Poslao: 11 Maj 2014 16:05
- Georgius
- Moderator foruma
- Pridružio: 06 Jul 2009
- Poruke: 5219
- Gde živiš: Novi Sad
А шта би са оним "нашим?
Шалу на страну, како само 16 оперативних? шта је са осталих 4 ?
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 11 Maj 2014 16:07
- ray ban11
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
- Poruke: 24212
Moguce rezerva kao i u slucaju B-52H i B-1B .Sporazumi START (I i II ) se striktno postuju bez obzira na sve sto se desava a za njihovu `implementaciju` postoje obostrane kontrole .
Poslao: 11 Maj 2014 16:41
- Pridružio: 06 Maj 2013
- Poruke: 745
Finansiranje takođe
Citat:The Pentagon had planned to buy 132 B-2s, which were configured to penetrate Soviet airspace in pursuit of mobile strategic targets during a nuclear war, but the program was canceled after 20 planes were ordered when the Cold War ended.
Citat:By the time the Reagan Administration ended, though, the Soviet Union had begun the decline that would lead to its breakup in the early 1990s. With the main driver of U.S. military needs collapsing, Washington rushed to cut defense spending so it could claim a "peace dividend." The B-2 bomber program was an early casualty of budget cutting, terminated just as it was entering serial production. Shortly after B-2 production funding ceased, a Heavy Bomber Study conducted by the Clinton Administration concluded that a mixed force of legacy B-52s, 100 B-1s and 20 B-2s would be sufficient to meet U.S. needs given reduced global tensions. The plan was to rely on other strike aircraft, mainly fighters, to make up for any shortfall in bomber assets.
Poslao: 11 Maj 2014 17:04
- Pridružio: 14 Mar 2013
- Poruke: 85
Gledao sam sinoć neku emisiju na exploreru o b2 kakvo proseravanje to je strašno vatreno krštenje 99 na kosovu kao mi imamo savremene PVO sisteme i radare koji nemogu da ih otkriju pa kao podignemo 10 dvadesetdevetki istovremeno pa ih sve vijamo tuda po nebu a nemožemo da ih uočimo, pa posedujemo oko 90 operativnih lovački aviona naravno savremenih i sa svim tim nemožemo da dolijamo tom čudu tehnike , STRAŠNO STRAŠNO STRAŠNO dodje mi da povratim.
Poslao: 11 Maj 2014 17:08
- ray ban11
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
- Poruke: 24212
Nema to veze sa finansijama ,iako im se vojni budzet smanjivao tokom 90-tih ( naglo povecanje od 2001g ) recimo mogli su tada da krenu u dalju ser. proizvodnju .No sporazum je bio tu i dalje se nije islo a mogli su i to 90-tih kad je Rusija bila `slaba` ...
MarKhan ::Па ја знам само званичну верзију, можда ти знаш зашто баш 21?
I ta zvanicna verzija je malo onako ... izvrnuta ...
Naime o cemu se radi ... Posto smo razjasnili zasto se stalo na 21-om proizvedenom da se malo jos nesto prokomentarise .Posto je potpisan sporazum START I
Citat:At the time the US had a commanding lead in strategic bombers. The US B-52 force, while aged, was a credible strategic threat but was only equipped with AGM-86 cruise missiles, beginning in 1982, because of Soviet air defense improvements in early 1980s. The US also had begun to introduce new B-1B Lancer quasi-stealth bomber and was secretly developing the Advanced Technology Bomber (ATB) project that would eventually result in the B-2 Spirit stealth bomber. The USSR's force was of little threat to the US, on the other hand, as it was tasked almost entirely with attacking US convoys in the Atlantic and land targets on the Eurasian landmass. Although the USSR had 1,200 medium and heavy bombers, only 150 of them (Tupolev Tu-95s and Myasishchev M-4s) could reach North America (the latter only with in-flight refueling). They also faced difficult problems in penetrating admittedly smaller and heavily defended US airspace. Possessing too few bombers available when compared to US bomber numbers was evened out by the US forces having to penetrate the much larger and heavier defended Soviet airspace. This changed when new Tu-95MS and Tu-160 bombers appeared in 1984 equipped with the first Soviet AS-15 cruise missiles. By limiting the phase-in as it was proposed, the US would be left with a strategic advantage, for a time.
As Time magazine put it at the time, "Under Reagan's ceilings, the U.S. would have to make considerably less of an adjustment in its strategic forces than would the Soviet Union. That feature of the proposal will almost certainly prompt the Soviets to charge that it is unfair and one-sided. No doubt some American arms-control advocates will agree, accusing the Administration of making the Kremlin an offer it cannot possibly accept—a deceptively equal-looking, deliberately nonnegotiable proposal that is part of what some suspect is the hardliners' secret agenda of sabotaging disarmament so that the U.S. can get on with the business of rearmament." However, Time did point out that, "The Soviets' monstrous ICBMs have given them a nearly 3-to-1 advantage over the U.S. in "throw weight"—the cumulative power to "throw" megatons of death and destruction at the other nation." Shannon McDermott.
Obratimo paznju na ovo ( to je ta kontrola ... )
B-52G Stratofortresses chopped into five pieces at AMARC
365 B-52s were flown to the Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Center at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Arizona. The bombers were stripped of all usable parts, then chopped into five pieces by a 13,000-pound steel blade dropped from a crane. The guillotine sliced four times on each plane, severing the wings and leaving the fuselage in three pieces. The ruined B-52s remained in place for three months so that Russian satellites could confirm that the bombers had been destroyed, after which they were sold for scrap.
u medjuvremenu se desio `presedan` tj raspad jedne drzave- potpisnice SSSR i ovo ..
Citat:Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine have disposed of all their nuclear weapons or transferred them to Russia; while the U.S. and Russia have reduced the capacity of delivery vehicles to 1,600 each, with no more than 6,000 warheads.
Medjutim to nije bilo slucaj sa Ukrajinom tj strateskim raketonscima/bombarderima koji su ostali tamo ! 19(21 ) Tu-160 ,skoro 30 Tu-95MS-16 i dosta Tu-22M3 .Sve je to tamo ostalo a Ukrajina nije naslednik SSSR prema tome ne podleze sporazumu START ! .
Bilo je tokom 90-tih u nekim casopisima ( novinama ,onako novinarski ,rekli bi `jastrebovi iz Vasingtona` ) cak i vapaja da se proizvodnja B-2 nastavi do odredjenog broja koji bi mogao da garantuje brz i iznenadan napad na RF! Naravno samo novine mogu tako da pisu ali je istina da su Ameri zaista ispostovali potpisani sporazum tj. nije bilo dalje proizvodnje B-2 .
No ono sto su kasnije uradili ,uradili su smisljeno od samog pocetka a to je unistenje tamosnjih Tu-160 i Tu-95MS-16 koji su se morali vratiti u RF ( unisteno je 10 Labudova i 20 Medveda ) .Time su znatno oslabili rusku stratesku/atomsku / vazduhoplovnu udarnu moc. Pa ipak nakon svega toga kao sto rekoh ti sporazumi se postuju i kontrolisu tako da oni danas imaju 16 operativnih aviona onoliko koliko i Rusi imaju svojih Tu-160 u VVS .( u medjuvremenu su remontovali one vracene iz Ukrajine 8 komada ,6 koji su bili u RF od pocetka i 2 novoproizvedena )
Ono sto je Amerima B-2 to je Rujama Tu-160 a neko ce reci ,cek zar nije B-1B njegov pandan ???
Poslao: 11 Maj 2014 17:32
- Pridružio: 14 Jul 2013
- Poruke: 1097
Napisano: 11 Maj 2014 17:23
misaru ::Gledao sam sinoć neku emisiju na exploreru o b2 kakvo proseravanje to je strašno vatreno krštenje 99 na kosovu kao mi imamo savremene PVO sisteme i radare koji nemogu da ih otkriju pa kao podignemo 10 dvadesetdevetki istovremeno pa ih sve vijamo tuda po nebu a nemožemo da ih uočimo, pa posedujemo oko 90 operativnih lovački aviona naravno savremenih i sa svim tim nemožemo da dolijamo tom čudu tehnike , STRAŠNO STRAŠNO STRAŠNO dodje mi da povratim.Gledao sam ija i potpuno se slazemo!Otpad i od aviona i prenaduvanog filma
Dopuna: 11 Maj 2014 17:32
Jeste ray ban11 za amere je to avion san snova,to je bio i f -117,a sto se tice B1B nikako nemoze da bude pandan Labudovima.
Poslao: 11 Maj 2014 17:39
- MarKhan
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 10 Feb 2010
- Poruke: 3861
Па нису рекли ништа нетачно али фасцинантно је како Американци увек преувеличавају снагу својих противника и како увек драматично доживљавају рат против 950 пута слабијих држава.
Poslao: 11 Maj 2014 17:46
- Pridružio: 14 Jul 2013
- Poruke: 1097
MarKhan ::Па нису рекли ништа нетачно али фасцинантно је како Американци увек преувеличавају снагу својих противника и како увек драматично доживљавају рат против 950 пута слабијих држава.Pa oduvek su bili takvi da bi opravdali kuci gluposti koje su radili i rade.
Poslao: 11 Maj 2014 18:11
- ray ban11
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
- Poruke: 24212
Ma pustimo mi njih neka oni po svome ....
Nego evo nekih zanimljivih cinjenica
Citat:The B-2 has a crew of two pilots, an aircraft commander in the left seat and mission commander in the right, compared to the B-1B's crew of four and the B-52's crew of five.
Citat:B-2s, in a conventional role, staging from Whiteman AFB, MO; Diego Garcia; and Guam can cover the entire world with just one refueling.
Ovo je bas ono u njihovom stilu
Citat:The B-2's low observability is derived from a combination of reduced infrared, acoustic, electromagnetic, visual and radar signatures.
Poslao: 11 Maj 2014 18:29
- Pridružio: 14 Jul 2013
- Poruke: 1097
Stvarno su smesni,cak ni oni sami neveruju ili nece da veruju da stelt je samo delimicno smanjena radarska vidljivost,a ne potpuna nevidljivost.