MiG-31 Foxhound


MiG-31 Foxhound

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И ово је сасвим довољно...јел не би било лепше када бо га ми звали ко и његове посаде не ко амери...па уместо лисичара, кажемо локомотива..моћније звучи

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  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
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Siva lokomotiva i beli labud

Turizam sa 31-com

Arrow http://www.flyfighterjet.name/fly-fighter-jet-mig31-foxhound.html

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kolega ray u odnosu na cenu od pre 2-3 godine najverovatnije mi u ovom turizmu necemo uzivati nazalost.

  • Pridružio: 03 Maj 2011
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И за лисичара има баш претеривања у фотомонтажи!?

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
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Boris Safonov u toku naoruzavanja raketama R-33

Simulator 31-ce

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djordje ::И за лисичара има баш претеривања у фотомонтажи!?

Samo ovu fotomontažu je napravio neko ko se u problematiku poznaje k'o Marica u... Laughing

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
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Raketa R-33S prvi put pokazana javnosti 1994 g na MiG-31M

Citat:Russian Air Force Details MiG-31BM AAMs Aviation Week & Space Technology Apr 13 , 2009 , p. 36 The Russian air force is?for the first time?detailing the air-to-air weapons capability of the MiG-31BM variant of the Foxhound, and showing the actual configuration of the R-33S long-range missile. A MiG-31BM was on display at Kubinka air base for the visit of President Dmitry Medvedev at the end of March, as was an array of weaponry for the aircraft. Medvedev was shown the latest additions to the air force inventory and upgraded aircraft types; he also was given a flight in a Sukhoi Su-34 Fullback. The appearance of the MiG-31BM, and its weaponry, underscores the aircraft?s continuing importance?and prestige?to the air force. The Foxhound remains the service?s primary long-range air defense platform, designed from the outset to engage strike aircraft as well as cruise missiles. The MiG-31BM is an upgrade to in-service aircraft, but draws on systems and weapons originally intended for the canceled MiG-31M mid-life upgrade. The aircraft?s passive phased array radar is believed to be boosted to the Zaslon AM standard. Displayed at Kubinka alongside two Vympel (now part of Tactical Missile Corp.) R-33 (AA-9 Amos) missiles were two R-33Ss (AA-9Bs). The latter variant has only been partially seen in photographs taken in 1994 at the air force flight test center at Ahktubinsk. The R-33Ss in the 1994 photos were mounted in the two center semi-recessed stations of the MiG-31M. That aircraft was designed to carry up to six long-range air-to-air missiles semi-recessed under the fuselage, while earlier versions of the Foxhound could only carry four. The R-33S displayed did have the four fixed destabilizers to the rear of the radome; it did not have its main wing surfaces fitted. The two R-33Ss at Kubinka indicate an alteration to the wing configuration; the trailing edge now ends considerably short of the four rear-control surfaces. Development of the R-33S stretches back to the 1980s, and its service status has long remained in question publicly, though test rounds, at least, may have been produced as far back as the early 1990s. The development of an improved variant of the basic Amos reputedly stemmed in part from some specifications being compromised by Adolf Tolkachev, a lead engineer at a major design bureau, who passed classified information to the U.S., including on the Foxhound and its weapons. This is believed to have spurred development of the MiG-31B/BS, with the modified Amos as part of the effort. Aerodynamically, the R-33S offers improved maneuverability over the basic weapon. The R-33 was not designed to engage a maneuvering target; however, the introduction of destabilizers along with the redesigned wing offers some increase in performance in this area. The Amos has a published maximum engagement range of about 120 km. (64 naut. mi.) against a non-maneuvering target at high altitude; the range is reduced for low-altitude engagements to around 35 km. Semi-active radar-guidance is used for the terminal phase of the engagement. Vympel officials have also suggested that the design included changes to the solid-rocket motor. The basic R-33 weighs 490 kg. (1,080 lb.) and is carried on the MiG-31 by the AKU-410 pylon. A pylon variant, the AKU-410-1, however, was described by Vympel as capable of carrying a 530-kg. weapon. The weight increase could indicate the weapon has a greater overall kinematic capability than the original R-33. A display board at Kubinka indicated that the aircraft would be capable of carrying K-77-1s and K-37Ms?designations for further developments of the R-77 (AA-12 Adder) and K-37 (AA-X-13), respectively, both designed by Vympel. The K-77-1 is the first element in a staged upgrade program of the basic R-77, which has not entered Russian air force inventory in significant numbers. Flight testing of the K-77-1 may well have been underway by 2007. A more extensive upgrade of the R-77 (known as RVV-AE for export) is the K-77M. The K-37M is a further development of the K-37 program intended for the MiG-31M. Test firings of the K-37 were carried out in the mid-1990s, well in excess of the maximum engagement of the R-33. A firing in 1994 included hitting a large target at a range of 260 km. The original K-37 may have employed a dual-mode semi-active/active-radar seeker combination, though the K-37M might use only the active-radar guidance.

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  • Pridružio: 03 Maj 2011
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aramis s ::djordje ::И за лисичара има баш претеривања у фотомонтажи!?

Samo ovu fotomontažu je napravio neko ko se u problematiku poznaje k'o Marica u... Laughing

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