Poslao: 09 Mar 2019 12:05
- djox
- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 102019
Americka vojska povlaci iz upotrebe UH--60A i CH-47D,a kupuju ih vladine agencije
Citat:Fire-fighting CU-60 Black Hawks and CU-47 Chinooks
With the first Boeing CH-47D Chinooks and Sikorsky UH-60A Black Hawks being phased out and demilitarized by the US Army, the retired helicopters are first offered to US Government Agencies. Only if these agencies are not willing to buy the helicopters, they will be sold on the civil market. Although the US Army has demilitarized these helicopters, every new owner must fit-out their newly acquired helicopter with US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approved equipment.
At this moment, around 180 UH-60As are being sold to civil companies. Several of these companies, among others BHI, PJ Helicopters and Timberline Helicopters, are offering conversion kits in which Black Hawks are modified for fire-fighting purposes. Besides the upgrade of analogue cockpits into digital ones, a large water/retardant tank could be installed in the cabin too.
As most probably known, Coulson Aviation is a well-known US fire-fighter company equipped with a considerable fleet of fixed- and rotary wing aircraft. Coulson also designed their own water/retardant tanks in different sizes for use in their aircraft. Unical Group has a massive knowledge of aviation logistics, spare-parts, maintenance, repair and overhaul. Because Unical has bought several surplus US Army Chinooks and Black Hawks, both companies found each other and a new joint venture company was born: Coulson-Unical.
The Black Hawks and Chinooks will receive a new type designation, CU-60 and CU-47 respectively. The CU-60s will get a water/retardant tank with a capacity of 1,000 gallon (3,785 liters) while the CU-47s will get an internal tank of 3,000 gallon (11,356 liters). Both type of helicopters will get a snorkel so they can hover-above a lake or river to soak-up water. Coulson-Unical will be flying during this years fire-fighting season, but the internal tanks will only be placed from the 2020 season.
Poslao: 22 Mar 2019 01:29
- Skywhaler
- Legendarni građanin
- vampire and philosopher, po©smt, rhd©t
- Pridružio: 13 Dec 2013
- Poruke: 6024
- Gde živiš: Esgaroth
Хелени и добри стари ПЗЛ Дромадер...
Poslao: 23 Apr 2019 18:43
- Cigi
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 05 Jan 2011
- Poruke: 2880
- Gde živiš: Novo mesto
Be-200 Indigenous Engine Delays Drive Be-12 Life Extension
Citat:Following the order by the General Prosecutor’s office to cancel work on re-equipping the Beriev Be-200 amphibian aircraft with PowerJet SaM146 turbofans, Russia’s United Engine Corporation (local acronym ODK) has instead offered the Aviadvigatel PD-10, a scaled derivative of the recently certified PD-14, to power the twinjet. The defense ministry and United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) have accepted the proposal. As a stopgap, the defense ministry has ordered an upgrade and lifetime extension for the long-serving Be-12 amphibians. Developed in the 1950s, the Be-12 was in production until 1973, and nine examples remain operational.
Izabrali SaM146 ali je ministarstvo odbrane protiv je ima delova iz NATO. I sada idu na PD-10. I to sve kasni onda godinama.
Poslao: 23 Apr 2019 20:15
- Pridružio: 05 Feb 2018
- Poruke: 2311
Napisano: 23 Apr 2019 20:14
Dug ali potpuno ispravan put.
Nesto razmisljam o donosiocima odluka na zapadu. Ima onaj primjer o dva umirovljena britanca koji su glasali za brexit. Jasno im je da je to gubitak za britaniju ali im svejedno jer su u penziji. Tako i ovdje. Znaju da je pogresno ali im je svejedno jer nece biti na funkciji kad SHTF. Mislim na otan.
Dopuna: 23 Apr 2019 20:15
Btw, sudeci po gore postavljenom textu, djelovi su iz Ukraine a ona nije formalno dio otan