Poslao: 20 Apr 2017 19:55
- Pridružio: 12 Okt 2014
- Poruke: 115
- 11Ovo se svidja korisnicima: ray ban11, Mercury, ILGromovnik, lacko, Sall, carpbuster, shmele, hatman, CHARLIE JA., pedja63, amaterSRB
Registruj se da bi pohvalio/la poruku!
Poljske MiG-uske
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 20 Apr 2017 21:36
- ray ban11
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
- Poruke: 24212
boracbl1389 ::
U vezi LAZUR-a je to sto je navedeno pod red.br. 4,5 i 6
Opis sistema na engl .
Citat:The MiG-29 Lazur Data Link System:
The Lazur Data link System is a two-way system, GCI-to-Fighter and Fighter-to-GCI. It is composed of the SAU-451-04 automatic control system, the E502-20/04 airborne guidance system, the R-862 radio, A-611 marker radio receiver, SO-69 ATC responder with the UNN block/K-42E kit, the ARK-19 radio compass, the TESTER-UZ/LK flight data recorder, and the ALMAZ-UP information reporting system. The MiG-29 appears to have no Fighter-to-Fighter capability yet. Transmitted target information is displayed on the HUD display which is the primarily display, then on the radar scope and appropriate cockpit instruments. The "GUIDANCE" switch on the Air-to-Ground Panel must be "ON". A Data Link Frequency nees to be selected and a Data Link Mode selected from the "GCI SITE", "AIR TRAFFIC", or "TERMINAL" options. The system operates in the VHF frequency band and is effectively line-of-sight limited.
The information displayed with 54 symbols or directives, some are listed below:
* closure speed command go-to
* continuous distance to prime selected target
* fixed distance to targets indicated
* end of intercept (flight recovery) command
* end of intercept (change target) command
* engine power setting commands
* afterburner activation (what stages if any?)
* interceptor aspect commands (go-to)
* interceptor altitude commands (go-to)
* interceptor course commands (go-to)
* interceptor speed commands (go-to)
* interceptor turn commands (go-to)
* missile warm-up (AA-10) commands (approx 3 minutes)
* target assignment commands for priority
* target elevation delta (±) commands
* target true bearing commands for pointing
* target vertical speed (snap-up) command
** target range, look angle, speed, G, etc
Poslao: 20 Apr 2017 21:50
- ray ban11
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
- Poruke: 24212
Poznate fotke ,Svabo lansira R-27R1 sa svog 9-12A,stvar je u tome sto lansira samo jednu ,sta je sa drugom ? Sta je kasnije sa asimetrijom koja nastaje pri ostatku jedne R-27R1 ?
Da vidimo sta je prebeg A.Zujev pisao u svojoj knjizi ( knjiga kao VTUP )
Citat:The two-position "SALVO"/"SINGLE - 0.5 SALVO" (PFKG-JLBY-0/5R-NF) switch controls whether or not the missiles and gun fires at a prescribed rate or a maximum rate. In "SALVO", two missiles will be launched, 1.6 seconds apart, with each trigger squeeze and the gun will fire a burst limited only by ammunition. In "SINGLE"/"0.5 SALVO" there will be only one missile launched per trigger squeeze and the gun will limit itself to 1.6 second bursts. The "SINGLE/0.5 SALVO" selection is the primary mode of choice today with the re-united German Air Force, Russian doctrine would want to use the other setting stressing higher Pk values with two missiles launched for a controlled encounter.
If we return to Alex Zuyev's book, he mentions an interesting point about shooting missiles.... don't shoot one unless you are prepared to deal with an asymmetric load. Something not always considered in the West, but one that Lockheed had to deal with when the AIM-7 became part of the F-16 loadout. Therefore, Alex wanted to fire two missile to preserve the stability of the aircraft. Then comes the age-old Russian tradition of shooting two to maximize the Pk of the particular shot opportunity. Clearly, asymmetry can adversely effect your dogfight maneuvering capability. It is also interesting that in Russian military literature we find almost no discussion on .
Evo nek se neko potrudi pa da vidimo sta to pise u nasem VTUP za L-18 u vezi ovog ( 1606 str )
Poslao: 21 Apr 2017 12:26
- Pridružio: 16 Jan 2012
- Poruke: 321
Neznam dali su ove fotke bile?Meni se sviđaju.Izvor je sa sajta VS,a ujedno da se iskupim za prošli put
Poslao: 21 Apr 2017 13:01
- sremac983
- Legendarni građanin
- Neimar i savremeni farmer.
- Pridružio: 24 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 11732
- Gde živiš: U sremu voljenome...
Да ли постоје неке могућности подешавања хоризонталаца у том авиону? Подешавањем управљачких површина, се поништава то асиметрично оптерећење....
Poslao: 21 Apr 2017 13:35
- ray ban11
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
- Poruke: 24212
Svakako da postoji pariranje kod kormila visine ,recimo taj problem je veoma izrazen bio na pocetku kod 25ce .No ta grdosija od presretaca je lansirala grdosije od raketa ,one R-40R/T spram kojih su R-27R prave raketice .Dalje sta je bio problem ,moglo se parirati koliko toliko u letu po kursu ,tj pravolinijskom ali je to veoma tesko izvodljivo u nekom ostrom-naglom manevrisanju tokom vazdusne/manevarske borbe .
Uostalom i Zujev potvrdjuje da je preorucivano da se lansiraju 2x 27ce zbog povecanja verovatnoce pogodka i unistenja VC .
Poslao: 21 Apr 2017 13:47
- Mercury
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 21 Jul 2008
- Poruke: 10395
Msilim da nije moguce trimovanje horizontalaca, u ovom slucaju bi to moralo da se odradi posebno za svaki, sto bi mozda radio racunar ako postoji ta mogucnost?
Poslao: 21 Apr 2017 15:56
- HrcAk47
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 14 Mar 2017
- Poruke: 2632
ray ban11 ::^
Svakako da postoji pariranje kod kormila visine ,recimo taj problem je veoma izrazen bio na pocetku kod 25ce .No ta grdosija od presretaca je lansirala grdosije od raketa ,one R-40R/T spram kojih su R-27R prave raketice .Dalje sta je bio problem ,moglo se parirati koliko toliko u letu po kursu ,tj pravolinijskom ali je to veoma tesko izvodljivo u nekom ostrom-naglom manevrisanju tokom vazdusne/manevarske borbe .
Uostalom i Zujev potvrdjuje da je preorucivano da se lansiraju 2x 27ce zbog povecanja verovatnoce pogodka i unistenja VC .
Pa nije baš tako. R-27R ima bg od 40 kg, R-40R/T ima bg od 38 kg. Tu su negde, ali R-27R je superiornija.
Tek R-40RD1/TD1 je dobio bg od 55 kg.