djox ::Svajcarci pre neki dan...vazduhoplovna baza Meiringen
A gde je Milka ? neutralne Svicere sa sve lovcem usred farme , ko zna mozda se u onoj stali tamo krije kaponir? ,kapa dole pilotima` alpskih strsljenova` i naravno bez obzira na svoju neutralnost jednoj od najspremnijih armija Evrope ( po principu` armija -narod` ) ,inace Svicere imaju 3 eskadrile F-18C/D( 26 komada C /7 D ) ( FlSt-Fliegerstafelln Flying Squadron ) i to 11-ta( Tigrovi ) u AB Meiringen te 17-ta( Sokolovi )i 18-ta( Panteri ) u AB Payerne . Op Svic !
sasans23 ::Инцидент при слетању, несмотреност особа на ПСС и извлачење у задњем тренутку.
Komentar koji dosta objasnjava:
Citat:i've worked on a carrier and on these planes... that F you see on the screen means the deck is foul... the deck being foul means there is something that is preventing a jet to land safely, be it personnel, a cable not ready, or things in the landing area, the W on the screen means wave or wave off, either the pilot wasn't paying attention to the wave off sign or someone gave him the signal late, the guys on the deck look like cable handlers and looks like they were going to check the cables