- Pridružio: 20 Avg 2018
- Poruke: 280
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In some respects, the early Foxhunter was actually slightly inferior to the AWG-12 radar on the British F-4 Phantom II. No tail-chase programming was initially requested, and this had to be added later, as did close combat modes. A 20 target TWS capability was required, but was optimised for bomber raid assessment and targeting, not manoeuvring combat. Whilst it worked well in testing against drone targets, in service it proved unable to correctly track multiple targets making turns and moving in less predictable ways. Allegedly, it had problems with detecting lower RCS targets in clutter, and Hawks used in air training with the Tornado F3 were fitted with radar repeater pods.
Marconi and the UK government agreed a multi-year plan to bring Foxhunter up to an acceptable standard. By 1988, “Stage 1” radars were introduced into production which fully met the basic requirements of the RAF. These were to be followed by the definitive “Stage 2” radars, with new programmable digital processors. For the Gulf War in 1991, an emergency “Stage 1+” was introduced, to give some of the “Stage 2” capabilities to the “Stage 1” radar, but crucially this did not include the vital NCTR (Non Cooperative Target Recognition) mode as this feature required the new upgraded processors of "Stage 2”. The lack of NCTR relegated the F3 to a secondary air defence role well behind the front line. This was introduced with the “Stage 2G” in 1996, and further refined since then.
Since Stage 2 there have been continuous programmes of improvement for the Foxhunter, which are detailed later in the “Variants” section. The latest standard of AI24 radar supports the AIM-120 AMRAAM, and finally lives up to the original promise of this troubled radar design.
Rezimi rada:
These are the primary radar modes, used for long range detection, tactical evaluation, and missile fire control. PRFs used are above 100Khz. In Search, contacts are drawn as vertical lines, with IFF friendlies drawn as crosses. The target selection marker is the -| |- shape. In TWS, each target is assigned a letter, and a line (vector) indicating target direction and ground speed. The WSO can get numeric information (including target height) on any tracked target by selecting it with the marker. Friendly targets are assigned numbers rather than letters. Target B is drawn reversed because it is currently outside the scan limits of the radar; the Memory Track feature will keep plotting the predicted path of the target (as a straight line in last known direction) to aid re-acquisition.
TWS mode can track up to 20 targets at once; if an additional track file is initiated, the radar weighs it against the existing targets and either discards it or deletes one of the existing targets.
Pilot and WSO can additionally select a Tactical Evaluation Display, which attempts to correlate all targets from radar, RWR, and datalink on a single display.
Pulse Doppler Angle Lock / CW Illumination
Angle Lock is a 4 channel Monopulse single target tracking mode (Sum, Azimuth Difference, Elevation Difference, and Double Difference channels). Single target tracking is necessary to engage a target with Sky Flash; it maintains CW illumination (separately selected) on the target during missile flight. On the CRT display, TRK A LOC indicates that target A is the locked on target. MRM A indicates Sky Flash (Medium Range Missile) is armed. Note that target B remains on the display, using the Memory Track feature, reversed out to indicate it is not currently being tracked by the radar. By plotting the predicted movement of the former TWS targets during the single target lockon phase, reacquisition of the targets after reverting to TWS mode should be made easier. The HUD picture shows the pilot’s HUD presentation of the same engagement; only the locked on target is shown, as a small circle with a vector indicating direction and speed. The solid dot aiming marker must be held inside the outer Allowable Steering Error circle.
Pulse Combat
Described as “rapid target lockon of visually sighted target”.
Pulse Angle Lock
Described as “fire control of gun, very close range angle”
Ground Mapping
Basic ground mapping for navigation, using pulse compression modulation
Sastavio Paul Martell Mead na osnovu:
Jane’s Avionics
Jane’s Radar & Electronic Warfare
Jane’s Aircraft Upgrades
Flight International
Tornado ADV News Issues 2, 3, 7 (via
Press releases from Panavia, QinetiQ, BAe Systems
Aeroguide 21: Tornado ADV Linewrights, 1988
Glenn Ashley, Panavia Tornado in Action Squadron/Signal
Andy Evans, Panavia Tornado Crowood Press, 1999
J Gruszczynski, E.F. Rybak, Panavia Tornado, Lotnictwo Wojskowe, 2000 (Polish)
Bill Gunston, Modern Combat Aircraft 6: Panavia Tornado, Ian Allan 1985
Paul Jackson, Aircraft Illustrated Special: RAF Tornado, Ian Allan, 1987
Paul Jackson, ‘Panavia Tornado’ WAPJ Volume 3, Autumn 1990
John Lake, ‘Tornado Variant Briefing’ WAPJ Volume 31, Winter 1997
John Lake, Tornado: Multi-role Combat Aircraft, Midland Publishing, 2000
Doug Richardson, Modern Fighting Aircraft: Tornado, Salamander, 1986
связи с этим 30 невыкупленных ВВС России истребителей МиГ-29С были переделаны в экспортный вариант МиГ-29СЭ. В настоящее время они находятся на хранении на складе МАПО в Луховицах. Кстати, здесь же остается еще несколько десятков абсолютно новых МиГ-29 типа ╚9-12╩, выпущенных до 1992 г., но пока так и не нашедших заказчика.
Sa Ugolok Neba koji Ray Ban voli da cita:
U vezi s tim 30 MiG-29S koje rusko vazduhoplovstvo nije kupilo su preradjeni u eksportnu verziju 9.13SE. Trenutno su uskladisteni u skladistu MAPO - Luhovici. Uzgred ima i par desetina potpuno novih MiG-29 proizvedenih pre 1992 koji isto tako nisu pronasli kupca.
Pre toga:
Тем не менее в 1992 г. Министерство обороны России решило прекратить закупки истребителей МиГ-29 - в условиях экономического кризиса было признано нецелесообразным строить одновременно два типа фронтовых истребителей.
Bez obzira na sve Rusko ministarstvo odbrane je 1992 odlucilo da prestane da kupuje lovce MiG-29. U uslovima ekonomske krize nije bilo svrsishodno izradjivati dva frontovska lovca u isto vreme.
Nisam prevodio za radar Tornada u s obzirom da je veoma obiman posao i pod pretpostavkom da dobar deo citalaca vlada kako tako jezikom. Kljucni momenti koji po ko zna koji put razotkrivaju Ray Bana kao trola se nalaze u poglavlju
"Pulse Doppler Angle Lock / CW Illumination"
"Single target tracking is necessary to engage a target with Sky Flash; it maintains CW illumination (separately selected) on the target during missile flight."
Zahvat jednog jedinog cilja je neophodan za napad SkyFlash raketom! Zahvat jednog jedinog cilja odrzava CW (continuous wawe / najveca moguca ucestanost) ozracivanja cilja TOKOM LETA RAKETE! (znaci radar se posle lansiranja NE VRACA u REZIM PRETRAGE!
"On the CRT display, TRK A LOC indicates that target A is the locked on target. MRM A indicates Sky Flash (Medium Range Missile) is armed. Note that target B remains on the display, using the Memory Track feature, reversed out to indicate it is not currently being tracked by the radar."
Na CRT displeju "TRK A LOC" pokazuje da je cilj "A" zahvaceni cilj. "MRM A" pokazuje da je Skyflash raketa (srednjeg dometa) izabrana i spremna za napad. Primetiti da je cilj "B" ostao na displeju, koristeci funkciju "memorijsko pracenje" ali izokrenut da prikaze da nije trenutno pracen radarom.
Znaci za vreme drzanja u zahvatu jednog jedinog cilja zarad neprekidnog zracenja i vodjenja rakete Skyflash nemoguce je pratiti radarom bilo koji drugi cilj! Jedini nacin da neki drugi cilj ostane zarad neke buduce orjentacije na ekranu je da racunar na osnovu prethodno zapamcenih parametara leta racunski predvidja njegovu buducu lokaciju (objasnio sam pre nekoliko strana).
"By plotting the predicted movement of the former TWS targets during the single target lockon phase, reacquisition of the targets after reverting to TWS mode should be made easier."
Prikazom predvidjenog kretanja bivsih TWS ciljeva tokom faze zahvata jednog jedinog cilja njihova reakvizicija po povratku u TWS mod bi trebalo da bude laksa.
Vec mogu da zamislim trola kako ovo dozivljava kao potvrdu svojih stavova ignorisuci gornje navode da je neprekidno zracenje i zahvat jednog jedinog cilja neophodan za vodjenje Skyflash rakete. Povratak u TWS je nasa voljna radnja nakon zavrsetka gadjanja i memorisana kretanja ciljeva nam olaksavaju da se orjentisemo po ponovnom povratku u TWS. Isto tako je povratak u neki od rezima pretrage dugmetom Sbros nasa voljna radnja (sem ako se cilj nije do te mere raspao ili mu se brzina toliko smanjila da radar nema vise sta da drzi u zahvatu).
"The HUD picture shows the pilot’s HUD presentation of the same engagement; only the locked on target is shown, as a small circle with a vector indicating direction and speed. The solid dot aiming marker must be held inside the outer Allowable Steering Error circle. "
Kao sto citalac vidi ovo su opisi nekih slika koje trenutno ne mogu da pokazem pa nastavljam sa prevodom:
Slika na HUD-u je prezentacija istog napada; samo zahvaceni cilj je prikazan kao mali krug sa vektorom koji oznacava smer i brzinu. Podebljana tacka (nisanski marker) mora biti drzan unutar spoljnog kruga (krug dozvoljene greske otklona).
Ovo zadnje zahteva malo objasnjenje. Zamislite cilj ispred vas koji ide ka vama ali ukoso tako da ce vas proci sa vase desne strane. Ako bismo trenutnu poziciju cilja stavili skroz ispred nas i opalili raketu ona bi morala konstantno da skrece i gubi energiju jer cilj ne ide pravo ka nama nego ukoso ka nama. Da bi se ovaj efekat umanjio sistem nam nudi da umesto cilja ispred nas (ali unutar kruga) stavimo ne cilj vec nisanski marker (kuda on ide) i tako smanjimo potrebu za skretanjem nase rakete.
Za Zixo-a:
Kako gore vidimo Ruska armija je vec 1992. izgubila interes za dalji otkup MiG-29S (imali jednu eskadrilu) sto ste verovatno znali i od ranije samim tim se biro fokusirao na rad u uslovima gde ce narudzbe biti iskljucivo iz inostranstva i neotkupljene avione su snabdeli sposobnoscu simuliranja rada sa R-77 jednom kad ta raketa bude zavrsena (a da nije bilo interesa Kine i Indije pitanje je da li bi bila zavrsena do danas).
Predstavljenu tezu kako da vode dve R-27ER na dva cilja su mozda isprobali za domace potrebe na nekim drugim platformama, ali sa kojim uspehom i ako je uspeha uopste bilo sa kojim ogranicenjima i rezultatima - verovatno cemo saznati u nekoj dalekoj buducnosti.