Poslao: 10 Feb 2016 06:23
- zixo
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 27 Sep 2006
- Poruke: 23389
- Gde živiš: Beograd
Само мала исправка, ракета Х-58У је противрадарска ракета.
Poslao: 10 Feb 2016 07:21
- Skywhaler
- Legendarni građanin
- vampire and philosopher, po©smt, rhd©t
- Pridružio: 13 Dec 2013
- Poruke: 6024
- Gde živiš: Esgaroth
Да, основна намена верзије БМ и јесте било дејство по противниковим радарским системима.Citat:МиГ-25БМ (изд.02М, изд.66) - одноместный сверхзвуковой самолет прорыва ПВО противника с радиоэлектронным и огневым подавлением средств ПВО... Параллельно с созданием разведчиков и разведчиков-бомбардировщиков МиГ-25 велись работы и над специализированной машиной, предназначенной для борьбы со средствами ПВО противника. В начале 70-х годов разрабатывался проект противолокационного самолета Е-155К, оснащенного двумя ракетами класса ''воздух-РЛС'' Х-58У, специальным поисково-прицельным оборудованием и двумя станциями шумовых помех ''Ландыш''... На самолет установлен противорадиолокационный радиоэлектронный комплекс ''Ягуар'' в составе аппаратуры целеуказания головкам самонаведения противорадиолокационных ракет ''Сыч'', станции радиотехнической разведки ''Береза-Л'' и станций активных помех ''Сирень-1Д-ОЖ'' и ''Лютик''. Основное вооружение самолета - четыре противорадиолокационных ракеты Х-58 (Х-58У), вместе с тем сохранена возможность подвески авиабомб по типу МиГ-25РБ... http://www.airwar.ru/enc/fighter/mig25bm.html
Poslao: 10 Feb 2016 14:32
- randja26
- Počasni građanin
- Pridružio: 06 Jul 2011
- Poruke: 887
Хвала на сугестијама, али то сам нашао уз слике Лисичара које сам поставио.
Poslao: 10 Feb 2016 18:47
- ray ban11
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
- Poruke: 24212
zixo ::Само мала исправка, ракета Х-58У је противрадарска ракета.
Tako je a spada u rakete klase V-Z ...
Nego da prebacim sa teme o raketama V-V neke zanimljive detalje u vezi H-58U
Citat:The "Foxbat-F" carried the Kh-58U variant of the "Kilter." It was built primarily of titanium and was designed to resist kinetic heating of 400 to 500°C. The maximum Mach number with missiles was restricted to 2.38. The MiG-25BM would have penetrated enemy air defences essentially without entering their lethal zone. Besides, if it had been necessary to attack NATO, targets would have been close to the front line. Thus, the approach to enemy territory would have been flown over friendly lines. Also, takeoffs and landings were protected by fighter aircraft. Following a reconnaissance mission over the potential targets, relevant data were entered into the different systems of the MiG-25BM such as the Peleng navigation complex. The transit flight to the target area was achieved at high altitude to a range of 200 to 60 km from the target (200 km was considered the maximum acceptable operational range, although successful firing were achieved at a range of 300 km from the target during tests with the Kh-58U variant. However, there was the risk that the missiles' nickel-cadmium batteries would run down before reaching the target when firing from such a long range). The target could be locked on from ranges up to 400 km.
The missile seeker existed in four different versions, adapted to different radar frequency bands; moreover, they were not vulnerable to electronic countermeasures. Each missile could be programmed separately so it was possible to carry missiles with different seekers simultaneously. The Sych-M system detected active radars and selected their signals for input into the missile control system. The missiles were attached to AKU-58 (Aviatsionnaya Katapul'tnaya Ustanovka or literally aerial ejection unit) launch rails under the wing pylons. When fired, the Kh-58U missiles initially were separated from the aircraft by two extendable arms integrated into the AKU-58 and powered by compressed air. Thus, damage to the carrier aircraft was avoided when the missile engine was ignited and, above all, the risk of a reactor stall through gaz ingestion was eliminated. The missile was launched at about Mach 2.35 maximum from an altitude between 17,000 and 21,000 meters. The rocket engine provided 6 tons of thrust lasting 3.6 seconds, while the missile accelerated either upwards or in a downwards dive depending on the range to the target. The thrust was then autonomously reduced simply by burning solid propellant of a different caliber in a smaller combustion chamber, providing a sustained thrust of 1 ton for 15 seconds.
sa sajta
Dakle visina lansiranja do 21km ,brzina lansiranja do 2500km/h ,moguci efikasna daljina lansiranja ( dejstvo na protivnicki radar ) je do 300km .