Poslao: 10 Dec 2017 08:47
- Skywhaler
- Legendarni građanin
- vampire and philosopher, po©smt, rhd©t
- Pridružio: 13 Dec 2013
- Poruke: 6019
- Gde živiš: Esgaroth
Да ли смо већ имали ове фотографије F-5 који су Совјети тестирали другом половином 70-их?
Citat:... At the end of the war in Vietnam, the USSR received several samples of US aviation equipment captured by the victorious Vietnamese communists, among them was a F-5E light fighter-bomber (of a total of 27 that the North Vietnamese found). The F-5E, serial number 73-00807, was delivered to the Soviet Union. It was an extremely valuable intelligence coup that could tell the Communist super state much about American design and this mass produced aircraft’s capabilities, and how to counter it.
This exceptionally interesting trophy was sent to the VVS airbase in Chkalovsky before being transferred to the Akhtubinsk base. A test team comprised of engineering staff from an aeronautical research institute was formed to investigate, develop and test the American machine. The engineers and technicians were impressed by the design, and especially admired the F-5Es ease of maintenance and flying operation. The wing design also impressed the Russians for it conferred the F-5E with an impressive ability to fly at minimum speeds and high angles of attack.
From the end of July 1976 to May 1977, a full-scale flight test of the Tiger II took place at the air force research institute. Flying was carried out by two exceptionally experienced pilots, A.S.Byezhyevets and V.N. Kondaurov, both decorated Heroes of the Soviet Union.
The results were shocking. In terms of manoeuvrability the F-5E was considerably superior to the Soviet MiG-21 fighter, a highly capable dogfighter itself. Further tests show a similar advantage over the most advanced Russian fighter, the MiG-23. However, the American plane was at a significant disadvantage in vertical manoeuvrability and energy compared to the MiG-23. Critically, it also lacked beyond visual-range medium-range missiles, something the MiG-23 did have.
The Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI) in Moscow performed static tests on the aircraft and the results were comprehensively recorded. Intriguingly, some of the design features of the F-5E made it onto the Soviet T-8 and T-10 projects (the latter becoming the famous ‘Flanker’).
In the 1990s the nose section of the aircraft was moved to a display area known as ‘Hangar 1’, which today is virtually impossible for outsiders to visit. https://hushkit.net/2017/12/06/red-star-the-incred.....air-force/
На линку, иначе, има и фотографија које смо већ имали овде, али се, искрено, не сећам прве две...
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 10 Dec 2017 22:05
- Pridružio: 19 Jan 2012
- Poruke: 1993
Citat:The results were shocking. In terms of manoeuvrability the F-5E was considerably superior to the Soviet MiG-21 fighter, a highly capable dogfighter itself.
Ovo je uočio i naš pilot Suad Hamzić kada je u Americi leteo na F-5.
Citat:Postade mi je jasno da bi moj voljeni MiG-21 izgubio duel sa F-5E u vazduhu na podzvučnoj brzini na malim i srednjim visinama uz upotrebu topovskog naoružanja i da se sa njime u tom dijapazonu visina i brzina ne bi trebalo upuštati u duel. Morao bi ga „izvlačiti“ na veću visinu i koristiti prednost koju nudi MiG-ovo delta krilo.
Poslao: 15 Apr 2018 20:41
- Gavrilo Milentijević
- Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
- Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
- Poruke: 36026
- Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet
Poslao: 15 Apr 2018 22:11
- Pridružio: 29 Jan 2011
- Poruke: 118
Možda smo trebali da nabavimo F-20,mislim umesto 29-ki(sada će paljba)...
To jest,ako bi nam isporučili,uopšte.
Sećam se,da sam tada čitao,da je na usavršavanju F-5 u laki trenažni lovac(ali sa jednim,novim motorom,valjda GE F404) i savremenijim sistemima se "slučajno" otkrilo da avion ima ekstra performanse,koje su nadišle sva očekivanja,ponajviše u otpornosti usled G opterećenja(+9,ako se ne varam) i da su SAD odustale od prodaje ovog i takvog aviona saveznicima(tada je nazvan F-20 TGSHK).I znam da je na njemu radio i neki čovek "našeg" porekla.
Poslao: 16 Apr 2018 14:06
- randja26
- Počasni građanin
- Pridružio: 06 Jul 2011
- Poruke: 885
megadeki ::Možda smo trebali da nabavimo F-20.
Почетком 80-их година прошлог века ЈРВ је разматрало могућност увођења извиђача типа RF-5E Тигар у своје редове, где су пилот мај.Суад Хамзић и ваздухопловни инжењер мај. Ратко Обрадовић пар дана боравили у САД ради процене овог типа авиона. Такође је разматрана и набавка Ајкуле F-20, али све је то остало у домену анализе и процене. С Хамић је позитивно оценио перформансе извиђача RF-5E. Да је уведен у наоружање тадашњег ЈРВ, био би то пун погодак, јер је у тој областри био бољи од Л-14и.