MiG-29 Fulcrum


MiG-29 Fulcrum

  • Pridružio: 21 Jul 2008
  • Poruke: 10395

Evo sta je sve ugradjeno kod Slovaka
Arrow http://www.ceslet.cz/en/military-programs/mig-29-an-arc-210-153-elt-503-i52/

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24212

Izgleda da i Ukrajinci imaju taj potenciometar ,mislim da bi to trebalo zaista biti u vezi radio-kom. po ICAO standardima sto rece `Mercury` .

Kabina je od 9-13 iz sastava one njihove akro-grupe .

Citat:I took some cockpit (and walkround) pics of the resident MiG-29 when we visited Vasilkov AB in the Ukraine in 2010.

Arrow http://www.britmodeller.com/forums/index.php?/topi.....rk-begins/

  • Luka 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 14 Mar 2011
  • Poruke: 3170

Postoji i na beloruskom MiG-29BM


  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24212

Zanimljivo ali upravo takav pult radio-kom. opreme je imao onaj 9-12 , Bort 08 plavi koji je jos daleke 1986g posetio finsku AB Kuopio-Risala. On se danas nalazi u MV u Dejtonu-Ohajo .

Citat:The aircraft on display was an early model Soviet Air Force MiG-29A (S/N 2960516761) assigned to the 234th Gvardeiskii Istrebitelnii Aviatsionnii Polk (234th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment) stationed at Kubinka Air Base near Moscow. It was one of the six MiG-29s that made a good will visit to Kuopio-Rissala, Finland, in July 1986. This event marked the first public display of the MiG-29.

Arrow http://www.bredow-web.de/Luftwaffenmuseum/Kampfjets/MiG-29/mig-29.html

Arrow http://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/Visit/Museum-Exhi.....h-mig-29a/

Evo sta stoji na sajtu `GS` za verziju SD


The MiG-29 fighters upgraded to NATO & ICAO standards have been in operation with Slovakian AF since 2006. In the effort to improve the MiG-29SE aircraft, the in-flight refueling system has been incorporated into MiG-29SD fighter. The aircraft is partly provided with Western IFF, radio navigation and communication equipment. The aircraft and engine service lives and time limits have been also extended.
The air superiority MiG-29 fighters adapted to NATO & ICAO standards, having the following new features:

"Friend or Foe" targets classification within NATO standard without addressing to the ground control center [the MiG-29 fighters belonging to the AF of states which are not the NATO members initially have these possibilities but without right to enter the NATO airspace];

compatibility with GPS "NAVSTAR", TACAN radio-navigation system, short-range radio-navigation and landing system;
significant expansion of in-flight navigation data availability due-to additional mission computer and LCD monitor installation;
operation in the NATO frequency bands, communication with NATO ATC centers due-to additional radio-stations installation;
international en-route flights using anti-collision strobe-lights corresponding to NATO/ICAO standards;
aircraft position detection abandoned by a pilot
In the course of upgrading the weapons nomenclature remains the same as compared with the original aircraft. In the composition of the MiG-29SD aircraft airborne avionics the data exchange multiplex channel is added (bus of MIL STD 1553B standard).

Aboard the MiG-29 aircraft adapted to NATO & ICAO standards the new radio-stations, navigation and IFF systems of UK and USA production are installed. The cockpit data display system is improved due to installation of MFD-54 multifunction color display with button bezel and PUS-29 systems control panel (supplied by Russian company "SKB "Russian Avionics").
As compared with the original MiG-29 aircraft the airborne avionics of the MiG-29SD aircraft has additional mission computer intended for solving the navigation and identification tasks.

The specific scope of up-grading works and new equipment composition can vary depending on the Customer request. BAE Systems, Rockwell Collins and other companies are subcontractors under the MiG-29 aircraft up-grading program to the NATO & ICAO standards. The air-superiority MiG-29 fighters adapted only to the ICAO standards differ in simplified composition of airborne equipment and lesser possibilities.

During the MiG-29 aircraft adaptation to NATO and/or ICAO standards the following optional up-grading can be fulfilled:

aircraft structure reinforcement for the extension of flight hours and service life up to 100% (depending on the aircraft technical condition);
increase of internal fuel tanks capacity;
installation of in-flight refueling systems of different types;
improvement and/or replacement of some airborne systems;
repair and transfer to on-condition maintenance.
The MiG-29 aircraft up-grading to NATO & ICAO standards can be fulfilled without aircraft delivery to Russia.

Arrow https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/russia/mig-29sd.htm

Nasi su isli u Bugarsku jel tako na ona gadjanja i time ulazili u VaP NATO .Dakle morali su imati neku adekvatnu radio-kom opremu za kom. sa njihovim OZN na NATO standardizovanim frekvencijama .

Eto ubacili NATO/ICAO radio-kom. opremu i sve ostalo a izbacili RSBN .Verovatno ce to uraditi i na ovom 9-12A i kod ona tri 9-13 .

Ukri uradili isto to

Citat:When it comes to the avionics, the changes pertaining to the MiG-29 fighter aircraft covered, above all, the modern flight recorders and navigation systems, including the GPS navigation. Moreover, transponders and communication suites have been replaced with their ICAO standards-compliant counterparts.

Arrow http://www.defence24.com/430472,ukrainian-air-forc.....-airframes

  • Luka 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 14 Mar 2011
  • Poruke: 3170

ray ban11 ::Zanimljivo ali upravo takav pult radio-kom. opreme je imao onaj 9-12 , Bort 08 plavi koji je jos daleke 1986g posetio finsku AB Kuopio-Risala. On se danas nalazi u MV u Dejtonu-Ohajo .
Verovatno je kasnije ubačeno. U Farnborou 1988. toga nije bilo u kokpitu prikazanih aviona.

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24212


Pitanje je kad su Ameri uopste dosli do njega ,za prelet u Finsku te 1986 mu svakako ono nije trebalo .

  • Luka 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 14 Mar 2011
  • Poruke: 3170

Izgleda da je Mercury odmah bio na pravom tragu Very Happy

Устройстве набора номера (УНН) СО-69 sa 2024. strane ove teme.

ray ban11 ::
Arrow https://www.mycity.rs/must-login.png

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24212


Bravo drugar a antene tog transpondera SO-69 se nalaze na vertikalcima i korenim produzecima krila u radio-prozracnom panelu-kapotazu .

Evo tog pulta i u kabini bugarskog 9-12A

E sad ovaj detalj oko onog malog belog dugmeta `SBROS` i `ZAPROS` na RUS.Izgleda da dugme `SBROS` ( odbacivanje VC kojeg je po prioritetu dao racunar -SUV na zahvat i gadjanje ) imaju 9-12,9-13 ali i 9-12A.Vidi se to na predhodnom snimku bug. 9-12A.

Evo ga u kabini ruskog 9-12 ili 9-13, isto se vidi pult SO-69

I sad kabine 9-12B ,naseg i madjarskog

Dugme `ZAPROS` sluzi kao upitnik sistema SRZ-15M ,tj sistema identifikacije `Svoj-tudj`.Ispada da piloti na 9-12B nisu mogli da po svojoj volji odbace VC preporucen od strane racunara- SUV ?

Istoi tako na ovim slikama kabina 9-12B npr mozemo dobro uociti da na pultu upravljanja radarom kod stavke `REZHIMI RLS` vidimo 4 radna rezima : AVT,BL BOJ,V i D .Kod 9-12 i 9-13 rekosmo imamo jos jedan radni rezim sa oznakom SP .

Evo ga na slici ( uokvireno i oznaceno strelicom ) ,upravo je okrugli prekidac okrenut na poziciju rezima SP (Slobodno pretrazivanje ).

Isto tako na slici se vidi pult transpondera SO-69

  • Luka 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 14 Mar 2011
  • Poruke: 3170

Пази, осим УНН има и ПУ СО-69 (пулт управлениа). Налази се на врху оног троугластог дела десне конзоле, десно од РСБН панела, а испред црног панела радио компаса.


Опис СО-69 на авиону Ан-26:

  • jazbar 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Dec 2009
  • Poruke: 16141
  • Gde živiš: Lublana

Nažalost nema ni ovde u legendi kokpita Mig-29 te sprave sa potenciometrima. http://www.cockpits.net/website/MiG29descr.html

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