


  • Pridružio: 06 Avg 2010
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taj nescrecni fazotron zezaju godinama, cim se malo dignu iz prasine stigne ih neka afera da ih vrati u blato.
Iako se situacija promenila, cini su i dalje dva bloka MiG-Fazotron i Suhoj-NIIP.

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Na 1:37 - kocenje 'rucnom' Very Happy

  • Nikola Vukota
  • Multimedija , creativity work- world of disajn
  • Pridružio: 08 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 1060
  • Gde živiš: ZEMUN - Gardoš - Forsaž - BB.

Mišljenja sam da je birou Mikojan, moderan marketing slaba strana. Zemlje sa "plićim đepom" rado bi videle i modernije varijante Mig 29 - M na svom nebu, naročito kada je prerastao u punokkrvni multirole sa fly by wire, vesternizovanim glass kokpitom, niskom novog naouražanja.
RD-43- štediša u sferi potrošnje goriva nikako da uđe u seijsku proizvodnju.
Novi RD-33M za koga Indija želi da kupi licencu u jako je mali broj aviona ugrađen.
Ukoliko biro Mikojan ne promeni marketinški prstup ili ako iza njega kao garant stane država, pa i putem integracije sa Suhojem joji je dominantan na ruskom nebu (volio bih da grešim) al birou Mig ovako ne vidim svetle dane što je zaista šteta za jedan biro sa tako prebogatom istorijom.
Ozbiljna firma ne sme sebi da dopusti da joj bilo koji ino kupac, bez obzira odakle dolazi u celosti vrati dve eskadrile Mig 29 SMT jer se na starim zmajevima vršila modernizacija i avion je samim tim sve, same ne nov!
Još ima šanse da mudrom i agresivnom kapanjaom Mig-35 nađe ino kupca, mada se broj interesenata drastično smanjuje u korist Suhoja. I Mig-AT - školslo-borbeni avion je izgubio trku u odnosu na Jak-130.
- U odnosu na Mig 29, Mig-35 je maltene u celosti drugaćiji avion 4+ generacije i jedino što mu je zajedničko je nešto veći zmaj.
- Godinama leti kao dvosedi letni demonstrator bez ozbilnje ino potražnje. Pogotovo kad su Rusi u sferi eloktronike jako mnogo zaostajali i zaostaju, njihov marketing nužno mora da je svestran i agresivniji.
- Lično me Mig 29-OVT sa vektorisanim potiskom oduševljava svojom agilnošću. Šta vtredi, za sada leti kao jedan jedini jednosed, letni demonstrator Mig-35 a Suhoj grabi koracima od sedam milja.
- Za sada ću slikovno postaviti odlično urađen sistem OLS a u kasnijim postovima razraditi temu.

-TEKST IZ APRILA 2007. ( Defence Daily ):

The latest variant of the MiG-29 being offered to India features an AESA radar and a full uite of countermeasures.
One of the highlights of the recent Acro India 2007 Exhibit in Bangalore, was the public unveiling of RSK MiG's MiG-35 fighter offering for the Indian Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) competition. Though the airframe is the same well-known MiG-29M2 '154', virtually the entire electronic suite of the MiG-35 was on show for the first time. The aircraft avionics system has been integrated into the PrNK-35 fire control and navigation complex by the RPKB design bureau of Ramenskoye. All devices are interconnected by means of data buses compatible with Mil Std 1553B standard controlled by a computational system made by RPKB.
AESA radar:
The main fire-control sensor of MiG-35 is the Zhuk-AE radar with active electronically scanned antenna (AESA) made by Phazotron-NIIR Corporation in Moscow. The mock-up of a preliminary variant of this radar was shown during the MAKS exhibition at Zhukovsky in August 2005. At that time, the radar featured a 700mm-diameter antenna comprising 1,088 transmit-receive (TR) modules (272 packs, each containing four modules); the antenna mirror was set at a 20[degrees] look-up angle. This design, however, turned out to be too heavy (450kg). In the next version the weight of individual components was reduced, cutouts were made in the radar body and a lighter magnesium alloy was introduced. Finally, the antenna diameter was reduced to 575mm and the number of T/R modules trimmed to 680 (170 packs of four modules each); the antenna itself was set in a vertical position. The overall radar weight was reduced to 220kg.
700MM ANTENNA WITH 1,000-1,100 T/R MODULES .

This was the configuration adopted for the experimental Zhuk-AE radar (the original Zhuk-MAE designation has been dropped) produced near the end of the last year and installed on the prototype MiG-35 shown in Bangalore. The Zhuk-AE will start air tests from this March as the first Russian radar with active electronic scanning. Another prototype radar will start stand tests at the same time. For 2008, manufacturing of an initial batch of 12 Zhuk-AE radars is scheduled. The so-called "first stage" Zhuk-AE radar (also designated FGA29) shown in Bangalore is a modernised version of the mechanically scanned Zhuk-ME radar fitted with a new AESA antenna. It retains the existing computing system with data processor, signal processor and software, as well as the clock generator.

The Zhuk-AE/FGA29 radar can be produced by retrofitting the present Zhuk-ME radar. Phazotron will probably offer such an option for Zhuk-ME users such as Yemen, Eritrea, Algeria and India .
The Zhuk-AE/FGA29 is a multifunction X-band radar (3cm wavelength), which can track and engage air, ground and naval targets. The radar in its present form has a search range of 130km against fighter aircraft (radar cross-section up to 5[m.sup.2]). According to Phazotron, by selecting the proper range between radiating elements, the antenna beam can be deflected by +/-60 degrees without parasitic side lobes. The radar can track up to 30 air targets and engage six of them simultaneously.

The "second stage" radar, designated Zhuk-AE/FGA35, will be fitted to the production MiG-35 fighter. It will receive a new computing system and new multifunction wideband generator. Thanks to this, the capabilities of AESA technology can be better exploited and new radar operation modes can be introduced. Thanks to the reduced size and weight of the radar modules, it was possible to move the antenna mirror back and therefore increase its diameter. The FGA35 will feature a 700mm-diameter antenna with 1,000-1,100 T/R modules (the present configuration comprises 1,064 modules, but slight changes are still possible). Phazotron-NIIR is now seeking the best method of heat dissipation--a critical issue for the success of future developments. The range of the Zhuk-AE/FGA35 radar will be 200km (for a 51112 target): the radar will be capable of tracking up to 60 air targets and engaging six of them.
Phazotron-NIIR designed and manufactured all radar components, except for the T/R module. In 2002, the Almaz-Phazotron subsidiary in Saratov tried unsuccessfully to produce its own T/R module. Phazotron-NIIR engaged two companies from Tomsk: Mikran and NII PP (Nauchno-Issledovatelskiy Institut Poluprovodnikovykh Priborov, Scientific Research Institute of Semiconductor Instruments) to produce the T/R modules. Mikran designs Russian monolithic microwave integrated cikuits (MMICs) and TR modules, while NIIPP undertakes production on an industrial scale. One of the MMRCA tender requirements is the transfer of fighter production to India. Phazotron-NIIR is offering Indian companies a major share in future Zhuk-AE radar production.

Electro-optical locators :

Other innovative features in the MiG-35 sensor suite are two electro-optical units, an air-to-air device (OLS-UEM) built into the aircraft nose and a podded air-to-ground device (OLS-K). Both units have been developed by NII PP institute (Precizionnogo Priborostroyeniya, Precision Instruments), a specialist in optical and laser equipment used for trajectory measurement in missile and space applications. The OLS devices represent the first applications of the institute's technology in the aviation domain.
The OLS-UEM (Optiko-Lokatsionnaya Stantsiya, optical locator station) imaging infrared search and track device detects and tracks air and surface targets, as well as showing the pilot an image of the target for identification purposes. The unit includes a thermal imaging camera (with a 320x256 matrix) and a TV camera (640x480). The optical portion, including the scanning mirror, which is shared by both cameras, is housed in a transparent leucosapphire dome. The mirror scans a zone within [+ or -] 90[degrees] in azimuth and within -15[degrees]/+60[degrees] in elevation (with respect to the aircraft axis). Airborne targets can be detected at distances up to 45km in the tail-on position, or 15km in the head-on position.
The integrated laser rangefinder operates at two wavelengths: 1.57 microns (eye-safe) for training and 1.06 microns for combat. The rangefinder can determine the distance to the target from 200m to 20km. The weight of the whole unit is 78kg and the overall size is similar to the former OLS-29 electro-optical unit on the MiG-29 developed by UOMZ in Yekaterinburg. The prototype of the OLS-UEM locator was installed in 2006. on the MiG-29M-2 experimental aircraft, subsequently transformed into the MiG-35 prototype. The same device, in the simpler OLS-UE version, is installed on Indian MiG-29K shipborne fighters.
Another electro-optical search-and-track device, OLS-K (Konteynernaya, podded), is used for detection and tracking of surface targets. According to Nil PP data, the OLS-K device can detect a tank from distance of 20km or a motor boat from 40km. The laser can measure the distance up to 20km. The optical channel, which is shared by the infrared sensor and the TV camera, is installed under a transparent dome similar to the dome of the OLSU-EM unit. The device also includes a laser rangefinder/target designator and laser spot tracker. The OLS-K is installed inside a conformal pod (length 1,980mm, weight 110kg) mounted under the starboard engine air duct.

Self-defence suite :

The MiG-35 self-defence suite controls the warning devices (radar, optical and laser), electronic jammer and chaff/flare dispensers. This fully automatic system alerts the pilot to the threat, starts defensive measures and recommends an evasive manoeuvre. Urgent warnings are repeated in the form of vocal alerts.
The defintive configuration of the self-defence suite has not been fully specified. The most probable candidate among radar warning receivers is India's Tarang Mk2 unit, which is the standard equipment on Indian Air Force aircraft. The Russian option is the L150 Pastel unit. The radar warning receiver has three antennas: two of them (one on each wing tip) cover the front hemisphere, while the third, installed on the tailfin, provides 90[degrees]-azimuth coverage of the rear hemisphere.
The SOAR (Stantsiya Obnaruzheniya Atakuyushchikh Raket) infrared missile approach warning device was also developed by the NII PP institute. The device has two sensors; one of them, situated under the port engine air duct, scans the lower hemisphere, while the other, located on the top of the fuselage aft of the cockpit, watches the upper hemisphere. The SOAR can detect a Manpads missile launch from a distance of 10km, air-to-air missile from 30km and large antiaircraft missile from 50km. As well as detecting the missile launch, the device indicates the direction from which the missile is approaching.
The SOLO (Stantsiya Obnaruzheniya Lazernogo Oblucheniya) laser warning device, again designed by NII PR comprises two sensors mounted at the wing tips covering 360[degrees] in azimuth. The device, which weighs 800g, detects laser rangefinders tracking the aircraft at distances up to 30km and can determine the angular position with an accuracy of 0.5[degrees]. RSK MiG and Italy's Elletronica S.p.A. announced in Bangalore that they would cooperate in the integration of the ELT/568(v)2 self-protection jammer into the MiG-35 self-protection system. The ELT/568 covers bands H-J (on-board section) and E-G (podded section). Two active-phased array antennas located in the wing leading edges cover the front hemisphere, while the third one, located in the root of the starboard tail fin, covers the rear hemisphere. The pod, installed under the portside outboard wing pylon, has two antennas, front and rear. Russian options for jamming units have not been declared, though one candidate could be the SAP-518, made by the KNIRTI institute, which also includes a high-band build-in section and a medium-band podded section.

The OLS system is nothing like DAS!

DAS is a system of 6 IIR sensors that provide MLD, SAIRST (Situational Awareness IRST), and IR video imagery in a full simultaneous 360 around the F-35. SAIRST is for WVR ranges only.

The OLS, on the other hand, is a system of TWO electro-optical units an air-to-air (in the nose) and an air-to-ground (in the belly). The two sensors are similar to a standard IRST (the EOTS of the F-35) in function and do not provide simultaneous viewing to everything in their field of view.
MLD detection in the Mig-35 is handled by the SOAR devices installed. They only provide launch direction, but no IR imagery like the DAS.

Arrow http://www.defencetalk.com/mig-35-ols-radar-12-27502/

Arrow http://www.aviapedia.com/video/new-mig-35-ols-video

Arrow http://www.airforce-technology.com/projects/mig35/

Arrow http://www.migavia.ru/eng/photo/

( Odličan, udvoje prikaz -slika u slici, cele trajektorije leta Mig-29 OVT, letnog demonstratora ).

- ( Mig-35 na MAKS-u 2009. )

- Na kraju, izuzetan snimak poletanja (take off) , Mig 29.

  • Artiljerac
  • Pridružio: 07 Nov 2009
  • Poruke: 3123

  • Pridružio: 05 Maj 2010
  • Poruke: 100

Dali je moguce da MiG35 dobije stelt kljun kao kod F22, F35, PAK FA to sam cuo od ortaka, ali nesto ne verujem?!

  • Jester  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 6771
  • Gde živiš: Srbija

A šta bi sa tim "stelt kljunom" kada ostale linije aviona nisu stelt?

Ono što bi kod MiG-35 i ostalih iz familije MiG-29 moglo da se odradi su radarski blokatori lopatica motora (ukoliko ima mesta za njih) i sigurno premaz oplate koji apsorbuje radio talase.

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24212

ti blokatori su radjeni za SMT, to je titanijumska resetka prekrivena sa grafitnim RAM i navodno smanjuje RRP za 90%?

  • Pridružio: 05 Maj 2010
  • Poruke: 100

pa mislio na celu liniju valjda...

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24212

e pa ,Terminator 93 ,za to bi valjda trebala detaljna rekonstrukcija aviona

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