grbe ::ray ban11 ::
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prve serijske 29-ke u bazi Kubinka juna 1983g
Zar je moguće u vrijeme SSSR-a da na migu stoji grb carske Rusije, bez ako me oči ne varaju.
i ja sam to drugar uocio i pomislio odmah da je photoshop u pitanju jer pogledaj malo bolje i primetices da ova 29-ka ima onaj tzv `ventral fin` tj. onaj mali stabilizator ispod vertikalca a kojeg su imali oni iz prve serije od nekih 70 aviona , takodje nemaju ono kuciste za mamce u produzetku korenog dela vertikalaca, na linku jeste pisalo da je fotkano juna `83 u Kubinci kad je prvih 12 aviona postalo operativno u toj bazi mada ja imam podatak da su oni vec 1980 bili u toj bazi , citat `the first MiG-29`s approximetaly 20 examples ,were delivered to the 234 IAP at Kubinka near Moscow ,in July 1980` (Combat Aircraft vol. 4 no. 5, 2003g Air Power Russia`s Fighter Force, P. Butowski)
Dopuna: 08 Apr 2011 9:37
evo i citat sa textom vezanim za tu sliku
Similar thing with LWF and OKB Mikojan and its "Theme 9" from 1970. The ZAGI demanded an integral construction from 1972 and in autum 1972 MiG was tasked with object 9-11 officially.
In 1973 it got its "present form".
1975 the first MiG-29 prototype "901" or "Blue 01" was built. Just aerodynamic evaluation, when from 1976 the installation of equipement and the Cockpit-design started. From 1977-79 numerous test-flights started, when related equipment was tested in several flying labs.
In 1979 918 was the first with radar N-019. First flight 22.05.1980.
From 1986 it saw service in constant rising numbers.
In 1982 the first series example 9-12 was built, when in October 1983 the official state trials ended.
By the way, the defection of Belenko in 1976 forced a stop in the design of the weapons-systems and delayed several programs like MiG-31 too.
In June 1983 the 234. GIAP received 12 MiG-29 in Kubinka
Citat:na linku jeste pisalo da je fotkano juna `83 u Kubinci kad je prvih 12 aviona postalo operativno u toj bazi mada ja imam podatak da su oni vec 1980 bili u toj bazi , citat `the first MiG-29`s approximetaly 20 examples ,were delivered to the 234 IAP at Kubinka near Moscow ,in July 1980` (Combat Aircraft vol. 4 no. 5, 2003g Air Power Russia`s Fighter Force, P. Butowski) Wink
Nema sanse da su stigli jula 1980. To je greska. Pre ce biti 1983.
Takodje nesto mi je sumnjivo da je ovo slika bas iz te 1983. Moram proveriti.