию.

Arrow https://andrei-bt.livejournal.com/1167471.html

  • vampire and philosopher, po©smt, rhd©t
  • Pridružio: 13 Dec 2013
  • Poruke: 6016
  • Gde živiš: Esgaroth

  • Pridružio: 19 Jun 2014
  • Poruke: 74

Soviet MiG-25P Foxbat high-speed interceptor aircraft at Nasosnaya airport


  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101646


Citat:Министр обороны Азербайджан генерал-полковник Закир Гасанов и руководящий состав министерства посетили Авиационный ремонтный завод, где им было доложено о текущей деятельности, проводимой в цехах предприятия, о ходе регламентных работ по ремонту агрегатов, двигателей и редукторов самолетов и вертолетов, а также радиоэлектронного оборудования.

  • vampire and philosopher, po©smt, rhd©t
  • Pridružio: 13 Dec 2013
  • Poruke: 6016
  • Gde živiš: Esgaroth

Средина '80-их, већ позната фотографија либијског пресретача...

... овај пут у нешто вишој резолуцији...

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