Citat:On July 25, 2018, a JAS 39C Gripen fighter jet from the Swedish Air Force’s F 17 wing dropped a single 500-pound class GBU-49/B Paveway precision-guided bomb on a part of the burning forest. The fire around the range has been burning for two weeks already, threatening nearby communities and forcing evacuations.
“It's an attempt to remove the oxygen from the fire, which is only a possibility because the fire is on a military shooting range,” Johan Szymanski, in charge of the response to the fire, said, according to state broadcaster SVT. “Our view is that the fire is unique and because of this we must use unconventional extinguishing methods.”
Swedish authorities halted the firefighting for a period on July 18, 2018, based on these concerns. According to Szymanski, there were rules limiting personnel from getting within half a mile of the training area.
The emergency services turned to water bombing aircraft and helicopters instead. Unfortunately, likely due to a lack of personnel on the ground to take advantage of the water drops and get the fire under control, these missions had little impact on the conflagration.
“This was an attempt to solve a unique problem in a difficult-to-reach area,” Szymanski added. “Following the request ... we found that an attempt could be made [to bomb the fire].”
To be sure, the GBU-49/B, a dual-mode weapon with laser- and GPS-assisted Inertial Navigation System (INS) guidance systems, would have allowed the Swedish Air Force to focus their attention on a very specific point. The weapon’s effects were also limited enough to avoid creating any additional fires.
It’s not clear whether the Swedish government will call for more of these firefighting strikes in the immediate future. Szymanski did say that the operation validated the concept and that he or his colleagues might consider doing it again in the future.
Zna li se, konačno, ime onog genijalca u ministarstvu vojnom koji je otpisao naše kanadere? Da mu se lepo, u svoje i u ime grčke braće, nakršimo majke, ali sa pravom adresom!
Dok se to ne objavi, nema svrhe bilo šta pričati na temu protivpožarne avijacije.
Bilo je dosta apsurdnih situacija u svim vojskama ex-yu, ali taj je jedan od bizarnijih. Posebno nakon onih velikih požara koji su harali Srbijom prije par godina.
Toni ::
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Mene ta budaletina interesuje. Kao i svaka budaletina, veća ili manja, ima svoje ime i prezime. Vreme je da se objavi ime najveće budale na Balkanu. Utoliko pre što je prošlo više od dvadeset godina.