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- Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
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Zanimljiv text ( ponavljanje gradiva o Zaslonu).
Citat:Flight tests of SUV “Zaslon”
Vladimir Ilin
“Aerospace review”, №5, 2005, pages 42-43
Control system of armament (SUV) “Zaslon”, worked out for the fighter-interceptor MiG-31 - unique article, whose many characteristicss, until now, are not exceeded on the foreign analogs.
Characteristicss of complex maximally high for their time were to a considerable extent achieved due to the carrying out of multiple, now and then completely large-scale (as it is organizational, so also materially) flight tests and experiments. Some of these experiments, until now, are unique.
Should be noted the the fact that similar experiments, directed toward a increase in the possibilities of aviation complex, they were conducted also after reception MiG-31 for the armament. Let us pause only at the individual, most significant development stages of complex, carried out BY NIIP im. V.V Tikhomirov and OKB A. I. Mikoyan in the course of flight tests MiG-31.
On 15 February of 1978 in Akhtubinske took place not [povtorjonnyj], until now, not by some foreign aviation complex flying experiment on the simultaneous detection, the capture and the accompaniment of 10 aerial targets, which fly by wide front (on the order of 150 km) at different heights.
Interceptor MiG-31 executed flight at height 5000 m. of target were distributed to two groups. The first group flew at the altitude of from 8400 m to 9600 m, the second - from 1400 m to 2600 m. thus, in one experiment was evaluated the work SUV “Zaslon” both according to the targets, which fly against the background free space (sky), and along the targets, which fly (relative to interceptor) the against the background underlying (terrestrial) surface. The maximum detectable range of targets (had EPR on the order of 16 m2) was 210 kilometers.
Target Number Distance of detection/automatic target tracking Target Altitude, m
1 141,3 1400
2 162,2 9000
3 136,5 2000
4 124,8 1700
5 131,5 2600
6 137,8 9300
7 144,3 8700
8 121,5 9600
9 112,2 2300
10 115,4 8400
The total time of detection and tracking was 153,5 s. in this case the first seven targets were detected and tracked for 69,5 s. the time, spent directly on the procedure of the target of seven lock-ons, it composed 24,3 s , and 10 targets -49,05 s.
For the exclusion of the repeated target of one and the same lock-on and, as a result, “recycling” of the work of system was introduced the comparison of the coordinates newly locked on and inhibit to their repeated capture.
It must be noted, that the possibility of repeated lock on and tracking one and the same target in one flying experiment made it possible to estimate the load of calculating processes and to gather statistics according to the observation of the signals of target (mode for the experimental works) without the organization subsequently of the expensive flights of 10 of targets.
The creation of the phased antenna array (FAR) for SUV “Zaslon” made it possible not only to realize the multipurpose work of radar complex, but also to work out the application of mode of the so-called “consecutive feeler” for a increase in the range. In this case the analysis is conducted during two-four elementary temporary time (position of the ray FAR [ostajotsja] invariable). Lower and upper thresholds in each time are different. With the excess of the upper limit in each of 180 sectors of Doppler frequencies is developed the signal “target”. Consecutive feeler made it possible to obtain the gain in the range of detection of aerial targets, component approximately 20-25%. In this case entire procedure of consecutive detection is realized in special analog-digital processor.
The realization of this mode in the up-to-date digital signal processors is problematic because of the insufficient speed and the need organizing the special calculating process.
On 28 August of 1978 MiG-31 it successfully destroyed by four simultaneously released rockets R-33 of four radio-controlled airborne target.
On 18 August of 1993 was carried out a series of flying experiments on the interception of target at maximum range. In the course of the first of them the radio-controlled target, which flies at the height of 10.300 m with a velocity of 189 meters per second, was locked on by interceptor MiG-31 (flight altitude 8480 m, velocity - 669,3 meters per second) at the range if 319,5 kilometers the launch of rocket R-33 (successfully destroyed target) was carried out at the distance 228 kilometers.
Perhaps, the experiment, carried out on 21 April by 1994 became the most effective flying experiment, which entirely demonstrated the possibility of aviation complex, on the simultaneous fire of four aerial targets. As the latter were begun to operate the specially equipped fighters MiG-21 (guided from the surface control centers), that had relatively low RCS and high maneuverability.
The first target flew at the altitude of 7100 m, the second - 1720 m, the third - 2470 m, the fourth - 6230 m. the sequence of the fire of targets was determined by the program of computing system MiG-31: 4-2-3-1. All targets, which maneuvered on the course, were annihilated in several ten kilometers from the fighter-interceptor.
Thus, SUV “Zaslon” under the conditions, maximally approximating real, confirmed its unique characteristicss. It should be noted that and today aviation complex MiG-31, created still in 1968-1981 years, did not drain its evolutionary possibilities. Its modernization will make it possible to substantially increase combat potential and will attach to it the characteristicss, which correspond to requirements for the fighter-interceptors XXI of century.
For the creation SUV “Zaslon” and its modifications of 196 coworkers of NIIP they were rewarded with orders and medals of USSR.
But was begun development SUV “Zaslon” in 1968 at first it it advanced complicatedly and difficultly. All technical decisions were new: FAR, quasi-continuous emission, multipurpose work, group activities and other this now, 37 years later, they are steels customary, clear and as by itself understanding, necessary in each new development. In this case it is important to note that the fundamental technical decisions were immediately selected correctly, but their practical realization was extremely difficult task.
In the process of the work on SUV “Zaslon” was added the creative strategic formation of the specialists of different organizations. Implication to the solution of priority problem, scale of works and highest level of scientific and technological tasks drew together the specialists of the firm of the developer of – NII instrument manufacture, series plant “Leninist” and the set of enterprises and services of science, industry and client.
But by the meaningful result of development SUV “Zaslon” was creation in NIIP of scientific technical school for the development of antenna systems and radar with electronic control of ray, capable of today conducting the most complex and foremost developments both for the aviation and for the antiaircraft missile systems.
Poredjenje kabina navigatora-operatera kod MiG-31,M i BM
M- zadnja kabina kao i prikaz vazdusne situacije na pultu ( radarski ekran i ostali pokazivaci )
Kako na Guglu vide mogucnosti patroliranja i odbrane vazdusnog prostora RF gledano kroz njegov tackticki radijus dejstva polazeci iz AB u kojima baziraju .
Citat:-The MiG-31 has a combat radius with no external fuel of 1250 kilometers at Mach 0.8, or 720 kilometers at Mach 2.35. Bear in mind that range and/or endurance can be increased with in-flight refueling.
The following image depicts the coverage area of MiG-31 interceptors in western and central Russia, based on the subsonic 1250 kilometer combat radius:
Citat:The following image depicts the coverage area of MiG-31 interceptors in eastern Russia, based on the subsonic 1250 kilometer combat radius:
Autor navodi podatke od 2007g i za MiG-31 napominje da su povuceni iz AB Morshansk kao i Sokol ? Izvori su textovi J.Gordona i P.Podviga .
Cini mi se da na prvoj mapi ( znaci zapadni deo RF) nije prikazana AB na poluostrvu Kola ( mozda AB Monchegorsk ili neka druga ? ) .Ako je ovo stanje realno ( licno sumnjam ali je sve i moguce ) onda ima dosta rupa tu i propusta.Pogovoto na krajnjem severnom delu ( pomenuto poluostrvo Kola gde inace bazira Severna flota sa svojim bazama i plovnim sredstvima )fali ipak makar jedna AB kao i krajni severoistocni deo prema Aljasci.