MiG-29 Fulcrum


MiG-29 Fulcrum

  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2008
  • Poruke: 12437
  • Gde živiš: Srbija

Sall ::

Inace,sta je sa nasim MiG-29 105?
Jel on leti uopste??

Jesi ti popio nesto ?
Pa 105 se srusio prosle godine kada je pilot Rade Randjelovic poginuo.

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  • Artiljerac
  • Pridružio: 07 Nov 2009
  • Poruke: 3123

Nadam se da nije bila:

  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2008
  • Poruke: 12437
  • Gde živiš: Srbija

Agresiju su preziveli 18101, 18102, 18105, 18108 i dvosed 18301. Remontovani su 101, 105, 108 i 301 dok 102 i dalje ceka remont. Prosle godine se 105 srusio.

  • Pridružio: 02 Avg 2010
  • Poruke: 37

Many thanks to Kos93 for Your help yesterday. I correct drawings, infos and emblems on [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

But I still have a problem. Please take a look at photo below and tell what You see about 2004: 18109 in Serbia & Montenegro markings? Not 18102!

And overhauled in April 2008 in "Moma", Batajnica.

Definitively it's another aircraft than 101, 105, 108 or 301 - see inverted colours? Or it's only a lightgrey background for darkgrey enamel? Is that 18109?

And another question - what aircraft were crashed with Rade Randejlović - 18105?

Yours Mariusz

  • Kos93  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Sep 2007
  • Poruke: 7372

Well, the Serbia and Montenegro markings are actually FRY (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia - post communist Yugoslavia since 1992 without Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia and Bosnia which have declare independence in 1991-1992 and then the war started) and they were in use from 1992 to 2006 both by Serbia and Montenegro (actually Serbia and Montenegro is same as FRY, just it was a rename of country in 2003 on Western request).

The picture of MiG no. 18109 is from 1998. I think, that aircraft was shot down during the 1999. war with NATO near Valjevo town when it was flown by commander of 204th Regiment, col. Milenko Pavlovic, which has been killed in that combat. so since 1999. that aircraft didn't existed.

The aircraft on overhaul - actually painting at "Moma" on those pictures is the first overhauled aircraft no. 18101, the inverted colors are probably because of lightgrey background for darkgrey enamel.

And yes, the aircraft which has crashed with Rade Ranđelović was 18105.

If you need info for all Fulcrum's that were in use with Yugoslav Air Force:

-18101 - still active in Serbian AF, overhauled in 2007-2008
-18102 - currently on overhaul
-18103 - destroyed on ground by NATO air strike at Batajnica AB, 1999
-18104 - destroyed on ground by NATO air strike at Niš airport, 1999
-18105 - overhauled in 2007-2008, crashed in 2009 at Batajnica AB killing it's pilot Rade Ranđelović and one soldier on ground
-18106 - shot down near Kruševac by friendly fire (SAM) near Kruševac, it's pilot, maj. Predrag Milutinović (127th Sq commander) ejected safely, 1999
-18107 - destroyed on ground by NATO air strike at Batajnica AB, 1999
-18108 - still active in Serbian AF, overhauled in 2007-2008
-18109 - shot down near Valejvo by NATO (but there are some information about friendly fire too - MANPAD), it's pilot, col. Milenko Pavlović was KIA, 1999
-18110 - crashed near Ponikve airport during the war in a noncombat flight, it's pilot, maj. Slobodan Tešanović ejected safely, 1999
-18111 - shot down near Titel by NATO, it's pilot, maj. Nebojša Nikolić ejected safely, 1999
-18112 - shot down near Priština by possible friendly fire (SAM), it's pilto, maj. Iljo Arizanov ejected safely on enemy territory (held by KLA) and managed to break through enemy lines to Priština Air Base, 1999
-18113 - shot down near Loznica by NATO, crashed in Bosnia, it's pilot Capt. 1st Class Zoran Radoslavljević KIA, was wingman to 18114 aircraft on interception mission, 1999
-18114 - shot down near Bijeljina by NATO, crashed in Bosnia, it's pilot, maj. Slobodan Perić ejected safely in Bosnia and with help of local Serbs managed to escape capture by NATO forces and escapes back to FRY, 1999
-18301 - still active in Serbian AF, overhauled in 2007-2008
-18302 - destroyed on ground by NATO air strike at Batajnica AB, 1999

  • vlvl 
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 14 Jun 2010
  • Poruke: 1048

Znaci ova dva aviona su nasi oborili.Dosta se spekulisalo o tome.Vrlo je moguce da je to istina.

  • Kos93  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Sep 2007
  • Poruke: 7372

Pa predpostavke su, za Arizanova nikad nije istraženo jer je avion pao na Kosmetu, kod Pavlovića su našli Strelu čini mi se (mada je NATO uračunao ovo kao svoje obaranje), a za Milutinovića je otprilike sigurno da ga je oborio čini mi se Kub.

  • Sall  Male
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 30 Jul 2010
  • Poruke: 1944

MiG-29 Milenka Pavlovica je oborio Nato,a ne nasi.

To je bilo iznad Valjeva,moj cale tada bio ispred banke,svi izasli i gledali.Kada je pao avion,oni kao ludaci aplaudirali.Posle se saznalo da je oboren nas avion.

Pavlovic je oboren od strane Nato aviona.

  • Kos93  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Sep 2007
  • Poruke: 7372

Da, Holandski F-16 ga prvo pogodio, i tako se računa, ali se navodi da ga je pri padu i naša Streča beše još pogodila.

  • sezan  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 29 Dec 2008
  • Poruke: 3131
  • Gde živiš: Kragujevac

24Mar99 493EFS/48FW F-15C 86-0169 C.Rodriguez AIM-120C MiG-29 18112 127.lpe/JRViPVO (Arizanov OK)
24Mar99 493EFS/48FW F-15C 86-0159 M.Shower AIM-120C MiG-29 18111 127.lpe/JRViPVO (Nikolic OK)
26Mar99 493EFS/48FW F-15C 86-156 J.Hwang AIM-120C MiG-29 18113 127.lpe/JRViPVO (Radosavljevic KIA)
26Mar99 493EFS/48FW F-15C 86-156 J.Hwang AIM-120C MiG-29 18114 127.lpe/JRViPVO (Peric OK)
4May99 78EFS/20FW F-16C 91-0353 M.Geczy AIM-120C MiG-29 18109 127.lpe/JRViPVO (Pavlovic KIA)
01Apr01 VQ-1 EP-3E S.Osborn J.Vignery (co-pilot) Collision J-8II PLAF

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