MIG-25 Foxbat


MIG-25 Foxbat

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24212

zixo ::Мислим да је брзина ипак била 3,2 а не 3,5 маха.

Piloti IAF na varijanti R su na izvidjackim zadacima iznad Pakistana dostizali najvise 3.2M i operativnu visinu 27000 m .O tome postoje tesktovi i bilo je to na temi .

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  • zixo  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 27 Sep 2006
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Мислим да су ту брзину пријављивали и Израелци 1971-74.

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24212


Da, kad su Sovjeti nadletali Sinaj i Izrael .

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24212

Kaplar ::Ono što je jedan kolega na forumu Krstarica (tamo je podforum "Avijacija i Vojska" inače u podforumu "Hobi") napisao, bilo je veoma upečatljivo, a jedan od podataka je bio i da je MiG-25RB, letevši nad Sueckim kanalom, nakon što je dobio signal da je na njega ispaljena raketa zemlja-vazduh, ubrzao avion i bežao od ispaljene rakete, čisto ubrzavanjem, a navodno, izraelski radar je u parametrima praćenja MiG-a zabeležio brzinu Mah 3,5+. U jednom drugom ruskom dokumentarcu, taj pilot je rekao da je pomislio da je pogođen, ili da mu se nešto u avionu zapalilo, kada je pri toj brzini išao i osetio miris zapaljene gume. Probao je da napipa po pleksiglasu, da li negde pušta dim i opekao se.

Napisao je isto tako i da su radari na F-15-cama često imali taj parametar, kada su pokušali vijati MiG-25RB: brzina cilja Mah3.5+

Citat:In March 71 four MiG-25’s were delivered to Egypt by Antonov AN-22 Cock transport aircraft, along with Soviet pilots and technicians. The first aircraft was re-assembled and flew from Cairo West airfield on 26 Mar 71 - on this test flight, which was monitored by Israeli and US intelligence services, the aircraft reached Mach 3.2 and 63,000ft. On the second test flight the aircraft reached 73,000ft, displaying a performance well in excess of the Israeli F-4 Phantom. It was initially thought that the Foxbat’s were the interceptor version, because at this time the existence of the Foxbat B was unknown.

iz teksta

Foxbats over Sinai

Arrow http://www.spyflight.co.uk/foxbats.htm

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Foxbats Over the Sinai

Citat:Missions were typically flown in pairs and operated at over 70,000 feet at full afterburner. At Mach 3, a Foxbat pair could cover in just two minutes the entire length of the Suez Canal that separated Egyptian and Israeli forces. Fuel was burned off at 1,000 lbs per minute as the aircraft maintained full afterburner. The inlet ducts would heat up to 608 degrees Farenheint (320 degrees Celsius) and the aircraft skin would measure 577 degrees Farenheint (303 degrees Celsius). Pilots reported the glass canopy was so hot that it would burn their fingers if it was touched during a mission. The cameras operated automatically as the MiGs covered 1 kilometer a second. In addition, the onboard ELINT sensors would pinpoint the locations of Israeli radars, communications nodes, and ECM units. On descent and approach back to Cairo-West, the Foxbats were again met by Egyptian MiG-21s all the way to runway touchdown. Two missions a month were flown and by the end of 1971 the Soviets were making routine deep penetration flights over the Sinai with impunity. Even the Raytheon Hawk SAM units in the Sinai were useless as they were only medium altitude surface-to-air missiles with an engagement envelope that topped off at 40,000 feet.

Arrow http://aviationtrivia.blogspot.com/2010/11/foxbats-over-sinai.html

  • vampire and philosopher, po©smt, rhd©t
  • Pridružio: 13 Dec 2013
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Jedna ilustracija na tu temu.

  • Pridružio: 11 Apr 2011
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Либијски извиђачки МиГ-25Р. Аеродром Метига пре пар година

Инструмент Табла

Грб Ескадриле

Сопла је огромна као што се може видети

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24212

Nastavak na pricu o izvidjackim zadacima iznad Izraela ,Sinaja ali i Irana

Citat:Over Israel and Iran

The unarmed 'B' version had greater impact than the interceptor when the USSR sent two MiG-25R, and two MiG-25RB to Egypt in March 1971 and stayed until July 1972. They were operated by the Soviet 63rd Independent Air Detachment (Det 63) set up specially for this mission. Det 63 flew over Israeli held territory in Sinai on reconnaissance missions roughly 20 times. The flights were in pairs at maximum speed and high altitude (between 17,000–23,000 m).
On 6 November 1971, an Egyptian MiG-25 flying at Mach 2.5 was met by Israeli F-4Es and fired upon unsuccessfully. A MiG-25 was tracked flying over Sinai at Mach 3.2 during this period. The MiG-25 engines went into overspeed, which led to their later destruction. Unit Det 63 was sent back home in 1972, though reconnaissance Foxbats were sent back to Egypt in 19–20 October 1973 during the Yom Kippur War. Unit Det 154 remained there until late 1974.

On 13 February 1981, the Israeli Air Force sent two RF-4Es over Lebanon as decoys for Syrian MiG-25 interceptors. As the MiGs scrambled, the RF-4Es turned back delivering chaff and using ECM pods. Two IDF/AF F-15As were waiting for the MiGs and shot one of them down with AIM-7F missiles. The other MiG was able to escape. In a similar engagement, on 29 July 1981, a Syrian MiG-25 was again downed by an Israeli F-15A, after which a second MiG-25 launched its R-40 missiles at the F-15 and its wingman, but they missed. However, other sources say the missiles hit and downed one of the F-15s. Finally, on 31 August 1983, a third Syrian MiG-25 was damaged by an Israeli Hawk SAM and then destroyed by an F-15.

During the 1970s, the Soviet air force conducted reconnaissance overflights across Iran using its MiG-25RBSh aircraft in response to joint US-Iran recon operations.


  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24212

Jos malo o iskustvima u IAF

The UnDefeated King of South Asian Skies : IAF - Mig 25 Foxbat

Citat:On October 24, 1995, two IAF pilots, Gp Capt S. Mukherjee and Wg Cdr Y.S. Babu, flying a trisonic MiG-25 witnessed for the first time in history, a total solar eclipse from an altitude of 80,000 feet. They were flying from Kalpi to Ikadala, south-west of Kanpur. This is an excerpt from Wg Cdr Babu’s account of the sortie, published in an official air force journal, Flight Safety:

Our attention was focused on flying parameters and it was only when the red glow of the instruments panel filled the cockpit that we realised that the sunlight had gone. It had become a dark night and the sky was filled with stars all round. In spite of the foresight, planning and expectations, it was all so sudden, so eerie and so exciting. The whole process was like rapidly fast forwarding a sunset and then a sunrise.

At 80,000 feet (25kms) above sea level, pilots do see stars and the sky appears grey rather than blue because of the absence of dust, air and water molecules. But this time, during totality, the sky suddenly turned inky dark without notice. The curvature of the Earth could also be seen from this height.

Arrow http://defence.pk/threads/the-undefeated-king-of-s.....at.228151/

First Indian Air Force pilot to fly the MiG-25 fighter Aircraft

Citat:When the team returned to Moscow, the Soviets offered flight evaluation of the Mig-25. at the Krasnodar air base. Air Mshl Katre formed a team consisting of AVM Wollen, Gp Capt Ramu and Wg Cdr Madhav Rao to carry out the evaluation. The team flew down to Krasnodar and Gp Capt Ramu flew two sorties in a Mig-25 U two seat trainer version. He thus became the first IAF plot to fly this legendary aircraft."

A brief description of the flight by Air Marshal [then, Group Captain] P.M. Ramachandran himself,

"I flew from the front cockpit with Col Uvarov of USSR in the rear cockpit which happens to be the Captain's!! I flew two sorties in Mig 25 UB on 25th Apr 1979 out of Krasnador air base. In the second sortie, I climbed to 26 kms and 2.6 mach. Time from brakes off to cruise at 23 kms / 2.3 M with 2 U turns during climb was 7 mnts 40 secs!I was wearing the same model pressure suit that Yuri Gagarin used!"

Arrow http://www.aame.in/2012/01/first-indian-fly-mig-25-fighter.html

Recce Incursion -IAF MiG-25R incursion over Pakistan in 1997

Arrow http://vayu-sena.tripod.com/other-1997mig25-1.html

Citat:MiG-25R/U [Foxbat] Garuda
The first MiG-25s were procured and inducted in August 1981. The aircraft equipped No.102 Squadron, nicknamed "The Trisonics". The MiG-25R is equipped with a number of electromagnetic-spectrum sensors along with a larger and a more capable side-looking airborne radar (SLAR). It is fitted with two left-to-right rotating cameras of a focal length of 650mm and 1300mm that can be fitted in the three interchangeable camera bays located in the nose cone of the aircraft.

The two cameras shoot through two port and two starboard windows, and a vertical camera with a shorter focal length is located under the cockpit to make the horizon to horizon linking shots.

A total of 8 MiG-25R single seater aircraft and 2 MiG-25U twin seaters were procured. Over the years, due to attrition , the number has come down to 4 MiG-25s which include atleast one trainer. In 2003, No.102 Squadron was numberplated and its aircraft handed over to No.35 Squadron "Rapiers".

The last remaining four airworthy MiG-25s were phased out on 1st May 2006 at a special ceremony at Barielly.

Arrow http://www.bharat-rakshak.com/IAF/Images/Vintage/Fighters/MiG25R/

Arrow http://www.bharat-rakshak.com/IAF/Aircraft/Specs/563-MiG-25R.html

  • zixo  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 27 Sep 2006
  • Poruke: 23389
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Само да напоменемо да је грешка у текстовима да је Египат поседовао МиГ-25. Били су то наравно совјетски авиони.

  • Konstruktor
  • Pridružio: 01 Nov 2013
  • Poruke: 1244

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