Napisano: 21 Feb 2018 11:15
ray ban11 ::^
Odlicno ,e sad jedino ako nisu malo `saltali` one Bort- brojeve kako znaju .Inace je bio ugovor za remont i modernizaciju ukupno 113 aviona ,znaci na nivo BM,BSM i DZM.Izgleda da su ga presisali .
Jedino ako zadnjih godina nisu izgubili nekog od tih modernizovanih ?
Modernization of MiG-31 = MiG-31BM
"BSM" Does not exist. All the aircraft are MiG-31BM
"DZM" does not exist. MiG-31DZ can not be upgraded to the BM standard
Commencement of work on serial modernization: 2006
Factory designation for modernization:
"Type 28" - modernization of the MiG-31B "изделие 12" (Ex-"из.01Б") in the MiG-31BM , the beginning since 2006)
"Type 58" - modernization of MiG-31BS "изделие 06" (ex-"из.01БC") in the MiG-31BM , since 2013
"Type 78" - modernization of the MiG-31 "изделие 01" in the MiG-31BM , since the end of 2015
113 aircraft were contracted with SOKOL:
60 at the end of 2011 and 53 at the end of 2014
When the first contract of 60 was signed with SOKOL in 2011, there were already 14-20 serial MiG-31BM in active, including the first squad of 10 in Monchegorsk and 4 in Savasleyka. Also several prototypes.
It is not clear if the first 6 that Kansk received in 2011 are part of the contract for 60 or not.
Also several small contracts have been signed with ARZ 514 of Rzhev, at least:
3 type 28 in 2013 for Monchegorsk
2 type 58/78 in 2014, another 2 in 2015 and two in 2017
In total ,at least 135 aircraft will be modernized for 4 regiments (Kansk, Khotilovo, Uglovaya and Perm) and 3 squadrons (Savasleyka, Monchegorsk, Yelizovo)
If Monchegorsk and/or Yelizovo become regiments, then probably will be necesary to repair/update some MiG-31DZ , however this is not "BM"
ray ban11 ::Bila su dva ugovora svojevremeno potpisana za tu modernizaciju ,prvo preko 50 B na nivo BM iz 2011 a onda 2014 i novi ugovor za remont i modernizaciju preko 50 DZ i BS na nivo DZM i BSM ( stalno ponavljaju BM a znamo da svi modern. avioni su samo BM )
Ostaje da vidimo koliko ce ih jos biti do kraja o.g. i koliko ce barem do 2020g biti operativno aviona osnovne verzije .
That is not the case, when the 2011 contract was signed, at least there are already 20 modernized MiG-31Bs to BM-type 28 including the prototypes/preseries
Half of the contract of 60 of 2011, received from 2014 to 2016 are type 58/78 (without probe)
All those received from the last contract are type 58/78
About 50 MiG-31B (including several, 5 or 6, prototypes/preseries) have been upgraded to MiG-31BM-type 28
Also near 75 MiG-31/31BS have been already upgraded to MiG-31BM type58/78
Pherhaps other 15 or so are pending to receive
Most of the MiG-31BM type 58/78 were not in service with the regiments before modernizing
About 45-50 were taken from the Reserve Base 4020 of Lípetsk (see satellite images of the last years) and perhaps some from Knevichi ARZ 153 and also some from the depot of Rzhev ARZ 514.