
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 25 Feb 2011
- Poruke: 5394
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Tako imamo pricu kako je B-2 nemoguce otkriti (ili u najmanju ruku da je to bilo nemoguce nasoj PVO). Na drugoj strani imamo traksript konferencije za novinare u americkom MO iz aprila 1999 (na zvanicnom sajtu MO) gde kaze da su odgovarali
Citat:Presenter: Maj. Gen. Bruce Carlson, USAF, Director of Operational Requirements April 21, 1999 12:00 PM EDT
Maj. Gen. Carlsons briefing on Stealth Fighters, Tuesday, April 20, 1999
Citat:Now, when we get to an airplane such as the F-117 or B-2 where we design it from the bottom up and use shaping optimally to lower its signature, we get a significantly reduced signature. It's not invisible. It never has been invisible. We know radars that can track our stealthy airplanes. They can sometimes find us. The key is that that zone of detectability or lethality is shrunk by orders of magnitude, but it's still not invisible.
Citat:A: In answer to your first question, can the F-117 or B-2 be tracked by radar, the answer to that question is yes. All vehicles can be tracked by radar. However, the key here is to know when you're being tracked by radar, what radars are tracking you and what the fidelity of that track is. For instance, a very low frequency radar has very little ability whether it's tracking a conventional, first- generation or a third-generation stealth airplane, has very little capability to track it with precision. They know the general area that the airplane may be in, but they can't track it with precision needed to guide either another airplane to it or a SAM to it. So what you need then is the target-tracking radars, the higher frequency radars that are much more accurate, and that's where the stealth airplanes that are designed from the bottom up have their significant advantages.
Now, in terms of infrared signature, certainly they give out heat. We have minimized the signature, the infrared signature on both the F-117 and the B-2, so it's significantly less than, for instance, an F-16, which has a round tail pipe that sticks out the end. Each of the exhausts has been designed to minimize that signature. We fly them at altitudes and in conditions at night where infrared tracking has very, very remote chances of detecting them.
Citat:Q: General, we were told during -- that some aspects of the F-117's flight such as when the bombay doors are open or when it's engaged in a banking maneuver or something, that its radar signature might be a little greater. Could you just explain why that is and how that works?
A: Sure. I've flown the airplane before quite a bit. Let me just first say that when the doors open, there's no doubt in your mind they're open. They're about twice as big as that door that you see coming in the room over there, and there are two of them. So if you're at .85 Mach and the doors open, it gets your attention right away. When they close, there's no doubt in your mind that they've closed. In addition to that, there's a series of indications within the cockpit that tell you that. Now, just as we designed the airplane to its shape to reflect radar energy away from the receiving antenna, as soon as you put out a couple of big, flat plates that are twice the size of that door, you invent instantly a radar reflector. So that explains, I think, how come the signature increases. What we've done after we begin to fly the airplane operationally is significantly decrease the time that it takes for the door to open, the bomb to come off and the door to close so that that time is very, very small now.
I objasnjenje zasto nisu bombardovali mesto pada F117
And then third, why didn't we bomb it. This was one of the last sorties of the evening for the F-117s. It fell in a -- the airplane was lost and crashed in a rather remote location. It takes time to find those things. And I'm not sure that the commander in the field felt it was worth the risk to go in there and try to bomb it. But again, that's probably a question for Gen. Wald.
Zanimljivo je to sto kaze da je F117 pao na udaljenoj lokaciji (40-ak km od Bosne i nesto vise od vazdusnog prostora Hrvatske) do koje su ipak dosli helikopterima kako bi izvukli pilota.