Napisano: 08 Mar 2012 21:16
Kako sad pa to ? Eto nam nove tematike ali na temi MiG-29 .
Dopuna: 09 Mar 2012 16:06
Na ovoj stranici smo imali jedan interesantan text o Zaslonu
i nastavak
Citat:The Zaslon radar pioneered the phased array. To date, there have been no interceptor across the globe that could boast a phased array. Almost all combat capability of the new interceptor emerged due to the phased array radar (PAR).
The radars of the time operated a mechanical drive to scan the aerospace. When the antenna's ray hit a target, the drive would begin tracking the target, while the pilot would be completely unable to keep abreast of the situation and see any other targets.
The track-while-scan technique is only a partial solution to the problem, since it can provide neither wide coverage areas, nor high precision of the target coordinates.
The emergence of the PAR solves the problem radically. Reorienting the ray in any direction within the cone of 120œ - 140œ takes the radar mere 0.001 sec.
The peak of the whole MiG-31/Zaslon FCS programme was the flight test of 15 February, 1978. On that day, the MiG-31 took off to detect, lock on and track 10 targets simultaneously.
The targets travelled towards the interceptor in two groups at both higher and lower altitudes than that of the MiG-31. The targets were detected and locked on at a range of 140-180 km. Tracking was stable. The experiment was crucial for the interceptor's designers. It became obvious that their work had come to the fruition. Even though nearly two years of further tests loomed ahead, they were sure they would succeed. The second landmark experiment was the interceptor's simultaneous destruction of four led targets.
As a result, the following MiG-31 characteristics were confirmed:
- programmed aerospace coverage; detection, lock-on and simultaneous tracking of up to 10 targets within the 50-2,800 m altitude brackets in both good and adverse weather conditions with the enemy electronic countermeasures (ECM) (scan area of -/+ 60œ-70œ;
- detection range for the SR-71 and F-16-like targets against the ground makes up 200 km and 120 km respectively;
- 4-target simultaneous engagement with guided missiles in parallel with calculation of launch parameters;
- control of the interceptor while cueing it in on the targets, discrete target illumination;
- cannon fire;
- passive infrared (IR) target search capability;
- semiautonomous operations of 2-4 MiG-31 teams - a 4-aircraft team could swap data on the 800-km frontage at a distance of up to 2,000 km from the ground command post;
- cueing MiG-23s, MiG-25s, MiG-29s and Su-27s in on targets.
Twenty years later. July 1998. Four Su-30s and two MiG-31s took off the Savasleika AFB (Nizhny Novgorod region) to be joined later by an A-50 airborne early warning and control aircraft and two Il-78 tanker planes. The formation passed along the following route: Savasleika - Astrakhan - Moscow region - Novaya Zemlya archipelago - Savasleika. The crews were not ferrying their aircraft back and forth, rather, they maintained communications among themselves and with the A-50 airborne command post, as well as accomplished a variety of missions en route.
They would assume various group formations - a MiG-31 would lead the Su-30 strike aircraft and enable them attack ground targets, then the Sukhois would protect the MiG-31s from surface-to-air missiles to enable the interceptors to stalk a faraway aerial target and shoot it out of the sky. The MiG-31 Zaslon is still in the inventory and "can destroy the aggressor's strategic bombers even over the North Pole before they approach close enough to fire their air-launched cruise missiles (ALCM)," says Chief of Russian Air Force's Main Staff V. Sinitsyn.
For all of us, designers of the MiG-31 Zaslon interceptor, the song rings true: "There's only 'MiG' between the past and the future:". It is people who create everything in this world. What great designer teams and beautiful personalities used to develop the MiG-31 Zaslon interceptor! Even most prominent of them are too numerous to be mentioned here.
However, the three men whose incredible efforts resulted in the Zaslon should be named - they are Boris Iosifovich Sapsovich, developer of the phased array radar design and technology; Victor Konstantinovich Grishin who created the MiG-31's general configuration - excellent manager and experimentator; Yevgeny Yakovlevich Savitsky, chairman of the State Flight Testing Commission.