Poslao: 16 Mar 2015 14:41
- Skywhaler
- Legendarni građanin
- vampire and philosopher, po©smt, rhd©t
- Pridružio: 13 Dec 2013
- Poruke: 6019
- Gde živiš: Esgaroth
Citat:...The bombing campaign marked the first time the German Air Force actively participated in combat operations since the end of World War II...
Citat:... In March 1999, the Luftwaffe became involved in direct combat role as part of the Kosovo War along with the other NATO powers. This event was noted as significant in the British press with The Sun running the headline "Luftwaffe and the RAF into battle side by side". The Luftwaffe sent in the Fighter Bomber Wing 32, equipped with ECR Tornadoes, and this unit flew missions to suppress enemy air defences in and around Kosovo.
These fighter-bombers were equipped with an electronic countermeasures pod, one AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missile for self-defence, and an AGM-88 HARM air-to-ground missile (anti-radar). The bomber wing flew 2108 hours and 446 sorties, firing 236 HARM missiles at hostile targets. No manned Luftwaffe planes were lost in combat during this campaign...
Biće da ipak jesu. A da ne bude baš sve Vikipedija
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 17 Mar 2015 16:14
- djox
- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 101770
Maleziji se nudi modernizacija....
LIMA: Malaysian firm proposes MiG-29 upgrade
Citat:A unit of Malaysian maintenance, repair and overhaul firm Airod has proposed an upgrade programme for Malaysia’s fleet of 10 RAC MiG-29 aircraft.
The upgrade, which an industry source says is being considered by the air force, would see the type upgraded to what it refers to as the “MiG-29NM” standard.
Citat:The aircraft proposed by Airod's Aerospace Technology Systems Corporation, in conjunction with Malaysia's Sukhoi Technical Centre, would receive a new high-resolution, fire-control radar; improved cockpit ergonomics; and better avionics, while the type’s airframe life would be extended to 6,000h from the current 4,000h.
The most dramatic element is a conformal fuel tank, which would be installed along the aircraft’s dorsal spine aft of the cockpit. This would increase the type’s operational range by 30%.
Poslao: 17 Mar 2015 19:19
- nebkv
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 30 Mar 2007
- Poruke: 3242
Ocigledno je 1999 i rat sve dalji i polako dolaze nove neinformisane generacije jer ja nemam apsolutno nikakav osecaj veze Poljske i desavanja iz 1999
Stari se polako,neki novi klinci
Mozda bi za pocetak edukacije knjiga B.Dimitrijevica "Vazdusni rat nad Srbijom 1999. godine" bila dobra za prelistati jer ima dosta podataka o drugoj strani i angazovanju istih
Poslao: 18 Mar 2015 09:58
- Kaplar
- Super građanin
- Pridružio: 01 Nov 2013
- Poruke: 1244
ray ban11 ::Kaplar ::
Bilo kako bilo, oni su u NATO, pa mi već stvaraju određenu averziju, kada im vidim oznake na repu.
29-ke su u NATO vec 20 godina ...
Citat:On 25 July 1991 the decision was taken to keep the aircraft and integrate them into the NATO air defence structure. JG73 was activated in June 1993, and the MiG-29s assumed a National (Day Only) QRA(l) commitment over the former East Germany. The MiG-29s moved to Laage in December 1993 and on 1 February 1994 the unit gained a NATO QRA(l) commitment. The two aircraft on QRA were assigned to NATO, while the rest were assigned to national tasking. All will be NATO assigned when the F-4s move to Laage to complete the wing."
I ovo .. malo je ko tako kvalitetno javno promovisao 29-ku kao Svabe i Poljaci ...
Da, sa ovim sam upoznat. U svakom slučaju, hvala na svim navedenim linkovima. Moja odbojnost prema NATO-u će i dalje do te mere ići da jednostavno ću uvek na slike NATO MiG-ova gledati sa blagom averzijom uz i dalje, svo dužno poštovanje za rad glava i ruku industrije, koja je proizvela ovaj, svakako, veoma lep i tehnički napredan avion.
Jeste da sam u toj godini tek prošao zdravstvenu komisiju i dobio svoju vojnu knjižicu i nisam bio pozvan na odsluženje vojnog roka, mogu samo da potvrdim da jesam neki novi klinac (možda po pitanju mog mentalnog sastava i zrelosti i dalje odgovaram opisu klinca), mada po godinama više ni klinac ne mogu biti... Reklo bi se da sada nigde ne pripadam
Poslao: 19 Mar 2015 18:39
- Pridružio: 01 Maj 2013
- Poruke: 105
a evo i modernizacija za rv peru na miguske 29 bastion-karpenko.ru/mig-29_mod/