Za `31` se zna da mu je bojeva/ patrolna visina krstarenja do 21km ,znaci sa sve raketama V-V ,bilo R-33 sa R-40TD-1 ili R-33 sa ovim R-73 , kod novih BM,DZM i BSM .
Pogledajmo sta Ameri imaju da kazu za ovo ...
Citat:During June 2006 exercises in Alaska, F-22 pilots demonstrated that cruise altitude has a significant effect on combat performance, and routinely attributed their altitude advantage as a major factor in achieving an unblemished kill ratio.
Sto si visociji dalje vidis i sa vece daljine gadjas ,jedno je od pravila i nacela taktike borbene upotrebe LA koju u praksi doslovce sprovodi `leteca lokomotiva`.
Russia to Build 5th Generation Fighter-Interceptor in Addition to PAK FA, PAK DA Citat:Speaking to journalists on Friday, Ilya Tarasenko, director general of the Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG (RSK MiG), said that the development of the PAK DP, Russia's fifth-generation fighter- interceptor, will begin in the immediate future, in line with its scheduled start.
"We are currently developing the concept of a long-range interceptor aircraft to bring a proposal to our main customer [the Russian Defense Ministry]," Tarasenko said.
According to Tarasenko, the life cycle of the PAC DP's predecessor, the MiG-31 aircraft, will wrap up in 10 years which is why it should be replaced with a more sophisticated warplane.
Po datim parameterima za KR ,trebalo bi da je u pitanju P-700 `Granit` ( visina leta na marsevskoj putanji 14-17 km ) uz maks letnu brzinu 2800km/h .Ono sto je vazno istaci je da pored veoma male RERP, ova raketa ima i sledece :
Citat:Для повышения боевой устойчивости П-700 оснащена станцией постановки радиопомех 3Б47 «Кварц» и устройствами сброса дипольных отражателей и ложных целей.
Dakle prakticno je ova PB- raketa slicna lovackim ,uopste borbenim avionima sa sistemom aktivnih smetnji i lanserom mamaca.
Citat:Extensive tests to demonstrate Russia's ability to upgrade Indian fighter aircraft with stealth capabilities took place in front of Indian defence ministry officials at the Sokol aircraft plant in Nizhniy Novgorod on 29th May 2000. The demonstration was highly successful and is understood to have resulted in the Russian government and RSK MIG urging the IAF to adopt the stealth modifications across its MiG-21-93 fleet.
The core of the demonstration saw two MiG-21bis--one upgraded with stealth technology and one without--being tracked by what is believed to be a Mig-31 in a controlled test of radar-absorbent materials (RAM) and coatings developed at the Moscow Institute of Applied and Theoretical Electrodynamics.
During its flight the radar signature of the upgraded Mig-21bis was shown to be between 10 and 15 times weaker than the regular MiG-21bis.
Ako je `javno` poznato da jedan MiG-21bis ima RERP u celo 3m2 a ovaj sto je imao RAM na sebi 10-15x manji odraz onda tek mozemo da shvatimo koliko je mocan taj Zaslon i kako zaista mali VC moze da otkrije i prati .Uostalom i jeste projektovan da otkrije strateske i takticke KR poput AGM-86B/C ili BGM-109 npr ( RERP 0.5m2 u PPS) a iz konkretnih primera ,tacnije raznih vazbi smo saznali da je niskoletece KR kao sto su H-55 zahvatao sa skoro 100 km .
Ono sto smo saznali na temi o A-50 je upravo to da sto je veca snaga sondirajuceg signala u impulsu to se ostvaruje veci domet istog ( veca daljina zracenja ),veci je tj jaci odjek-refleksija od VC pa i tako mali VC poput KR mogu biti otkriveni sa vecih daljina .Maks snaga sond. signala ( impulsa ) kod N007 je 10kW (barem koliko je poznato ) .