Mornarički patrolni avioni


Mornarički patrolni avioni

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99970

djox ::Indijci u ovoj godini povlace iz upotrebe IL-38
Republic Day parade: Indian Navy's IL-38 aircraft to be displayed for 'first time and last time'
Citat:At the 74th Republic Day to be celebrated on January 26, 2023, a total of Fifty aircrafts will take part in the R-Day celebrations at the Kartavya Path that will include an aerial display by nine Rafale and the Navy's IL-38 which will be showcased at the event for the first and perhaps the last time, a senior IAF official said. IL-38 is a maritime reconnaissance aircraft of the Indian Navy that has served for nearly 42 years, he said. "It will be showcased during the Republic Day celebrations here for the first time and perhaps the last time. It will be among the 50 aircraft that will take part in the event," the IAF official said.
Citat:The Ilyushin 38 was commissioned into the Indian Navy in 1977 and is a long-range surveillance and anti-submarine warfare aircraft. Known as the Winged Stallions, the IL 38SDs, the oldest maritime surveillance aircraft in the Indian inventory, will be decommissioned by the end of this year. These Russian-made planes will be replaced by the US-made Boeing P8.


Citat:India retires IL-38 Sea Dragon long-range maritime patrol aircraft, replaced by Boeing P-8A Poseidon
The decommissioning ceremony was held today at INSHansa, Dabolim.


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Evo šta je sve korišteno od mornaričke aviacije NATO tokom 60-tih...

Citat:NATO maritime aircraft of the mid-60s.

1. Argus
2. Albatross
3. Skyhawk
4. Orion
5. Sea Vixen
6. Buccaneer
7. Alizé
8. Crusader
9. Shackleton
10. Atlantic
11. Neptune
12. Scimitar
13. Seahawk
14. Tracker
15. Phantom
16. Gannet

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99970

Angola se opremila sa jos jedan Kodiak 100
Angola unveils Kodiak 100 maritime patrol aircraft

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99970

Napisano: 22 Mar 2024 17:04

Gvajana pazarila dva Do-228NG
Citat: ВС Гайаны закупят два самолета Do-228NG в Индии
Правительство Гайаны подписало с Экспортно-импортным банком Индии (Eximbank) соглашение о финансировании на сумму 23,27 млн. долл. программы закупки двух самолетов для Вооруженных сил страны

Dopuna: 02 Apr 2024 16:34

Guyana receives two HAL Dornier 228s

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99970

Citat:Il-38N ASW/MP aircraft.
[ RF-75338 / 03 yellow / "Fyodor Zolotukhin" ]
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - Yelizovo.
petektas (2024)

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99970

Rusi na vezbi

Citat:Training flights in the Nikolayevka* aviation garrison of the Russian Pacific Fleet.
*The 289th separate mixed aviation regiment of naval aviation of the Pacific Fleet.
Il-38 RF-75323 / 25 "red"

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99970

djox ::Filipini uzimaju dva ATR 72-600,a oprema im ga Elbit Systems
Citat:The Philippines has confirmed that it has signed a contract with Elbit Systems for the delivery of two long-range patrol aircraft (LRPA).
A spokesperson from the Department of National Defense-Armed Forces of the Philippines (DND-AFP) told Janes that the contract covers the supply and delivery of two LRPA at a total cost of PHP5.97 billion (USD109.31 million).
The contract is between the DND-AFP, the International Defense Cooperation Directorate of the Israel Ministry of Defense (IMOD-SIBAT), and Elbit Systems. In a statement on 10 July Elbit said the two LRPA will be based on the Leonardo ATR 72-600.


Potpisali ugovor sa Elbit Systems
Citat:The Philippines has confirmed the acquisition of two Leonardo ATR72-600 aircraft to fulfil a task as Long Range Patrol Aircraft (LRPA). For that purpose the country has signed a contract with the Israeli company Elbit Systems. It is estimated that the contract is valued at USD 114 Million. The main competitor in this tender for Elbit was Airbus with its P295MPA/MSA platform.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99970

Rusi na vezbi Okean-2024

Citat:New Russian MoD video showing Pacific Fleet Naval Aviation Il-38 & Il-38N ASW & MP aircraft conducting training sorties out of Yelizovo in Kamchatka as part of the "Okean-2024" exercise.
A still from the video showing all five four-engine turboprop aircraft parked on the flight line at Yelizovo (left to right):
-B/N "05" Blue / RF-75333
-B/N "07" Blue / RF-75343
-B/N "01" Blue / RF-75139
-B/N "03" Yellow / RF-75338 "Fedor Zolotukhin"
-B/N "21" Blue / RF-12025

  • Pridružio: 24 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 2552
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Citat:An Il-38 passes next to a cruise liner.

  • Pridružio: 20 Dec 2018
  • Poruke: 1795

И снимак из авиона Citat:Ну и вы поняли...

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