MiG-31 Foxhound


MiG-31 Foxhound

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208

presetar ::kako znam mig-31mb nosi sest raketa r-37 i dve r-73 izpravi me ako gresim.

Kolega ne MB vec BM Wink .

Ja ga jos nisam gledao sa raketama R-37 ( mislim da se one i ne proizvode serijski ) .


Pominjes varijantu M ? Valjda si mislilo na MiG-31/B ? M je ostao samo na prototipovima .

Propratite malo temu Wink


Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 818

hvala za ispravku.

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208

presetar ::hvala za ispravku.

Nema na cemu kolega . Smile

  • Pridružio: 07 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 736

jest, misljah na varijantu B. ima li dakle izvorima potkrijepljenih napisa o njenom radaru i sustavu upravljanja vatrom kao i r33 raketama koje je nosila?

  • Pridružio: 03 Maj 2011
  • Poruke: 2380

Сажето и кратко приказане могућности СУВ-а Заслон, на авиону МиГ 31.

  • Pridružio: 23 Okt 2010
  • Poruke: 1267

Eridan ::jest, misljah na varijantu B. ima li dakle izvorima potkrijepljenih napisa o njenom radaru i sustavu upravljanja vatrom kao i r33 raketama koje je nosila?

Citat:The rocket of long range R -33 is equipped only with radar homing head. It is designed for the multichannel guidance, it was developed exclusively for the destroyer, which has on board PHASED-ARRAY RADAR, which permits implementation of a semi-active guidance of several missiles at several targets simultaneously. In this case homing each of the released rockets is carried out in the intermittent duty, since the illumination of purposes is achieved consecutively, moreover the part of time is expended on the retention of survey and the organization of the target of new lock-ons.

Semi-active RGS of rocket R -33 is equipped with the calculator, which forecasts the angular velocity of the line of sighting, analogous established in the rocket R-24R calculator the model of the kinematic relationships of relative motion - initial conditions (relative distance, rate of closure and the projection of the angular velocity of range line) in the flight mission are obtained.

The special feature of the calculator of rocket R-33, in contrast to the calculator of rocket R-24R, lies in the fact that it begins its work from the moment of the end of finalizing with the stabilization system of starting disturbances. Therefore rocket flight to the moment of switching on of calculator must lead rocket into the predetermined point, and on board the destroyer must be calculated the estimations of distance, rate of closure and angular velocity of range line after 2 sec afterward the gathering. Initial antenna position (angular aim designation) also must be forecast on the carrier aircraft before the launching at the moment indicated.

In the process of rocket flight to the seizure the orientation of antenna is determined by the estimations of the angular velocity of range line, manufactured by calculator taking into account the current measured transfer of rocket. The formation of the given g-force is determined by the same estimations of angular velocity.

In the head the indicator gyrostabilizer, built on the base of the sensors of angular velocity, is used. The target lock-on by self-homing head can occur after third of the flight time of rocket. This is reached, in particular, because of the high accuracy of the evaluation of the angular velocity of the line of the sighting BRLS of the carrier (error they are 0,01… 0,03 deg/s).

Doppler self-homing head is characterized by strict agreements of all taking place in it processes with the intervals of the illumination of the assigned for it purpose, equal to 20 ms. In the period indicated is produced the target search in the frequency, and in the process of tracking the measurement of frequency detuning and error angle is carried out. All the remaining time to the following interval of illumination head “is closed” for the method and the signals, formed with it, are calculated as a result forecast from the previous measurements.

In the head the method of direction-finding with processing of signal by the two-channel receiver, which realizes the method of the so-called reserved conical scanning with the compensation, is realized. In each channel independent of others as the normalizing devices are used the diagrams ARU. The accuracy of the measurement of the angular coordinates of target by head, including with amplitude jamming [e.g. inverse gain jamming- PMM], approaches accuracy of monopulse system.

The distance of seizure by the head of a purpose of the type Tu-16 is about 90 km, which taking into account inertial guidance to the seizure provides the possibility of launching from distance on the order of 120… 130 km.

Homing system after seizure consecutively has two structures:

From the moment of seizure on the larger part of way the model of the kinematic relationships as the filter of the measurements of the angular velocity (instead of the acceleration of purpose to the entrance of model it will be given a difference in the measurement of angular velocity and its estimation), is used;
then it is built as stationary (locked outline of the angle tracking of head forms the measurements of the angular velocity of the line of the sightings, which are passed through the stationary filter and after multiplication by the measured rate of closure is formed the given g-force).

A certain decrease of requirements for the value of gradient of synchronous error is achieved because of the application of a negative speed feedback of a change in the angle of deflection of antenna.

Citat:All this work took more than eight years in the early 80s the MiG-31 was adopted for the defense and so far has no analogues in the world. The closest to him in his ideology was an American F-14 carrier-based interceptor. It could also lead multi-fire, but its mechanical antenna scanned the environment in a single line (such as a scan line on the TV screen) - line by line. It is only when one of the lines appear more goals (four) the F-14 could attack them at the same time. But it's very rare that the objectives lined up in one line ... Our antenna is allowed to fire them at different heights, distances, etc. The F-14 also did not know how to manage a group fight, operate semi-autonomous ... This is understandable, because Americans have never faced a serious problem to intercept and reflect the organization of massive air attack by the Soviet Union, because we practiced a defensive doctrine, and had large air groups. Offensive strategy we have built on the basis of ballistic missiles.
As mentioned above, to equip the new long-range interceptor system "Barrier" ICD "Vympel" in the late 1960s began to develop a new missile R-33, equipped with a semi-active radar homing. Aerodynamic characteristics of the UR was the use of low aspect ratio wing and rudder folding, which provided a conformal placement of missiles in the ventral compartments of aircraft carriers. GSN P-33 captured the target after launch. Aiming to capture the rocket was carried out by the inertial system (the length of the flight before moving to self-direction should be 10-20% of the length of the trajectory).
The design of SD P-33, its creators are widely used titanium alloys. Rocket has been provided the ability to hit targets at ranges up to 120-130 km. Enemy aircraft, maneuvering with an overload of 4, were killed with a probability of 0.6-0.8. Starting weight was 491 kg SD (with warhead weight 55 kg), height range defeat 50 - 28,000 m, the maximum speed destroys targets - 3700 km / h.
It should be said that the development of missile weapons system has undergone significant changes, which is why many once had to redo algorithms and programs for operational use and control circuit SD.
What we're doing in the late 80s? Along with work on the future of the Su-27M and MiG-29M was a modernization of the MiG-31 and its transformation into the MiG-31M. It also became widely used Doppler signal processing of the target, but basically we did increase the firing range missiles, the development of modes of the group of these machines in action and multi-channel attack. This mode, which to this day does not own any aircraft in the world. [273] And our MiG can fire at the same time a group of targets, redirect the weapon during firing. Such complex modes so far anywhere in the world is not implemented, as well as an integrated system of radar target detection, optical sight and the sight on the pilot's helmet, used on the Su-27 and MiG-29. It is also to some extent the merit of our institute.

  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 12609

sremac983 ::Шта је сад спорно за оно што сам ја рекао.
Немогућност западних авиона да се умреже до пре пар година као што су ти могле мигоње пре 20+ година....пре свега Заслон је много моћнији рада од било ког ПЕСА радара који се уграђује у западне авионе....направили пречник решетке 1,4м из зезанције....ма сто посто

Pre par godina je širok pojam.

Npr. F-14D je imao Link-4C.

F-18E/F je kompatibilan sa Link-16 od samog starta, a za F-15C/D je nulta proizvodnja Link-16 počela 1998god, seijska proizvodnja 2000god.

  • Pridružio: 07 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 736

Napisano: 31 Dec 2011 15:29

hvala, sivisoko. iz kojih su publikacija ti tekstovi? bez tog podatka, da i sam provjerim tekstove, mi isti ne znace mnogo.

Dopuna: 31 Dec 2011 15:45

dakle, koliko ja mogu iz tih tekstova skuziti (onaj prvi kao da je automatski prijevod s valjda ruskoga il cegavec) r33 ima datalink pomocu kojega se moze promijeniti smjer leta i promijeniti cilj. r33 također leti koji desetak il dva kilometara na autopilotu koji putanju odrzava mjerenjima inercije, a preostalih 100tinjak km se navodi radarskim zracenjem sa radara na migu31. to opet mora ovisiti o radarskom odrazu cilja.

nazalost nigdje se ne spominje broj kanala za vodjenje razlicitih raketa. bez ikakvih podataka, da moram nagadjati, nagadjao bih 4 ili 6 komada, vjerojatno potonje za b verziju miga31. al dakako da bih puno vise volio i izvore koji to potvrdjuju ili opovrgavaju.

  • Pridružio: 23 Okt 2010
  • Poruke: 1267

Eridan ::Napisano: 31 Dec 2011 15:29

hvala, sivisoko. iz kojih su publikacija ti tekstovi? bez tog podatka, da i sam provjerim tekstove, mi isti ne znace mnogo.

Nema na cemu i drugi put Ziveli
Sve su to prevodi sa ruskog.

Prvi je isecak iz knjige “air defense aviation of Russia and scientific technical progress” koju je napisao akademik E. A. Fedosov, a drugi tekst predstavlja navode Vladimira Ilyina i Andreja Jurgensona - Aerospace Review number 6 in 2005.

[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

Tesko da ces bilo gde naci originalne tekstove na engleskom koji daju iole preciznije podatke o tom avionu i njegovom naoruzanju.

Citat:nazalost nigdje se ne spominje broj kanala za vodjenje razlicitih raketa. bez ikakvih podataka, da moram nagadjati, nagadjao bih 4 ili 6 komada, vjerojatno potonje za b verziju miga31. al dakako da bih puno vise volio i izvore koji to potvrdjuju ili opovrgavaju.

Prve verzije su bile u stanju da vode 4 rakete istovremeno, a poslednje verzije do 6.
To je opste poznata i u praksi potvrdjena informacija.

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24208


Samo da se nadovezem kolega da ne bi dolazilo do zabune ( mada smo o to vec pominjali).

Znaci sve serijske verzije MiG-31 /B/BS/BM nose 4 rakete R-33S i to je to .

Varijanta M ( samo prototipovi ) su vrsili testove sa 6 R-37 ali se na tom i zavrsilo .

Pitanje je sad dal BM recimo moze uopste da nosi 6 raketa R-37 jer ne znamo jesu li one u serijskoj proizvodnji . Mislim da to ipak nije slucaj.

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