Poslao: 02 Nov 2017 10:10
- randja26
- Počasni građanin
- Pridružio: 06 Jul 2011
- Poruke: 886
The MiG-19PM removed the 30mm cannon of the baseline model and replaced them with radar and guidance equipment for the K-5 (AA-1 "Alkali") missile.
Poslao: 27 Jan 2018 09:13
- Skywhaler
- Legendarni građanin
- vampire and philosopher, po©smt, rhd©t
- Pridružio: 13 Dec 2013
- Poruke: 6022
- Gde živiš: Esgaroth
На другој слици је експериментални МиГ И-370Citat:During 1953, the MiG OKB launched the design of a single-engined tactical fighter which was to utilise a wing fundamentally similar to that of the twin-engined SM-9, forerunner of the MiG-19, work on which was proceeding in parallel. Officially designated I-370 and assigned the OKB appellation of I-1, the new fighter received a Klimov VK-7 turbojet rated at 3525kg and boosted to 5235kg with afterburning. The prototype was flown for the first time on 16 February 1955, but high speed performance proved disappointing. It was therefore returned to the factory where an uprated VK-7 engine was installed, this having normal maximum and afterburning thrust ratings of 3935kg and 6270kg respectively. With a new wing, the quarter-chord sweepback of which was increased from 55 to 57 deg, the prototype was redesignated I-2 by the OKB. Limited testing of the I-2 was undertaken during which design maximum speed proved unobtainable. A further development of the basic design, the I-3 (I-380), remained unflown owing to the non-delivery of its more powerful VK-3 engine. http://www.aviastar.org/air/russia/mig_i-370.php Citat:... Основные отличия истребителя И-1 от МиГ-19:
Стабилизатор подвижный с рулем высоты. Крепится к хвостовой части фюзеляжа в двух точках.
Передние узлы подвески соединены с электрогидравлической системой управления.
Руль высоты кинематически связан со стабилизатором таким образом, что при отклонении последнего руль высоты отклоняется в ту же сторону, но на больший угол.
Двигатель ВК-7Ф с регулируемым соплом. Установлены три фюзеляжных бака. Запас топлива - 2025 литров.
Вооружение: одна пушка Н-37 (боезапас 50 патронов) и две пушки НР-23 (боезапас 200 патронов). Пушки установлены на опускающемся лафете. Прицел АСП-4Н, фотоаппарат АФА-39.
Poslao: 12 Okt 2018 22:10
- Gavrilo Milentijević
- Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
- Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
- Poruke: 36033
- Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet
Bulgarian pilots next to MiG-19 fighters.
Poslao: 26 Avg 2019 20:29
- Gavrilo Milentijević
- Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
- Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
- Poruke: 36033
- Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet