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- Pridružio: 01 Nov 2013
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Napisano: 13 Nov 2014 14:21
ray ban11 ::Operational career
Citat:Before the introduction of the MiG-31 in units of the PVO , the Nordic and Far Eastern territories of the USSR, including sensitive sites in the Kamchatka Peninsula and Sakhalin Island, were the subject of frequent incursions of Lockheed SR-71A of the U.S. Air Force . Operational ceiling and high speed SR-71A made him invulnerable to Soviet interceptors based in these regions (mainly MiG-23P and Su-15TM ). However, before the front line units of the PVO not affect their MiG-31, the first copies of the interceptor were delivered to 148 TsBP i PLS , the training center of the PVO based Savasleïka, and 786 DPI of Pravdinsk, near Gorky.
In January 1982, the crews of the 174 IAP Petchengskiy began their conversion to MiG-31. The regiment, located in Monchegorsk, in the Kola Peninsula was previously equipped with Yak-28P; he completed his transformation MiG-31 in 1983 Other units in the western part of the USSR gradually received the new interceptor. they were based in Amderma, Gromovo, Kotlas Morshansk, Savasleïka, Arkhangelsk-Talagi and Khotilovo. In September 1983, the new interceptor came on the ground Sokol, on the island of Sakhalin. With the arrival of the MiG-31 in the Far East, the U.S. aircraft much less ventured to cross the Soviet border. March 8, 1984, for example, a pair of MiG-31 confinèrent a SR-71 over international waters, forcing him to turn back without having been able to complete its mission. At first, NATO gave the MiG-31 the nickname Super Foxbat because of its apparent similarity to the MiG-25 , but in 1982 it received its final name code Foxhound .
Most patrols by MiG-31 concerned the Arctic and Far Eastern borders of the USSR. Thus, the pilot of a regiment of the PVO based in Kamchatka spent on MiG-31 in the mid-1980s effectuèrent outputs 214 in 1987 and 825 in 1988, mostly to intercept SR-71, P-3 Orion or RC-135. The Kola Peninsula was also the subject of attention from American pilots. The 174 IAP realized 203 attractions in 1987, including 69 to hold off SR-71 from Mildenhall, United Kingdom. In 1988, the same regiment effected 436 missions, against 270 in 1989. Besides patrols, drivers 174 IPA participated in various exerices including Sever-87 and Otrajeniye-88 in which 4 units landed on an island in the archipelago François-Joseph, in the Arctic Ocean. The 72 GvIAP based Amderma touched his MiG-31 in December 1986, and combat missions on the new interceptor began on May 27 of the following year by an interception of SR-71.
Despite its good performance, the MiG-31 was not welcome to some experienced pilots who were reluctant to get acquainted with its revolutionary avionics. In addition, the device less forgiving pilot error as his predecessors. But the "new school" was enthusiastic contrary, as drivers 350 DPI Bratsk who received the interceptor in 1988-1989. On the other hand, for based in the northern or eastern borders of the territory drivers, reading manuals of the device was the only hobby.
Before the fall of the USSR, the MiG-31 was distributed to the following units:
the 786 IAP in Pravdinsk from 1981 to 1982;
the 174 IAP in Monchegorsk, who received his MiG-31 in 1982-83;
unit based in Kolomenskoye from 1984;
the 518 IAP -Arkhangelsk Talagi commencing with 1985;
the 356 IAP in Semipalatinsk-1 (Kazakhstan) from 1986;
unit based Yelizovo from 1986 to 1987;
the 72 GvIAP to Amderma in 1986-87;
the 64 IAP in Omsk-Severniy received 7 MiG-31 in 1987, 12 more in 1990 and two MiG-31 Izdeliye 01DZ ;
the 777 IAP in Kamchatka in 1987-88;
the 350 IAP in Bratsk received 5 units in 1988 and 12 in 1989 before being transferred to Perm;
unit based Tchougouïevka from 1989 to 1990;
the 153 IAP in Morshansk received MiG-31 Izdeliye 01DZ in 1990;
unit-based Norilsk Alykel from 1991;
unit based in Sary-Shagan (Kazakhstan) received 12 MiG-31B in 1991.
With the introduction of the MiG-31 Izdeliye 01DZ and MiG-31B with a refueling boom, the flight range was limited only by crew endurance. But their arrival in unit coincided with budget cuts following the breakup of the USSR, and the number of flight hours was limited by the lack of fuel depots. Nevertheless, routine patrols continued, as when in 1994, a MiG-31 based Yelizovo (Kamchatka) prevented a Cessna 550 registered business in the United States to cross the border. Accidents were more numerous during the 1990s, the fact that maintenance were more spaced out and the pilots were trained less. A total of 35 accidents were deplored MiG-31 by 2000, of which 12 were fatal to pilots.
At the time of the breakup of the USSR, Kazakhstan recovered the MiG-31 based on its territory, making it the only foreign user of the interceptor. After 1991, the MiG-31 was again awarded to the following units:
the 83 IAP in Rostov-on-Don in 1993;
unit-based Kansk Ioujniy received MiG-31B in 1993;
the 790 IAP to Khotilovo in 1993-94;
the 764 IAP -Perm Bolshoye Savino received MiG-31B and BS in 1993-94.
Pilot training continues on the ground Savasleïka, with the 4 TsBP i PLS , which was merged with the 148 TsBP i PLS . At the end of 1999, there were still 300 MiG-31 in service. Following the reform of VVS 2010, operational units equipped with MiG-31 in December of that year were distributed as follows:
7000 AB / AG of Monchegorsk: 14 MiG-31B and MiG-31BM former 458 GvIAP . In March 2011, more than moitité devices had been converted to standard MiG-31BM;
7000 AB / AG of Khotilovo: 24 MiG-31, previously belonging to 790 IAP ;
6980 AB / AG -Perm Bolshoye Savino: 24 MiG-31 of the former 764 IPA ;
6980 AB / AG Kansk-Dalniy: 24 MiG-31/MiG-31BM former 712 IPA ;
6983 AB / AG of Tsentralnaya-Ouglovaïa (Primorsky Krai): 12 MiG-31 of the former 530 IPA ;
6983 AB / AG Yelizovo of 36 MiG-31.
sa sajta
Kada budem mogao da prebacim link ka videu, postaviću ovde jedan dokumentarac o MiG-31. Na devetnaestom minutu, narator jasno navodi da je pojavom MiG-31-ce obustavljen let SR-71, jer ga je prema njegovim rečima MiG-31 sa radnom brzinom presretanja od 3700km/h lako presretao.
Dopuna: 13 Nov 2014 14:23
Ranxerox ::Bože tek sada sam detaljno pregledao Podatke i Slike o MiG31M , modernizacija započeta u doba USSR....Nemogu da verujem da oni nisu bili u stanju da na primer od 2005 2006, počnu da prave MiG31M ovaj BM , je Bleda Slika modernizacije M, Jedno pitanje da li barem radar na BM-u ima mogućnosti BARIER-M-a iz 1995 kada su pogodili cilj na skoro 300 km., Ako je današnji BM još uvek vrlo opasan i moćan Avion...M bi bio Ultimativno Oružije...neznam kako se ranije nisam malo opširnije informisao o toj potencijalnoj Modernizacija Mig-a31, sve mi se plakalo.
Navodno sa novom elektronikom iza rešetke-antene mogućnosti u daljini ovog radara su povećane za reda 30%.
MiG-31M ima strejkove novog dizajna, 6 podvešanih R-37 raketa i još četiri potkrilna nosača, ali i modernizovane motore, povećanog potiska.
Dopuna: 13 Nov 2014 14:33
amaterSRB ::Novi zivot za MiG 31
Gnjavio sam o ovome ruse da mi kažu makar nešto, ali njihovi odgovori su bili šturi i uglavnom su spominjali isti broj ćelija u matrici, novi procesor, režimi rada i uvođenje antiradarskih, protivbrodskih i vazduh-zemlja raketa.
Remont motora, potkrilni nosači i to je to.
Niko nije govorio o zaptivnoj masi za kabinu, a vidim da su napisali da avion pravolinijskim letom na visinama većim od 5km, može da leti nadzvučno bez forsaža, te da u penjanju može da probije zvučni zid, što je mnogim avionima tog vremena uspevalo u poniranju i pravolinijskom letu.
Dopuna: 13 Nov 2014 14:48
ray ban11 ::Citat:Što se tiče monitora u drugoj kabini, zar ne bi bilo ispravnije (barem meni logičnije) da se na njemu nalaze uglovi i to u nekoj SSSR podeli, kao što je busola podeljena na 64 stepena? Nešto što bi bila caka za obuku pilota i nišandžije, pre nego da je taj monitor ujedno i daljinar. Ispravite me ako je moja pretpostavka pogrešna... Hvala unapred!
Monitor u drugoj kabini /kabini shturmana / dakle navigatora operatera jeste monitor radara. Radarski podaci tj podaci o takkitckoj vazdusnoj situaciji se tu pokazuju .Pilot ( odnosi se na prve serijske varijante B/BS ) imao samo staklo ceonog indikator tzv ILS iliti HUD .
Dakle na tom monitoru se vidi kalibrisani daljinar i naravno kad se ukljuci radar ( rezim `Izlucenie` ) onda s epojavljuju odrazi raznih objekata u VaP tj vazduhoplova .
O tome vec ima na temi i slika /snimaka i ostalog maerijala .
Izgleda da sam nešto propustio Moja greška, izvinjavam se.
Mnogo više vremena sam provodio u poslednjih godinu dana da doznam o radu ruskog PFAR-a (PESA) i to pre svega Zaslona i Barsa, te o razdeljivanju matrice na predajne i prijemne elemente.
Nekako me uvek zbunjuje to kako Zaslon nije postao neki Zaslon-A poput AFAR, što inače nije neka velika razlika u spoljnom izgledu, pa i izgledu antene, ali je to samo okom gledano nevelika razlika.
Naime, ćelije AESA radara imaju daleko veći kapacitet po pitanju otpornosti na smetnje jer unutar jedne ćelije imamo već emitovanje elektromagnetnog talasa sa snagom emitovanja do 50W (Fazotron sa GaN ćelijama umesto GaAs koje su davale do 30W, a opet, koje su jače od Zaslonovih sa snagom 10-20W) tako da i najsnažnije smetnje mu ne bi mogle ništa, a brzina osvežavanja radarskog odraza bi mu se povećala. Sa snagom bi se već evidentno povećao domet radara u zahvatu na više od 500km, samo je pitanje koja raketa to može da "isprati". Možda K-172...
Dopuna: 13 Nov 2014 14:57
respekt ::ray ban11 mozda ga vec imaju samo nije za javnost(R-37M),znas ih,kada odrade vecu kolicinu e onda ce da nam pokazu.
Otprilike je to logika koju rusi već godinama slede.
Dopuna: 13 Nov 2014 15:06
sremac983 ::Моћни Заслон и данас спада у најмоћније радаре на свету. Није ни чудо да су рује направиле за Су-35С ИРБИС радар, још моћнији пасивни фазни радар, са још већом површином покривања вазд. простора....
Питам се питам, зашто нису направили активни фазни радар у виду модернизације са мигушке, па чак и за Су-35С...
Изгелда да још има могућнсоти да се из ових пасивних исцеди максимум.....
Pasivni radar kako ga je Tolkačev predao i pasivni radar, kako je posle toga proizveden se veoma razlikuju. Noviji Zasloni i Bars, ali i Irbis su radari PESA/AESA, dok je FGA-29 (GaAs) i FGA-35(GaN, trenutno najsavremeniji radar na svetu), ali i Bjelka(GaAs za T-50), čisti AESA radar. Očigledno da rusi kriju neku još tajnu.