MiG-29 Fulcrum


MiG-29 Fulcrum

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24212

Posto se na temi o raketama V-V vodi rasprava da li 9-13 mogu podvesavati R-27T ( moguca kombinacija 1 R-27T/T1 i 1 R-27R/R1 ??? ) ...pa da `prebacimo` na ovu temu

Slike alzirskih 9-13

9-13 sa 2 R-27T1 ( u pitanju je jedan te isti avion i jedna te ista raketa / slika obrnuta / jer se vidi 2 puta otvor ispusta goriva kod 9-13 sa desne strane )

Navodno uz ovu donju ide ova na kojoj sa suprotne strane vidimo R-27R1

jos jedna ( cini mi se FC-62 )

Neki interesantni podaci

Citat:What about their struggling Mig-29 fleet? Their lifetime ended in 2010-11 and all needed overhaul and life extension. Most of them once served in 787 iap, Finow (Eberswalde), Soviet 16th Air Army in East Germany.

Aparently they are /will be overhauled in Belarus.

Ostale info ,dosta slika i komentari vezani za R-27T na

Arrow http://forum.keypublishing.com/showthread.php?1155.....sion/page2

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • zixo  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 27 Sep 2006
  • Poruke: 23389
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Постоји дакле могућност да је део алжирских авиона заиста 9-13С јер 9-13 не може да носи Р-27Т. Бар тако стоји у доступној литератури.

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24212


Hm, mogli bismo malo da ponovimo ovo oko nabavki alzirskih aviona ... Vidimo na onom forumu da su to vecinom bili avioni iz sastava jednog od pukova 16 VA u DDR.

Drugo, na ovom forumu dosta slika VVS 9-13 ali samo sa R-27R

Arrow http://www.strizhi.ru/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl?num=1117617130/0

Jos jedan alzirski sa R-27T1

Upitna mi je i ta kako se navodi u nekim izvorima kombinacija 1 R-27T1 i 1 R-27R1 ???

Fulcrum C: MiG-29S (Variant 5/8/9) (9-13S)

Citat:In 1985 the chief designer of the Russian radar manufacturer Phasotron Alexander Tolkatschew was exposed as a spy . When it was clear that he had given away over 60 films and 2000 pages of documentation on the MiG-29 and MiG-31 radars as well as A-50 AWACS and soviet IFF systems an immedeate programm for changes was initiated. The new vulnerability of the radar should be cleared in 1991/92 by the introduction of the 9-13 S with new algorithms in the radar computer. As the most important improvements these jets got a new radar, the N 019 m "Topaz", which had better resistance against jamming than the predecessor model. In addition for the first time two targets could be attacked simultaneously by the use of the active R 77 missile . The MiG 29 S was equipped with new improved IRSTS and better testing capabilities for the radar. Additionally it can carry the infrared R 27 T as well as the R 27ER and ET with a larger motor. The external weapons loadwas increased from 3000 kg to 4000 kg and th maximum AOA was increased to 28°. Die only 16 jets which were ordered by the Russian forces were ready for use in 1994. The remaining 34 machines were offered later as MiG 29 SE for export. As of 1993 some improvements were offered gradually. As of 1995 air refuelling and air-to-ground capability was offered. Most of these improvements were considerably late, however, and were only available for later export models (see MiG 29 SE/SM). The production of the R 77 got substantially delayed by the disintegration of the Soviet Union, since the production place had to be transferred from the Ukraine to Russia.

Arrow http://www.fabulousfulcrums.de/fulcrum_c1_e.htm

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24212

Poljski sajt navodi sl. podatke o nabavci alzirskih

Citat:since 1999 up to day
Operational: no data, up to 56


1999: 19 x MiG-29 (Belarus), quantity: 19
1999: 7 x MiG-29 (Russia), quantity: 19+7=26
2000: 5 x MiG-29 (Belarus), quantity: 26+5=31
2000: 5 x MiG-29 (Ukraine), quantity: 31+5=36
2000: 6 x Mig-29UB (Russia via Belarus), quantity: 36+6+42
2001: 4 x MiG-29 (Belarus), quantity: 42+4=46
2002: 2 x MiG-29 (Belarus), quantity: 46+2=48
2002: 2 x MiG-29 (Russia), quantity: 48+2=50
2003: 1 x MiG-29 (Russia), quantity: 50+1=51
2004: 1 x MiG-29 (Russia), quantity: 51+1=52
2005: 4 x MiG-29 (Russia), quantity: 52+4=56

In total: 56 Migs from Belarus (30), Russia (21) and Ukraine (5)

Da li je medju ovim nabavljenim iz RF zaista bilo 9-13SE ( MiG-29SE ) ? Izgleda da jeste sudeci po slikama na kojima ih vidimo sa R-27T1.

Jos nesto ovo oko SMT

Citat:In 2003-2004 tests of four MiG-29 are performed in Algeria: MiG-29K, MiG-29SMT with dorsal fuel tank, MiG-29SMT without it and MiG-29M2. Tests were conducted at Mecheria, Bousfer and Laghouat air bases.

Contract for delivery of 40 x MiG-29SMT and upgraded MiG-29UB (with option for next 30) was signed 03.2006. After delivery of first aircraft in 12.2006, AAF discover that MiG not meet contract conditions - airframe is not new (althrough aircraft was new, airframe was old, from russian manufacturer store). Deliveries was stoped, and when in 05.2007 next two delivered MiGs were in the same state, Algeria refused to pay for MiGs. So Russia not started deliveries of Sukhoi Su-30MKA. Algeria canceled contract for MiG-29 (05.2007), wants to exchange it for Sukhois or MiG-29 with new airframes. 15 delivered MiG-29 (12.2006 - 05.2007) were returned to Russia, where will be inspected for possibly service in the Russian Air Force.

Stvarno cudno kad je jos 1997 /98 prezentovan SMT ( 9-17 ) sa akcentom da nastaje konverzijom starijih 9-13 uglavnom ...

Varijanta SE je svojevremeno nudjena i Egiptu

Arrow http://vpk-news.ru/articles/5224

Sudan je nabavio 10 SE,

Citat:В декабре 2001 года правительство Судана и РСК МиГ заключили договор о поставке в страну десяти истребителей МиГ-29СЭ и двух МиГ-29УБ за $120 млн. Контракт был полностью выполнен в июле 2004 года.

Peru 3 SE

Citat:В 1998 году в России куплены 3 новых МиГ-29СЭ.

ostatak ?

Ovaj ruski izvor navodi da je 2003g prodano 2 SE Eritreji ?

Arrow http://www.airwar.ru/history/locwar/xussr/mig29export/mig_export.html

To potvrdjuje i ovaj izvor ( doduse pise da su SMT i 2002g )

Arrow http://www.rulit.net/books/vzlyot-2012-03-read-297633-8.html

Mijanmar navodno 6 SE ?

Citat:6 декабря 2009 года ФГУП "Рособоронэкспорт" заключило контракт стоимостью 412 млн евро на поставку Мьянме 20 истребителей МиГ-29 различных модификаций - десяти одноместных МиГ-29Б (9-12Б), шести модернизированных МиГ-29СЭ (9-13СЭ) и четырех двухместных учебно-боевых самолетов МиГ-29УБ.

Arrow http://bmpd.livejournal.com/456887.html

Arrow http://www.mars.slupsk.pl/fort/mig/mig-29-mm.htm

Slike mijanmarskih SE na

Arrow http://forums.airforce.ru/matchast/4945-reestr-mig-29-a/

Jos nesto interesantno vezano za mijanmarske ...

Citat:MiG- 29SE and MiG-29B of Myanmar AF. Myanmar AF has 20 MiG 29SE, 12 MiG 29B and 6 MiG-29UB. 2 MiG-29SE are upgraded and fitted with Kh -35 V anti- ship missiles. Russia is offering MiG 35 as a replacement for the aging F 7.

To bi bilo dakle 21 SE ako je sve ovo pouzdano .Da ponovimo pored 16 MiG-29S u VVS od 1994 ostalo je 30( drugi izvori 32 ili 34 ) 9-13S koji su prodavani kao SE .

  • Pridružio: 30 Jun 2007
  • Poruke: 6286
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad, severoistočna Srbija

  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2008
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  • Gde živiš: Srbija

Koji bese sklopovi ovde stoje ?

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24212


Blok elektronike.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101756


  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2008
  • Poruke: 12313
  • Gde živiš: Srbija

  • član biblioteke
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